Happy Easter! Church was not the same as Grace and Glory, but at least it was church. I hope God knew I'm up here in PA. No nap today (I'll need 2 or 3 tomorrow). It was nice to see Ralph on the way home (I even got a hug). Tomorrow, Mom goes up to Kat's for her weekly babysitting detail. The day will be wide open for the Bear and me. Love, P.
We had our Easter meal today for lunch. It was wonderful. The lamb was perfect. Mom did a great job. Barb is doing "real Easter" with her in-laws and Kat with hers. Mom & I will attend the local Church across the Lake (Meade, not Monticello). I must confess that I had to nap today - those boys can wear one out! Other than the nap (which was needed to REST), I have had a great day. Bear (Dad) gave me 2 new books to read, so I've started one. Rough life! Why is it that I'm retired? Love, P.
I'm now at my parents' house in PA. We are going to have Easter tomorrow rather than Sunday so everyone can come. Mom had planned on ham, but Kat out-voted her with a plea for lamb (gee, have I had any lamb lately?). Dad (the Bear) got us hard-shell crabs for supper tonight which were awesome. I'll be flying to Tammy's on Tuesday for a visit, and should be getting a special radiation appointment in Pittsburgh (for gamma knife) when I fly back up here. I had an uneventful ride up here involving Joan's car to MD and Mom's car the rest of the way. Will I be able to drive again? Love, P.
Each day seems to be longer than the one before it, but I'm trying to no longer take naps and I stayed up a tiny bit later last night. I guess I'll go to bed very soon tonight (it is only 7:35, but I'm whipped). I had the "add-on" scan of my brain today. It was scheduled for 11 and I got it about an hour later than that. Much better than the scan on Monday, though this one took longer (because they wanted cuts very close together). I felt like I was super-still forever. I'm heading to PA tomorrow to spend Easter with my family. I sure do love those guys! I will continue to write. Love, P.
I felt pretty good today. I had a friend take me out to do errands this morning. I then got to sit around and watch mindless TV until another friend came to pick me up for supper tonight. I was able to use up a frozen baked, stuffed potato and some fruit today at lunch. My weight still must be about 30 pounds more than what it should be, but as I get more energy, I'll be doing more. I figured while I was in NZ and Australia and on the fattening Decadron anyway, I might as well eat, so I did! Now that I'm home, it is a bit different. Love, P.
I sure feel better today than yesterday! There is something about those long, long waits that can make you crazy. Today, I had a much calmer day, though I was on and off the phone for most of it. I am so touched by all the new Guest Book entries! When I think of all of you logging on to see how I'm doing it really touches me. Thank you all. Love, P.
Well, I'm home again, after a VERY long day. MRI was VERY far behind, and I was an 'add-on'. I left here between 9 & 10 AM and sat and sat and sat, etc. for hours! It was horrendous. I finally got my scan around 2 or so, then got it read. My driver (thank you again, Joan D.) got me home just after 5PM! Good news on the scan - it looks better than the one before my operation. No new bleeding and TONS less swelling! My little spells (the vision thingy in my left eye whenever I shut it, the hearing blank-outs that I get very often, and the funny bilateral tremor of my hands) are likely to remain for some period of time, and maybe even forever, but shouldn't hurt me. Praise God for that! Well, I know it is well past my bath and bedtime, so I'm going to sign off now. Goodnight! Love, P.
Tomorrow is the big-ol' MRI - yikes! I can't be as bad as the big blood-filled tumor one of early March! This one will either be negative or just show some small thing that I won't have to worry about, right? Why is Katie wishing for a positive scan? That would not be good! She was either kidding or typed in an error twice. Will I sleep tonight? Probably not too well, but I could fool myself. Love, P.
I've been getting a little paranoid about my exam. I've had funny little flashes of light when I close my left eye for the past few weeks. I talked to Stefan about it and he had a good, logical explanation. However, a few days ago, I started getting blank flashes (lasting less than 1-2 seconds each), and last night, I started getting a tremor. I called Stefan tonight and gave him the story. He put me back on Decadron and will arrange another MRI on Monday. Was the surgery too easy? Am I getting worse again? This always happens on the weekend! My headaches are gone, which gives me a lot of relief, but I worry that the other symptoms are due to SOMETHING. Enough crisis talk! On to the good stuff - Lou & I went to the Fire & Rescue building to an indoor yard sale. Joan took me in to town today to see a movie (we saw "A Beautiful Mind"). Kathy brought supper. I am now going to take a bath and get to bed. Love, P.
A long, napless day today. I need to go to bed. I'm worn out right now. I'd love to be able to sit and type some fascinating things in here, but I'm much too tired. I'll put more in tomorrow (I hope). Love, P.
Today was very different than yesterday. I was picked up at noon and taken out to lunch, to the library, and to the grocery store. By the time I got back to my house, golf was on USA, so I decided to stay up and watch it. (By "stay up", I mean no afternoon nap) My supper invitation was for 6 PM (at Lou & Al's), so I headed there next. I am now at their house trying out Pop's computer. It seems to be working thus far! Love, P.
A completely lazy day today. Ah! 'Twas a very relaxing day. I did nothing all day. It was wonderful! Now tomorrow I will have to so some things. I'll have to get out and eat at the Eagle's Nest for lunch, go to the library, etc. I guess it'll make up for today's decadence. Thanks to all of you who put Guest Book entries in the last 24 hours - it is great to read all the nice comments. Love, P.
Today was my appointment with Dr. Gorsch. He was very upbeat and positive. He seems to think that I'm kicking this tumor's butt. Sounds good to me! I guess I still feel skeptical, because I keep thinking that the tumor is going to kick MY ass. We shall see. For now, I guess I'll just get out there and do more and think about dying less. Wow! Who would have thought that I could outlive this cancer for a long period of time? I need to be thinking about this one for awhile - it's just too weird right now! Love, P.
Today was a dull, boring day until Joan came over for a bit, and then Lou called with a supper invitation. It turned the day around. I did not get my butt off the couch to think about mailing my taxes, but remembered that I need a ride to the Post Office to mail them "Return Receipt Requested" anyway, so I'm off the hook for today! Love, P.
Hello, everyone. I had a very relaxing day today - watching TV, talking on the phone, and watching more TV. What a great day! Of course, nothing happened today that was exciting. All was rather dull and boring, but still a difference from the feeling that I was going to die just over a week ago! This feels better! Love, P.
I see that some of these Journal entries are put in quite late. I guess that is good, because it means I am up later each day. My left side of my head still hurts, but I can now finally lie on that side when I sleep. I have needed only rare Tylenol the last 2-3 days. I'm getting better and better each day! I have an appointment with Dr. Gorsch (MJH oncology) on Tuesday. I wonder what he is going to say? Lou & Al took me out today to shop (a little) and to eat (a lot). A perfect day! Love, P.
Today, I once again try to put in a few fancy words, but I can't. I only have a few things that happened to me, all were BORING. Yawn. I sat on the sofa and watched TV. I had a snack. I did not do much else. How very lame! I was hoping to have a great and exciting entry today, but I'm unable. Maybe tomorrow. Love, P.
Hi, everyone! Each day I feel a bit better. I'll feel like old hat by the time Spring hits next week. It was such a pretty day here today. I'm still napping each day, but I guess I need that. I am at least down to one nap a day from two. I went into town today with Kathy to visit Leslie Max for lunch. It was nice to see Leslie again (she's one of the Pathologists). Past my bedtime. Love, P.
Feeling MUCH better today! Amazing that I can feel so darn good today! I'm sending Mom home tomorrow. I have lots of others down here who (I hope) will take care of me. I now have an appointment with Dr. Gorsch (my MJH oncologist) for Tuesday of next week. The 82 (?) year old (is that true?) at UVA has looked at my MRI films and thought I could probably have some more gamma knife (localized treatment of a few spots in the brain). I'm holding off for now, for one reason, I still have a very sore head, and the second reason is that I'd much rather have Pittsburgh do the duty (if need be). Love, P.
Every day, I find it harder and harder to write something in this Journal. Then again, I am napping quite a bit, have nothing to do, and I'm trying to fill up a day with SOMETHING! Oh well. I'll keep trying. I went to the clinic to have my 1 week sutures out today. We then went to the Chinese restaurant for lunch. I had a nap which was too short. Grrrrr! Lou & Al invited us over for supper. Time for bed now after my bath. Love, P.
Each day I seem to be getting just a little bit better. Hooray! I had only one nap today (granted it was almost a 3 hour nap). Tammy left this morning, and I see that she made it home. I even paid a few bills today! Guess I will just try to live one day at a time. Love, P.
Down to one nap today! I went on my first field trip (the grocery store). Slightly less headaches today. Each headache requires less Tylenol. Love, P.
Still having headaches, though I do believe less often. I have not needed every 4 hour Tylenol (much less morphine). Mom & Tammy are riding herd on me, trying to keep me awake for several hours at a time. Got my 10 rolls of photos back today from the Lake Centre Pharmacy. Lots of organizing to go, but one of these days, I'll have it done. I'm only allowed a few more days of feeling sick before the gang cuts it off. Sigh! Love, P.
Barb left this morning. Tammy arrived this afternoon. I slept then and later. I was all ready to come up here and go to bed again, until I realized that I had forgotten to do this (oh so important) Journal entry from today. Still have headaches every day. Mom & Tammy are hoping they are just a bit less than they were before. G'night, mates! Love, P.
The hospital was driving me nuts! I was supposed to stay another day, but decided to leave a day early. It is so much easier to have family/friends around to help me out when I need it. I have zero energy, but Barb keeps reminding me that I had surgery only 2 days ago, so I guess I have an excuse. (How long will THAT one last?).. Anyway, I'm going to take a bath and go to bed. Love, P.
I had surgery yesterday which included the removal of fluid from my brain. My stay here has been very good. I plan to sneak out of here tomorrow sometime, though may stay until Friday, depending on how I feel. I still have headaches, some quite severe. Love, P.
After feeling so crummy, I went into the hospital today instead of tomorrow. I am now admitted to UVA. I've had another MRI, but they of course don't tell me what the results are. Now that I am a patient, I am kept completely in the dark .... Sometime tomorrow I will have an approximate 3-hour surgery. I hope it goes well. Love, P.
Kat came today. She had fun going through my tax data and preparations. Tomorrow is my "short cut" and I'll be going to the tax accountant. It'll be nice to get to the tax shelter. Love, P.
Hi. What a weird couple of days. I just feel tired and strangled. It'll be nice to have at least an opinion from a Neurosurgerical person! Tomorrow, I will go off to Church. I hope that tomorrow I have more energy than I did today. Love, P.
I had to go back to the Hospital today because I forgot to get my medi-port flushed yesterday. I slept most of the rest of the day. I did get setup for a neurosurgical appointment for Tuesday at UVA, which is good, because I have my tax accountant appointment Monday. I feel about the same as yesterday; no other news. Love, P. |