Guestbook Entries #901-1000

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[1000]  Hi Dr. Pam! Hope you are feeling better today! How was Australia? I wish I could have come with you. Just finished with my homework, it seems like it will never end! Hope to see you this summer at Grandma's! ~Krista

Yes, Pam, even the guy whose website link I sent you had contacted his Senator after leaving his interview with Social Security. You should contact yours & get them to pull for you. Love, Kat

Hi Pam. This is from Tom and Haha, who is visiting Texas -- "and having a good time." When Dave was rejected by SS, as everyone is, he contacted Senator Richard Lugar. He took care of us. So get out those political contacts... that's why we hire those folks in Washington! Hope your golf game is improving and your bubble baths are just as soothing. Have a good week.

Hi, Pam! It sounds like you're doing okay with the SS stuff. I, for one, don't think you'll be rejected, but, if that's the case, maybe we can ALL go along in with you for your next appointment. There's strength in numbers, right? On another note, I sent you something to keep you occupied on the occasional rainy days. Have fun! lolta Marcia G

Hi Pammy! Mom and Pops arrived safely and are making home improvements already! I leave Monday and so with 4 sheets of instructions they are ready to go. They'll need a vacation when they get home!! We miss you and wish you could have come, but we will see you either in July or sooner if you're up to it! The new room is done and Mom's helping with the finishing touches. It'll be perfect for your next trip up. Mom says to behave yourself... Don't shoot the messenger! Love ya, Ronni

4/27 Sorry you had to spend so much time gathering up all that information for the SS. Fortunatrly you had good warning that you would most likely be rejected. Now you know what to expect when you go back for your appeal (not much!) You'll zip through the next one if you didn't make it this time. Meanwhile think reunion here in Gloucester June 23rd. Stay well. Love, Janie

Hi Pam, Good Luck tomorrow (Fri,) Just act natural and relax! If at first you don't succeed, try, try again, but think positive. I'll call you this weekend. Love, Barb

4/25 - Glad you are doing well. You have a wonderful sense of humor. Good luck at the SS office. Chris M's Mom

Hi Pam! This is Molly & Tony, 14 hours behind and 1 day ahead of you. Always enjoy your journal and print out for Molly every few days. Molly said to tell you that she enjoyed reading about the SS questionnaire. They're the same as here! Must be a school somewhere, Tierra del Fuego maybe, where all the SS and Tax people in the western world learn how to require overwhelming sets of records of the detail that ordinary folk don't keep for more than a year or so. Plus they learn how to treat applicants as though they are stupid, regardless of academic record. To apply here for age pension, I was assked if I'd worked outside Australia. When I said 'yes', I then had to provide a record of every overseas trip I'd made for IBM. It took 13 pages to summarise 147 trips taken over 20 years from my passports. The assessor said, "Oh". Luckily, the SS and the Tax people in Australia are only allowed to require personal records be kept for seven years.

Hang in there, love M&T


I've been checking in on you frequently, just haven't had much to say (that's unusual). I see your April calendar is fairly clear - isn't that nice! No surgeries, chemo or radiation - Yeah!! Sounds like you're hanging in there pretty well. Good luck at the SS office.


I ventured onto the golf course today also. The only thing pretty was the weather --- 76 and sunny! Listen, I don't mind if my tax dollars are paying your cart fees. They could be going to worse use. Tammy

Dear Pam, We are off to Kingman, AZ tomorrow to visit friends. Flying from ALB to JFK to LAX to LAS. They will pick us up in Las Vegas. We fly home via San Jose & Chicago on Saturday. Lots of frequent flyer miles! We'll keep praying for you - and your SS visit Friday. Love, Mernie 4/23

Hi Pam, Marty & I were up in Rochester, NY for the weekend. My nephew has four kids under the age of seven. With your experience, I could probably get you a baby sitting job if you'd like. Kids are fun, especially if you can give them back to their parents!!! Love, Connie

4/23 Woops! Sorry for that long winded message to appear twice last night. Wanted to put in the date, but discovered I had to do it sooner not later. Cheers! Janie

Ms. Brothers, this is the Social Security Administration. We've been monitoring your journal.... this whole scam is obviously a ploy to bilk your Government out of hundreds of taxpayer dollars. Granted, you are one of those taxpayers and, granted, your taxes pay my salary, the point being... I'll have to get back to you.... Okay, I'm rambling. I'm making up for two weeks of not entering anything. But it did get you to call me! love, t

4/22 -Hi Pam, Hope you got my telephone message yesterday explaining the prayer shawl sent to you by a good friend from St Johns Church in Gloucester. There should have been an explaination and prayer inside to let you know that you were in her (Arlene's) prayers as she was knitting the shawl with a group at St Johns. I was touched whe she said that she wanted to send it to you. Wrap up in it as you watch TV in your air conditioned home this summer!! Had a great time in Williamsburg with your Virgilio cousins last week. Warm weather in VA all week and now back to rain and sleet today in MA. Glad to hear you are back out playing golf. Keep it up and keep getting better. Love, Janie

Hi Pam, Hope you got my telephone message yesterday explaining the prayer shawl sent to you by a good friend from St Johns Church in Gloucester. There should have been an explaination and prayer inside to let you know that you were in her (Arlene's) prayers as she was knitting the shawl with a group at St Johns. I was touched whe she said that she wanted to send it to you. Wrap up in it as you watch TV in your air conditioned home this summer!! Had a great time in Williamsburg with your Virgilio cousins last week. Warm weather in VA all week and now back to rain and sleet today in MA. Glad to hear you are back out playing golf. Keep it up and keep getting better. Love, Janie

Yea Pam!! You sound GREAT! When I read your journal I find myself smiling allot. I too am thankful for each day. When you meet with the SS folks take some pictures of you during chemo...and leave you wholesome glow at home :) Love Katie S.

You just had a day like I have when babysitting the grandchildren. I have to go to bed when they do. So glad you are feeling well enough to take all this on however. S. Ruffini

4/20 Hi Pam! I second some other posts, I will never stop reading, you can bore me all you want. As we know, excitement has it down sides. What's this @*#&$%!!?! about having to go back to your 1994 taxes? Does the guv'mint think you're malingering? I'm gonna have you write you a work note after all, aren't I? Send the beaurocrats to me- I'll take care of them!! Love, Julia

Pam Sounds like you are feeling much better. 18 holes of golf and a sleep over with two young girls. You had a very busy DAY. Why is my dear friend Drew calling me names on your web site? I will call him and discuss it with him. You never said what your score at golf was. How did you do? Jim

Hi Pam. I'm at work tonight with Dar and some others who always ask about you. Dar says Hi! Our other awesome sister came to visit "aunt Barb" this afternoon, and while I played with the kids, she built my retaining wall around the tree in the back of those projects that I had all the materials for, but no clue what I was doing or how to get started. Got it all done just before the big rain. Get some rest this weekend! Love Barb

Pam - It's wonderful to read that you're feeling better. 18 holes - wow! Last round of golf I completed I got hung up on the Windmill, as usual. Fish - if you read this guest book entry - call me. Fish never picks up his line. I think he's still playing the market from his PC and he's too cheap to buy DSL or a second line. I'd love to visit you. I'll try to coordinate with Le Poison. Love always, Beantown Drew.

4/19 Pam - you are truly amazing...I have not had a chance to check in on your site in a few days, and in one reading today, I find that you had the gamma knife and were playing golf in 5 days? You are incredible! I think God is keeping you around with us to be an inspiration - and you are! Take it easy, and keep fighting! - Chris

Dear Pam, We are getting the 90 degree weather way up here, too. Got our clubs out today and went to the driving range. Not good enough, so we played 9 holes and I should have stayed at the range. Good luck with the Feds. Love, Mernie

Hey, Pam- Don't take it personally- the Federal Government tries to make ALL of us crazy! Hang in there- things will work out. And, just for the record, I'd take snow over this heat. :+) lolta- Marcia G

Hi Pam, well here I am on nights, for good!!! Wish you were here!! I remember how much you loved those nights. HA HA!!!!!!!!!!!! Keep up the good work, miss you. Love, Belinda

Hey Pam! I'm glad to hear the gamma knife went well. Congratulations on the golf tournment. Keep your spirits up. Happy golfing. Luv, Tricia Toone

Great news! So glad you are feeling so well and back at the golf so soon. Do so hope you are cured. Now if they could only cure the golf. Keep writing the good news. I'll always read it. Lv, S. Ruffini

Keep those positive thoughts and feelings rolling - as I have said before, you shall prevail. Barb and Russ Godfrey

Pam Hi!! I will never stop reading. I'm so glad you are feeling better. Jim

Hello Pam. Glad to read that you are doing so well. Keep up the great attitude! Funny, how the rest of us take a beautiful day for granted! Shelly (Barb's friend)

Pam - we are so glad to hear that you are finally feeling better. You sounded genuinely happy and your old self again on the phone -- a level of animation in your voice that I haven't heard since before Australia. It sounds as though your body & brain are celebrating having finally knocked out the marauding invaders! Enjoy the party! Love, Kat, Bob, David & Andy

Nah, we'll keep reading. We know to expect bubble baths and extra value meals as the highlights, and we prefer those over the more nerve-wracking stuff. Go ahead, bore us. Love, Tammy

Hey, Pam! Of course we'll keep reading. How else would we know when the book is finished?? ;+} lolta Marcia G

Hi Pam, Congratulations on getting through Gamma knife II. I was away for the week and missed all of the excitment! Glad you are doing so well! I'll be in touch. Katie S.

Pam, Ralph saw your Dad today while he (Ralph not your Dad) was walking to the marina. He said you were doing well and your journal entry agrees. Glad to hear you are home and enjoying the spring weather. Ann & Ralph

Hey Pam. Got a call from Lynn today, and she said everything is good and that you'll be coming home soon. Chandler, Christian and Nana send their love along with me. Ed

Pam, I am so happy to know you are doing so well. Keep fighting and living life to the fullest! Rena

Hello Pam! Headache or not - You are amazing. You have endured so much over the year and have managed to keep all of us up to date every day. So glad Tylenol is doing the trick. Say hello to your Mom for us. We're sure those nasty little devils are ALL GONE now so rest up, you'll be back at your home in no time. Lots of Love, Ronni Dave and the boys.

Hi, Pam! You are right- despite the rain, it WAS a good day. I finally got to meet you! And, after looking at all the pictures, I have another thought for a hobby- photography! You have a great family to practice portraits on! I'm looking forward to seeing you again. lolta- Marcia G

Call when you get home...we've missed you! Love, Lynn

4/13/01 Hi Pam: So happy you did okay and are heading home tomorrow. Look forward to seeing both you and your Mom. Love and prayers. Joan G.


I have been at the ACP meeting and missed your journal this week. We missed you in Philly. Hope you are doing well. Good Luck


Hi Pam, busy night shift (maybe not too busy since I'm here checking out what is new with you). We all are thinking about you. Hello from all - Patty, Belinda, Steven Y., Steve Fetcho, Susie, Treacy I'm trying to keep your count down tradition going only I break it down into quarters - I'm not desperate enough yet to go to every 5 min.

Thanks for continuing to keep us all up to date, in spite of the headaches. We're praying.

I'm back at my part-time job, so let me know when you're ready for some golf at the "Big G." Love, Dick

Hi, Pam! Haven't been on your website for a while, but had to say hi, as I was thinking of popcorn, which always makes me think of you! Hope the good pain meds are really extra good! We are having fun getting into the warm weather mode around here! Hope we get some water in the lake soon! See you soon, I hope! Love, Lynn

Dr. Pam, Once again my prayers have been answered. What an inspiration you are to all of us. Chalk up one more battle fought and won. You surely do deserve a pain-free night, so take those drugs and have a great night!!!You continue to be in my prayers every night. You better start feeling better soon as the last two days have been in the 70s and sunny, and we all know how you love to play golf. Keep up your spirits and your sense of humor and most of all, your amazing will to fight!!! Tom also sends his regards and asks about you all the time. Love, Barbara G. (MJH ED)

Pam -- glad to hear the gamma knife is behind you. Rest so you have plenty of energy to watch the Masters. Ralph was unable to walk with me tonight so I settled for 30 minutes on the treadmill watching TV. Ann & Ralph

Hi Pam, You are amazing. If I had just had gamma knife surgery to my brain, I don't think I would feel up to writing in my journal, but for all of us who look in daily (and don't always write something) THANK YOU. People in my office ask about you and are praying for you. Once are A M A Z I N G. Love, Connie & Marty

Hi Pam, We meet your Mom today in the waiting area of the Gamma Knife. My Dad was also having the Gamma Knife. Your Mom told us wonderful stories about you as we were all waiting together. Keep up your good spirits and the fight to keep on going! Your Mom helped raise our spirits with inspiring stories of you! Linda Augustine - Pittsburgh, PA

pam, Thinking of you, good luck!! Love Katie, Sue and the boys

My fingers are crossed...Evie Miller

Our prayers will be with you tomorrow. Special ones that is, because we pray for you all the time. You are going to be everyone's miracle patient. Vivian Kendrick

Good luck tomorrow. Remember, drugs are goood! IV morphine is goood! Being an inpatient with lots of analgesics is goood! Remember that old saying, "No pain, no pain." (I think that's the way it goes.) Love, Tammy.

4-10 Thinking of you and hope all goes well. Praying for you. Chris M.'s Mom

Dr. Pam,

Thinking of you. we've been busy with play, dance and soccer. Our play is next week - it's Bye Bye Birdie. After play, it's dance competition and more soccer games. Take Care.

Krista and Megan

4/10 Hi Pam, You should be in Pittsburg now. Hope all goes well. We'll be thinking about you and pray that this will be the last procedure and that you will have licked it. We're going to Williamsburg on Saturday for vacation week with Nancy, Joe and Marissa. Hope to get some golf in - Nancy for the first time. She has never picked up a club before. Won't that be fun following us!! Love, Janie

4/10 Hi Pam - Good luck in Pittsburgh. If you are in the mood to see some more kids' baseball when you are back here in Central PA, let me know - Alex's team's opening day is the 27th, and if nothing else, T-Ball will make you laugh! God Bless!! - Chris

4-10-02 Pam: Hang in there. Will be thinking of you and saying some extra prayers. Love Joan G

Hang in there with the gamma knife treatments. It may be small consolation, but I bet your headache is not 4 times worse even though they are doing 4 times the work. We'll be praying for you in Dallas.... Evie Miller

Pam, Just sending wishes for a successful and headache-less procedure. We'll all be thinking of you sending our own gamma waves your way! I'll be on the West Coast (for biz) and Dave, on the East (with the kids) so our waves definitely got ya covered!!! Keep up your own postive vibes (remember to "sway") and you'll do just fine!! Lots of love, Ronni, Dave and the boys.

Pam, Lots of prayers for the 11th. Just stay off the courses for that day and rest!!!!Think of you often. Keep up the fun, humor and of course your stength. Miss ya as always in ED. Kathy T.

Hi Pam, thanks for the race result update...I didn't get to see any of it. I wish I could see you before your journey West. Want to go to a meeting about sinuses tonight? My every thought is with you, and I hope you can remenber the Good parts of this procedure, not just the pain and swelling. Love you! I'll call you at the hospital if you get me a number! Barb

Hi Pam, this is Dar, Barb's friend. Glad to hear that you are doing better. I also saw "Panic Room". I enjoyed it too. Keep on pluggin!

Pam - I'm glad your feeling better and you're back swinging the club. I probably missed my shot at beating you, now you'll have to give me several strokes, (about a stroke per hole). Nothing much happening here in Beantown, still waiting for Spring to arrive. Winter this year was milder. My in-laws gave us a digital camera because they were starving for pictures of the grandkids. Poor grandparents are suffering on the beaches of FLA this winter. I'd love to e-mail you some pictures. I'll see if the tech pro (Cathleen) is up to the task. Love, Drew

Want to wish you the best on the 11th. Bob and I always keep you in our prayers. Going to play golf down here tomorrow but not at our course as they are hosting some senior NC PGA event. Nearly got to 80 deg. today. Nice! Susan

Pam - So glad you and your mom stopped us during our return walk from the marina. It was really nice to see you and I can always use an excuse to stop walking and take a break. I probably would have asked for a ride home if I was alone. (Not really but I could be tempted) - Ann and Ralph

HI PAM, Marty played in the opening day breakast at the club on Saturday. You want to talk about didn't get above 40 until after noon. Marty said they had a good team, he thought they would win, but didn't. Usually Marty won't golf unless it's above 40 degrees and no wind. I guess he made an exception for opening day. I just dropped him off this afternoon at BWI for a trip to Ft. Myers, FL. He's working his way back north. Hope he brings some sun and warmth on his way. Good luck in PG. Love, Connie & Marty

Pam, I was just watching 60 Minutes about a doctor (Henry Freeman?) at Duke's Brain Tumor Center whose patients have 2 times the average survival rate, so I thought I'd check in to see how you're doing. I hope your brain surgery was a success -- you're so brave. Good luck on the 11th, and enjoy the spring weather! Say "hello" to Karen for me. Brenda Gacki

4/7/02 Hi Pam: Glad to hear you enjoyed your visit. You are in my thoughts and prayers so good luck in Pittsburg. Nothing much doing around here. I plan to try to play golf today. Last Tuesday was a bummer!! Love and prayers. Joan G.

4/7 Hi, Pammy! You are sounding more and more like your old self. It must be the thoughts of spring and golf? Don't let the daylight savings time get you all out of sorts--it always does me that way for a few days. Good luck on the 11th. Love, Viv and Joe

Hey Pam, Good Luck on the 11th. You continue to be in my prayers. Play golf every chance you get, Go get'em! Katie S.

Dear Pam, So what if your golf game isn't up to par. At least you got out there. We got a couple inches of snow last night. Maybe I can play when we get back from Melissa's (4/8-4/16) where we will be babysitting for a week. I think she is still off-line, so I will wish you the very best with your trip to Pittsburgh now. God Bless. Love, Mernie

Hi Pam, the night shift says HELLO! We are having a mahvelous night. Belinda, Sam, Micah, Jill, and Patty are all here. Micah says he'll see you at his wedding in May, he's saving you a seat. It was cold in Virginia today too. So impressed you played 9 holes. You continue to amaze and astound me, baby! love, Julia

Way to go! Keep up that golf. Plan to get Joan to bring you down here to NC for a round or two as soon as you are up to it. We got moved in yesterday. Should be unloading boxes as the kitchen is still not open for business, but I'm having too much fun playing with the computer now that it is set up for the road runner cable service. What a difference it makes. Lv, Susan Ruffini


4/3 Hey Pam. WOW - 11 months and kicking! Way to go, and keep kicking, fighting, clawing, etc! Enjoy the south, and don't hurry back - its getting cold again! :( Take it easy. - Chris

Hi Pammy,

Glad your back in PA for a short visit this weekend. I hope I'll get a chance to stop and see you. Keep up the good work. By the way, over my many years of extensive travel the most annoying thing is looking for somebody at the airport that you keep missing as you go in one door and they go out the other. Your right, cell phones do reduce that problem.

Marty S

Tammy: Don't let her overdo it. Good that she is able to travel again, but take good care of her. Enjoy. Mernie

Hi Pam, Sounds like you travel well. It was funny to hear of your airport experience and then to read the guest book entry from Tammy. I spent April Fools Day at MJH while my son Marc had his tonsils out. He did great! It is now the 1st day post op and I can't believe we have 5 more days before school starts. Except that he can't talk he is as rambunctious as ever. You definitely sound happier when you are busy. Keep it up! Love Katie S.

Wow! - Number 14,500 on your Journal page. That's great! It's nice to see that the 'Old' Pam is on the way back. We're saving a golf date whenever you're ready. Love, Dick

Sounds like a wonderful Easter to spend with your folks. Not to mention April Fool's Day! hmmm... Now I can't say anything without you thinking it's a joke. Or can I? Go Hoosiers! love, tom

Pam, Happy Easter. We had a very unconventional celebration, but a nice weekend all in all. Sean had his mole removed on Friday. We spent lots of time w the kids, swimming, biking, and scootering. The rest of the time was spent painting. I finally started the living room (Putnam Ivory- one of the colors you and I picked) and Dave started painting your room (aka the new guest room). Next weekend we celebrate Peaster w my family- a sedar and an egg hunt. Glad you had a nice celebration with your family. Love, Ronni Dave and the boys.

HAPPY EASTER, PAM GOD Knows you are in wonderful PA! LOVE, Jim

Don't forget to get me details regarding arrival time, etc. unless you want to spend time hanging around the airport instead of the golf course! Love, Tammy

Hi Pam,

Glad to hear the good report (I haven't logged on since last Sunday) Have a Happy Easter!!! Tracey

Dear Pam, You have been very much on my mind and heart, especially this morning. Have a wonderful Easter visit with your family."These things I have spoken to you , that in Me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation; but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world." (John 16:33) Love, Cousin Susan

Hi Pam, This is Sam. Happy Easter! I would love to see you and take you out for dinner one night. I have a full schedule with work and school, but Monday and Wednesday nights are usually good for me. You can pick your favorite place (I don't do the McD thing) you will need to pick a real place. Please give me a call so that we can arrange a day. Miss you at work. Sam (975-4474).

Hi Dr. Pam, Just another play day here at work. We enjoyed seeing you on Monday. I am sorry you had to wait it out...what a long day. I think the wait was worth the good news. You are doing great, and yes praise be to God!! He does hear our prayers. I give him thanks for the blessings you have given all or us with your journal and best of all your friendship. Keep getting stronger. I even heard a whisper in my ear from the golf course. Can't imagine when I would find the time to play again. Call if you need some company, the children can go to the neighbors house for play time. Love, Missy

Dear Pam. Do we have to wait for Betsy to return from FL to find out what Jennifer has? (I didn't even know she was expecting!! I must be a lousy great aunt - and great, great aunt. ) Almost time to dust off the golf clubs up here. League starts April 30 and I need lots and lots of practice. Are you playing yet?? Love, Mernie

Think: recharge. OK, OK, so you're watching mindless TV instead of your usual T-Time. At least keep us updated. And don't tell me all you're watching are ER re-runs. Am I using too many acronyms again? sorry. -tom

What did I just say about Jennifer waiting until we got back from Fla to have this baby? She just called to say her water broke and she is on the way to the hospital! So much for schedules! I'll keep you posted. Betsy

Pam-Just now getting caught up on your news. Sorry to hear you had to have surgery, but very glad to hear of the negative MRI. What's this with all the tax accountant stuff?? We leave for Fla tomorrow, returning on 4/6 and don't plan to worry about the IRS until about 4/14! Jen's baby is due anytime now. Have told her to squeeze her legs together until we return from vacation. Hang tough. Love, cousin Betsy

Hi Pam, I am thrilled about your MRI scan outcome! Once the weather warms up you'll be out on the golf course and feeling great!! Keep Kickin' Love Katie S.

Wonderful news! So glad to know that things are looking up. I check your journal quite often, but this deserves comment. Arlene

glad to hear such good news from the mri. look forward to reading your journal . your journal has more hits on my computer than anything else. take care. dj

Wow! Great news on the MRI! So, you've got the shakes? Hey, shake it baby, shake it!...Evie Miller

Hi Pam! What great news!!! So glad to hear the MRI results, but sorry about the wait. Now you know what the other side is like, bo hoo!!! Keep up the good work, we'll keep us the prayers. Barbara and Dick

[901]  3/26 Hey Pam - GREAT news on the scans! I guess prayers do get answered - of course, with as many people as you have praying for you, God can't help but hear. So, I guess to answer the dilemna from your posting last week, you are KICKING ITS ASS!!!! Keep fightin'! - Chris