Guestbook Entries #301-400
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[400] Dear Pam: Good to talk to you today, if only briefly at the ProShop Eatery. We pray for you as you proceed on your upward climb to good health. Frank/Joan Sola
[399] Pam, I just read your journal entry, and I'm so happy that you are coming to the Medical Staff Reception. Yes, we do have those scallops wrapped in bacon. I, particularly, am fond of the shrimp. Lots of new docs to introduce. If you get tired, you can always come out and hang out with me. My stepson feels the same way you do about Jeff Gordon - wimp and whiner! Glad you had fun at the race. I must say I fell asleep before the end. Looking forward to seeing you. Pat Robertson
[398] I know the fourth H.P. book is long, but be careful. There is no way to stop reading it once you get to the last 5 chapters. Both of us had to stay up late once we reached the Third Task.
You sound like you're doing great. Keep up the good work.
Glenn & Rosanne
[397] Hi Pam!
Glad to hear you enjoyed the race and that you felt well enough to go. I think of you more often than I write lately but rest assured I think of you. Hang in there and I look forward to seeing you on your next trip to the old homestead on the lake.
Your Buddy Marty
[396] Pam: I am so glad I finally got to meet you. Wasn't the race great! Next time we get tix I'll keep you & Barb in mind again. You hang in there, I'll keep you in my prayers. Oh, by the way if I find those nascar socks I'll get you a pair. Fondly, Patty H.
[395] Pam We miss you at MJH. Please keep writing the journals. Hope to see you soon.
Love Steve
[394] Hi Pam, I went to High School with your Mom. Our school pictures are right next to each other in the year book.I have the job of finding our classmates for the 50th reunion and I just found her.She told me of your website and I have been looking through it. You are certainly putting up a great fight, keep it up. Winston Churchill's motto was "Never give up,never,never,never... give up!" I have Lymphoma cancer that was discovered very early because I was going to be a kidney donor for a friend (we both have the same rare blood type) when it was discovered I was rejected.So for now I just get checked once a year, the Dr. wants to leave it alone unless it starts to spread. My friend eventually found a compatible donor and is doing well.Keep on fighting! Jim Heron,
[393] Pam:
I hope you have (had) a wonderful time at the race! What about that guy by the name of Stewart -- was he racing? I just looked on TV at the crowd and thought I saw you and Barb!!!!!!!!!!! Ha.......Ha. I will stop by after church and bring you the Eucharist. If you don't answer the door, I will know that you guys didn't get home until ? AM.
God loves you and is preparing you to be a gift to those to whom you minister.
Rest well,
Pastor Bill
[392] First of all, you better be buying the right kind of bottled water (Deer Park, Poland Spring, etc.), or it may make your vomiting worse. As far as the whining about having to buy it, if I needed to hear that, I could just call mom. Anyway, sounds like things are going better (we all know you have to be at your best at the races, you never know who you will meet), and you are making progress against those nasties. Keep it up. Our thoughts and prayers are with you. Love, #3 and family
[391] Hi Pam,
Glad to hear things are going better. Hope you and Barb have a wonderful time. We will miss Barb this weekend but it's ok since she's with you. I'll be keeping the prayers coming! Dar
[390] Hi Pam! Glad to hear that the #3 value meal stayed down. Aren't you glad that you had the fluid !!!!!!! Have a great time at the races. We'll miss you Sun, but will say an extra prayer for you. Barbara and Dick
[389] Hi Pam, I guess you know that I changed jobs or I would have run up to see you while you were in the hospital. But I try to keep up with your "progress" through your web site. I am keeping you in my thoughts and prayers. Stay Strong. Love, Rhonda
[388] Hey Dr. Pam, I take from your journal entry that the Kytrel and extra fluid bolus helped with the n/v. I'm relieved for you. It was just a thought that popped into my head about purging those bad cells out. I would much rather invision the warmth of love and prayers wrapped around you when the n/v and chills hit. I truly don't believe the cancer cells are hanging around if you miss the purging. Your courage and all the prayers from family and friends are doing their part by increasing your strength daily. Hang in there and have a great time at the races this weekend. My prayers and positive thoughts are with you always. Love, Missy
[387] Dear Pam, Where are you? It's 9:40 PM Thurs. and you have not signed in yet today. I do pray that all is well and you are just having too good a time to get to your journal. Love ya, Mernie
[386] Hi Pam,
Hope your strength is returning. What's this about a race on Saturday. I know that you will have a good time if strength is provided.
May God continue to give you the Grace to wake up each day with hope and "spring" in your life.
Prayers continue.
Pastor Stewart
[385] Hi Pam! I last logged on on the 30th. That really, really bad day. I've been thinking of you often since then. I'm thrilled to hear that things have been looking up (alot) since then. Sounds as if you're feeling better - yeah! Next thing you know you'll be out golfing by the weekend. Have a great time at the race, hope you and Barb do some good sisterly bonding. Tracey
[384] Hi Pam, Thinking of you and praying for you. You are a wonder and wanted you to know it. Hang in there. Love, Bob & Flo Strohmayer
[383] Pam,
I hope you remember me from the Carlisle Hospital ER. It's Kim Deihl from the back office. I sat in that little tiny office beside Connie Kuhn. (Remember, I bought your sofa before you moved.) Everyone in the ER is praying for you. I know we didn't work together very long, but from what I remember you have the determination and willpower to beat this thing. You have proved that just by starting this website. You are a very courageous woman. I will keep you in my every prayer and I will visit you website often to check on your progress. - Kim Deihl
[382] wow, over four thousand visitors. We love you katie
[381] Hi Pam- I hope you remember me. All of us who worked with you were so shocked to hear of the news. You wouldn't even believe the people who are thinking and praying for you. I can't believe you have been dealt these cards, but I know from long ago that you have everything you need to fight this. Thanks for coming up with the web site-it was a great idea. We were working in the ER this morning and pulled it up right in the nurses station. You have a lot of people pulling for you. Take care-Sue Keiter,RN Carlisle ED
[380] Hey, Pam! It sounds like you're a little better today. :+) When you & Barb go to Richmond, look for my daughter & son-in-law! (They're the cute newlyweds!) I'll be thinking of you, and looking for everyone-if I can- from Alabama! Take care. lolta- Marcia G
[379] It was good to see you at MJH today. Knew it was just a matter of time before we ran into each other there. Hope by the time you read this you are feeling better. Carol Benske (Grace & Glory Church)
[378] Dear Pam: Still holding you up in prayers. Wrap them around you when the chills hit. With love in the Lord and the Certainty of HIS healing power, Frank/Joan Sola
[377] Cuz- I'm sorry I haven't been keeping in touch, but I wanted you to know that I think about you and say prayers for you all of the time. Bell's Best Brew is on its way. Love- Em. P.S. Stripes sends his "meows" and purrs.
[376] I am so glad to hear the good news. I have worried and prayed for you all weekend. I will continue to pray but I think I'll back off of worry for a while, it is exhausting. I will keep checking your website to see how you are doing. Sue M.
[375] Pam.....Just heard about your website, and very shocking news of what you have been going through by Tracey Rush, R.N (remember us? Carlisle E.R.) Have been spending the last hour or so reading your journal. Your website is great! And you look great! Stay strong and think positive, you will be in my prayers. I still think of the times we spent in fast-track together (you counting down the time in 15 min increments until we were out of there!) They are talking about bringing fast tract back again, want to come back and work with us? HaHa ! Keep up you courage....will stay in touch, and keep myself updated on your IMPROVEMENTS through your journal. Thinking of you........Carol Knarr LPN (Carlisle E.D.)
[374] Hey Dr. Pam, We all loved seeing you last week on your "walk". Thank goodness for Moms. I'm sorry to hear about the N/V. But, just try to imagine each time it hits, all those nasty cancer cells and the chemo being purged from your body. Sounds kinda gross, but at least there will be a reason for the bad times. Hang in there, and please know you are in our thoughts and prayers daily. Love, Missy
[373] Dear Pam, I hope you are feeling better. I hope it helps you to know that hundreds of people are out here praying for ya! I'm leaving Wednesday for a visit to my sister-in-law's, but you can bet that I'll still be checking on you! Take care, lolta. Marcia G P>S> Does #4000 get any special recognition? (I was #3997 ;+( ) mg
[372] Hi Pam, Sorry about yesterday. I know how you feel when you say about being brave. Everyone things you look fine , however !!!! , know different. Keep up good work, you'll make it, send those c cells on their way. See you on Thurs. Barbara and Dick
[371] Hi Pammy!
Hope 9/3 is a better day for you. Wodered if the weather down there is as nice as it is up here. Don't worry about the liver, you can kill that with wine. Thinking of you often.
[370] Hi Pam, We went to a block party last night on Curtis Drive. Dottie from LMPOA office was there and asked how you were doing. I gave her an update. She's keeping positive thoughts & prayers for you. My sister is visiting from Chicago. She's the Grandmother of the miracle twin baby girls. We're just going to hang out around the lake & have some fun in the sun...if it ever comes out. Type at you later. Love, Connie
[369] Pam,
Thinking of you and sending our thoughts and prayers. Sandy, Brian , Krista and Megan
[368] Pam, this is the first time that I've visited the site. My Grandma (Haha Stambaugh) brought it to my attention in the lastest family letter. I just want to say that your determination and heart is an inspiration and an example on how to stare down adversity. You are in my prayers. God bless.
Will Tolbert
[367] Hi Pam, keep up the good work. Eleanor
[366] Pam, The kunkels have been following your progress and sympathizing with your downs and celebrating the pluses. Keep up the good fight. Carolyn and Mint
[365] Hey Pammy!
Glad today was a better day. You had me nervous yesterday. I talked to your dad at lunchtime and all was looking well and then boom. I'm looking forward to an even better tomorrow. Want you to know that I said a prayer for you between holes. Helped my game too.
Hang in there sweetie!
[364] Hoooray! Awesome news. Hang in there. Rest up and let your body bounce back. Good thing you had all those delish meals at Mom and Pops (#2). Hopefully all that food will tide you over until week two of recovery! Love Ronni Dave and the Boys.
[363] Dear Pam, GREAT NEWS!! - let's go with the "No Tumor" opinion and take it from there. That's what prayers are for. Love, Dick & Claire
[362] Hi Pam! Glad to see todays entry is better than yesterday. You know you can beat this with all of the prayers and help out there. I'll see you next week. We got home Wed night, not a pleasant trip , and it is good to be back at LM. Love, Barbara and Dick
[361] Dear Pam I'm so glad to hear the good news. You know your never far from our thoughts and prayers. Love, Nina
[360] PAMELA
Fantastic!!!!! Keep up the good work. Keep fighting.
[359] Dear Pam: HOORAY! What good news, after yesterday's downer. That hard-working body of yours needs a bit of time to recoup, and it will do so, and then LOOK OUT, Melanoma! See you soon at home. Love, Irma F.
[358] Whew! Great news - those prayers are working. Keep it up - you will lick it yet. How about golf in November? Love, Janie
[357] Pam, I will pray for you with the most earnest of hearts. God is always listening and God is always with us, at every moment, the good and the bad. Through God alone life's events are bearable. We love you. Sarah and Sue
[356] Pam, It seems that the strength I have seen in you, plus the prayers and love of your friends and family form an unbeatable team. And it's all working for you! We're all hoping for more greaat times soon. Love, Arlene
[355] Don't be scared Pam. God is always in charge and hard as it may be for us to understand he knows what is best. Prayers are going out asking that this thing will pass. You are a fighter, do not give up. Sandy
[354] Hello Pam, You must really hunker down and "sway" - remember my Mom's advice... Now granted you're probably lying down most of the time, but rocking is very close to swaying. You have to take control and send those vibes internally. You are one tough cookie and while you may not feel strong physically, your mind is a very powerful remedy. We are ALL very focused on you and your recovery! We LOVE you VERY MUCH XOXO, Ronni and Dave and the boys.
[353] Dear Pam - You need more prayers, you've got more prayers. Try not to get too worked up over this new glitch - just keep up the positive attitude and it will all work out. There are too many of us fighting and praying for you; just revel in all of the good vibes and hang in there.
We're back; Alaska was great. Love, Claire and Dick
[352] Pam, We're praying for you and with you. Love, Connie & Marty
[351] Pam - that can't be.. You were doing so well. Prayers are on the way. Love you, Janie
[350] Oh, Pam. Hang in there. I'm praying so hard, I have a headache. They will soon have to send an Angel down to get me to knock it off, so they can get stuff done in Heaven. They will have to say "we hear you...enough, already!" I am trying to WILL your body to create more white cells and more platelets. It can work on killing those two remaining cancer cells next week. Right now it has to get busy rebuilding its good parts. And don't worry about the liver. It is NOT melanoma. They were wrong. I know they were. You need to get a second opinion on it (other than mine, of course), but don't waste time worrying about it now. Work on getting better. They stopped the chemo so that your body can get its counts back up. And it will. Just don't let anyone breathe near you until then! I would come down there tonight if I thought it would do more good than harm, but what you need is to be left alone without germ-carrying visitors. Bob & I will be waiting and watching for news of your rebound. Love, hugs & prayers, Kat
[349] Dear Pam, You are in my prayers as well as in many others'. Love, Martin
[348] Dear Pam: Always darkest before dawn. We're praying more fervently than ever for you to get the liver lesion in check. Love, Frank/Joan Sola
[347] Hey, Babe! I just wanted you to know that I'm getting the word out in Sumter about your temporary setback. Many prayers are being said for you this afternoon. Hang in there. Tammy
[346] Pamela
Keep fighting! I'm sorry your hepatic lesion is cancer, but don't give up. You are always in my prayers.
[345] Hey Dr. Pam, The week is flying by for me. I hope it is for you with cycle #3. I will try to stop by and check on your mom to see how she is sdoing with cycle #3. We wouldn't want to wake sleeping beauty while her knight in shining armour (Chemo) fights the dragons to their death (bad cancer cells). Prayers and positive thoughts for you as always. Love, Missy
[344] Hi, Pam. Sorry to hear that you are so sick. Sounds just lousy. You are in my prayers ALL THE TIME. Keep your chin up! Love, urs.
[343] Hi Pam! You've gotten over "hump day"! It'll all get better after today. (I agree with Connie- sleeping IS better!) Take care! Marcia G
[342] Hi Pam, You are half way through Phase 3 now and it sounds like you are more tired thatn sick. Poor Mom, sitting there reading all day long while you are sleeping and knocking out those cancer cells. Thinking of you all the time and check your websight daily. Not much to say, but pray for your complete recovery. Love to you , Margie, Barb and Kat - and to Carl too, who is at home taking care of "My Dog", Janie P.S. Did you know that we have a puppy now? "My Dog"!! No really, her name is "Doorie" and the name has a long story for some time in the future. What a cutie though - a cockapoo with more poo in her. Nancy has her brother, and you would not know they are related.
[341] Hello Pam. I've been following your progress on the website as often as I can. Glad to hear your scan results were so good Pam. Keep fighting! You're doing a great job. I hope this round of Chemo is more forgiving than the last! Good luck, Shelly (friend of Barb's)
[340] Pam, Sleeping is better than barfing anytime!! Have sweet dreams of Super Sized Extra Value Meals. The high body temperature is undoubtly melting those bad cells away. Connie S.
[339] thinking of you. Declan has two teeth and is trying to sit up Katie
[338] Hello sleepyhead! I've always said you are one "hot mama", with or without chemo! We just sent Mom and Pops on their way. Two stops then back home (I think about the time you get there). School starts tomorrow for 2 and hopefully for the 3rd in a week. We are all thinking about you and are ready to knock out the rest of those nasty devils. So rest up while the chemo and all of us do our thing... wham, whack, bam,....etc... (love Ronni, Dave and the boys)
[337] Dr. Pam,
Thank-you so much for coming to my games. We came in second in Division II U-12 girls. We all got trophies! I'm glad u got to see me play.
[336] Hi Pam! A quick hello! Hope this week and this cycle go by quickly. I'll do my best do keep up the notes but my daughter starts school (kindergarten) tomorrow so I know that life is going to be getting more hectic shortly. If you don't hear from me, I'm thinking of you and praying for you. Keep up the great attitude. Tracey
[335] Hi Pam! I made it back to work today, but I'm all discumbobulated (that bus trip wreaked havoc on my body...and I gained 4 lbs.-just fluid, I hope). I hope you fly through this week..hey it's Tuesday ALREADY! Did you bring that no rinse shampoo with you? Let me know how it works. I'll call you later, Love Barb
[334] Hi Pam, Sorry it took me so long to find your page but my computer skills have something to be desired.
Walt and I have been praying for you and your family through your ordeal. I know it took us awhile to connect at Lou & Al's but we made it. Walt and I enjoyed visiting with you and hearing about life in the ER. We are pulling for you knowing what a fighter you are. You know we only bet on a sure thing when it comes to winning and we know you will be a winner.
I see the Fudge fairy frequently. If Walt and I get to VA. this winter I bet she will send another batch of that scrumpious delight for only your eating pleasure.
We are on our way to see my daughter Colleen and her husband Jeff in Kalispell, Montana after Labor Day. I hope it is still warm because I am not ready for cold or snow on the mountain tops. Have you visited this area of the country? We will bring pictures with us if we get to VA this winter.
Smile---things are going to get better with all the help of family, friends and the Man upstairs. Love, "Aunt" Maureen and Walt
[333] Hi Pam, They say the third time is the charm. I pray that this is it for you. Keep pluggin!! Dar (Friend of Barb)
[332] Hi, Pam. Just wanted to let you know that we're still thinking about you & keeping you in our prayers. I've gotten a LOT of questions about the ribbon- I wear it almost everywhere. ( Thanks, Barb!) And I've taken that opportunity to tell people about the website. Hang in there- this round will be over before ya know it! lolta- Marcia G
[331] Hi Pam, just read your message that you're at MJH. Hope to get by Thursday. You shouldn't be too ripe. Guess what, made the soup today. Put your's in the freezer for when you get eat veges. Looks like with everyone out there storming heaven with their prayers--and of course your spirit--those evil spirit cells will be gone, hopefully to that cemetary! Hugs. Hang in there. Nancy and Jim.
[330] Pam, It's Mon. night and you are probably feeling lousy again. We leave tomorrow for Melissa's and then on Thursday I will deliver Paul's special brew to Lake Meade to await your recovery from this round of chemo. Found my copy of Business Week 8/13. Do you want it? Love you, Mernie
[329] Good luck with the Chemo. At least this time you know its working -- that may be some comfort, though thinking rationally while feeling like %$#&* won't be easy. Zap them bad cells.
Glenn & Rosanne
[328] Hey, I know you dread getting going again on the chemo, but based on your results with the first two cycles I'm betting that these two will do the trick, and then you can get back to the fun things in life, like golf (hmmm) and work (oh, yeah). Hang in there, Girlfriend, this will be over soon and you will emerge victorious and strong! Love, Tammy
[327] Hi Pam:Guess you and your Mom will be back here today sometime. I will be working almost all day tomorrow at the hospital so will look you up and maybe your Mom and I can get together. Marilyn, Dorothy and Dee just left. Marilyn's house is beginning to take shape. See you tomorrow. Love and prayers. Joan
[326] Hi Pam, Guess you know that the gazillions of people who care about you....yes, many you've not even been aware of ... . well one of the things we "need" is do DO something. I finally had something I could do. And I failed! My mission was to find the August 13 issue of Business Week for the article about Dr. Kirkwood's work on page 73. The plan was to go through the trash. I keep the "wet" separate from the dry and I do this now and then when I can't find something. No biggie, actually. So I went out into the darkened garage and reached into the garbage can. Down, down, down. There was nothing there. No old trash. I failed. damn and boo hoo.
Just had a thought. Will see if they have artilcles on line. If so, will get back to you. p.s. Hope you enjoyed the Harry Potter books. I'd r ead the 1st 2 and could hardly wait 'til amazon delivered the 3rd last summer. They're for my grandchildren. But they know I have to read them first. It was great "seeing" him, and his friends again. I never remember the names of things but I can visualize the great hall, the hallways with the wonderful portraits, the classrooms, etc. (As a result I will not see the movie. What if "they" didn't visualize everything the way I do?)
p.p.s. Have decided "my" cancer cell is a vampire. It kept coming back. And then I devised a teensy wooden stake.
love, Holly (Holly Kruper, across the cove from your mom and dad.)
[325] Pam - when I agreed to watch over a client's ISP and hosting computer network while they went to Texas for a few months, I had visions of me rebuilding a server while he talked me through it over the phone. I didn't really think it would happen, though. But yes, there I was, taking apart and reconfiguring a computer and re-installing software until 10:30 last night. The scarey part is that it is actually working again, and seems to be running better now than it was when he left! - Kat
P.S. - we'll see you Sunday!
[324] Hi Pam! I've finished getting ready for my 5:30 am bus trip to Bristol, but had to check on you one more time (it's 10:15pm Thurs) Antoinette is at the Ravens game tonight, and won't get home til about 1 am (I hope she doesn't oversleep!) Watch for me Sat. night-backstretch, between turns 2 & 3 on (TNT). Mom's stopping by for a bag of stuff I have for you for this next round. I'll call you Sunday night.....And you too, Kat! Love you (both), Barb
[323] Hi Pam! I was on vacation last week with no email access. Sounds like you had an awesome week. I see your sister Barb about every other week and she promises to get me a polka dotted ribbon. I plan to wear it in my office and tell all my overbaked patients about my friend Pam and the dangers of sun worshipping. Congrats on the great reports. It's nice to hear you sounding so optimistic. Love Tracey
[322] Pam
I'm so happy you had such a good report from your oncologist in PA!!! The old PAM seems to be coming back, who is upset about starting work because she may miss a trip. I have never been to AUSTRALIA!!! Keep up the good work. I'm glad you finally saw the true value of Barb.
[321] Wow your webmaster is really cookin' with this new approach to archiving older entries. Back in CT now - trying to re-acclimate. Miss seeing your smiling face. For those of you who haven't seen Pam lately, she looks as great as she sounded in her 8-22 entry. Her energy level may be low but her wit is still as sharp as ever! Our family gatherings in VA are all-the-better with Pam in the bunch. Although she has been known to "milk this thing", she may even get my vote to be #3.5 (and I'm married to #3). Hey Pam, every little bit helps. Keep us posted and enjoy your added week off! Love Ronni (and the Boys)
[320] Pam, can we drink margaritas the first night in the hospital before the nausea sets in?? I'll bring a flask of my special brew in the pocket of my lab coat. Noone will suspect me!!! Soooo glad you got such a wonderful report in Pittsburg today. Wow, what a ride you are on! But you never were ordinary...better get used to more colorful times in the ER. Love, guess who. P.S. If your having trouble figuring out who this is, I'll give you a hint: I still haven't figured out how to send you a private email!
[319] Oh Pam....I forgot to tell you that in golf 75% of the golfers I know in every foursome are losers. So see you only have to win once in a while to be average. For a boost, play your mother. Just Kidding.
[318] Hi Pammy!
Well I have to say I'm sorry for being a little bad in not sending you a note in the past week. Its been a bear of a last 1 1/2 weeks. I won't bore you with the details but I logged 3000 miles on the ground, 70 on water ( Not Walking I might add ) and 4 Plane legs for about 2400 miles. But that being said, never fear I've been checking on you almost daily and you make me happy with your comments. Keep up the attitude as that is as good as the Chemo and mix in the prayers you can't lose ( except at golf ).
Take care!
Your Buddy Marty
[317] Hi, Pam! What a woman! Not only are you well on your way to beating the big C, but you can get around the big 'Burgh!! I am very impressed! I'm looking forward to getting my ribbon- I may stop in at work on Thursday, even tho I have the day off. Barb is pretty special to us, too! lolta- Marcia G.
[316] Pam, You have no idea how much I love you, and I got totally teary at work when I read your latest entry (had to fix my contact lens, blow my nose, wipe off my running mascara, and explain why I'm crying to everyone). Mom & I are going to 'ribbon assembly' tonight at their house, so the Yorkers will be wearing them tomorrow (and I get dinner!) You are my biggest Hero. Love Barb
[315] Pam -- It was so good to see you today. I think you look terrific. That spark is back in your eyes and that smile has always been there. We're still praying for you and as I told you -- expecting a miracle. Our God is an awesome God. One of the verses we have learned at church this year is Phillipians 4:13. "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me." God is with you and we're seeing marvelous results. Keep stopping by to see me and I'll stop by to see you when you start your chemo at MJH. Love, Pat Robertson
[314] Hi Pam. Dee and I got the great news from Joan Godsey on the phone yesterday (Sunday). We were so happy to hear about the test results. We'll be down this weekend to see my house (first time since they started building) and I'm so excited. Get to tell them where to put the fans, outlets, and all that good stuff. Well, know Joan likes the Phil sympathy vote you guys have in common. Both Dee and I are Tiger nuts. Dee thinks she know what is wrong with him but I can't write it here!! Hang in there -- Hope to see ya soon, Marilyn Hale
[313] Hi Pam, Glad to hear of your good reports! Keep up the good work. Love, Eleanor
[312] Hi, Pam. It's after 10:30 pm, and your entry for today isn't on yet. I hope you had another good day. My daughter is a Rusty fan, so I haven't heard who won the NASCAR race- probably not Rusty! ** FYI--Watch out for those Firestone tires!!** I had a flat on the way home from Harrisburg today. The side blew out. No accident, thank God! Take care, and I'll check on you tomorrow. lolta, Marcia G
[311] Hi Pam:Well we have to wait until next year for our guy Phil!!Not a bad way to spend your day just lazing around. Dee and Marilyn are delighted with your latest medical report. I didn't know they had written to you. Neat!! Love and prayers Joan
[310] Hi Pam, I was just checking back in and am thrilled to see you are doing so well. I do hope someone is making your favorite chicken salad sandwiches for your lunch. Don't forget the carrots and chips!! I had to have a friend come over and take all of the games off my computer. I would aim to get on the net but would succumb to spider solitaire. I'm done my withdrawal phase and am mobilized to re- connect. Continue to fight Pam and I and all of your friends will continue to pray for healing. Love, Katie
[309] Dear Pam, Back from 10 days and just catching up. Terrific news. Hope you continue to feel better every day. I am getting used to seeing my old initials used. MJH. Good sign. You'll have lots more visitors for Round 3. Do you keep a guest book next to your bed? I had an EAGLE last week at Sliding Rock! Won't bore you with the details now. Love you. Aunt Mernie
[308] dear pam--cant believe you have over 3,000 entries, but why should it amaze me - you e such apopular person. tomorrow - sunday 8/19 is the fire and rscue tournament and we are all thinking about you with prayers and good wishes. maybe ill see you at mjh this week, tho i am expecting some of my family. my son t.j. 44, who lives in maryland has to go in for a heart catherization. hope all comes out well. pam, we love you. take care. evlynn and jack murphy
[307] Pam, I thnk my computer has finally caught up - I read 3128 now after being stuck on 928 for weeks. Didn't even kow I had a refresh icon - now found that. Bought a new vacuum cleaner today that matches my blue IMac. Like the color and the looks but don't know how either of them work too well!! So anyway - sounds mind boggling that you are flying out to Pittsburg for a day and then coming back to MJH for your next phase. It should be nice to be in your own hospital. You'll get alot of attention but will be a lousy patient!! Okay - kill tose cancer cells this time around . Looking fowrard to seeing you soon. Love ya, Janie
[306] Hey, I like the idea of pushing the cycle back a week. There's some time in there for golf now! Remember, "Feel-good" golf only! You must keep those stress levels looooooow! Love ya, Tammy.
[305] Just so delighted to hear you are responding so well. We continue to pray for God's healing presence in your life...looking for the absolutely smoothest way out! Blessings, Frank/Joan Sola
[304] Hey Dr. Pam I truly believe in miricles with the power of prayer. Yipee!! You look great, I even saw that sparkle of mischief in your eyes yesterday. Or was that the anticipation of a #3 value meal? Hang in there, we are all here to help as needed. I hope your mom and friend from home have a safe trip back . Love Missy
[303] Pam -- so glad to hear the good news. We know you are a fighter. Our thoughts and prayers are with you. -- Ann & Ralph
[302] Pam, Congratulations on todays wonderfull news. You certainly have shown wonderful courage in fighting the nasty demons. I guess between Chemo and everyone's prayers miracles do happen. Hope to see you soon. Keep up the good work,and come for dinner some night soon. Love, Barbara and Dick
[301] I KNEW IT!!! That is Wonderful news! We will continue to keep you in our thoughts & prayers! (This time with thanksgiving, too!) lolta- Charlie& Marcia G