Guestbook Entries #501-600

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[600]  Dear Pam, Kat said we should add messages to get you up to another 100, so here I am to tell you how much I love you and am praying that everything will be OK.  Just talked with you and Kat on the phone and know you are in need of hugs.  Please feel the ones I am sending.  Mom

[599]   Okay Pam, I have updated your website to put in a fresh calendar; now I need you to give me the data in order to fill it in.  I also moved your November and December Journal entries into sub-pages in order to speed page downloading time.  I would have moved the guestbook entries into another page for entries 501-600, but, alas, you only have 596 entries so far.  I guess I'll have to wait until more people write in.  What are you guys waiting for? Get writing! - Love, Kat

[598]   Have a great trip! I'm sure that it will be wonderful.  Glad to hear that you're doing so well.  Brenda Gacki

[597]   Dear Pam, Wishing you a Happy New Year!  Sounds like you had a very busy Holiday Season...I keep checking on your Journal entries!  I heard you stopped by the Carlisle E.D. to say hello.  I can't believe I missed your visit!  Tracey R. said you look great.  Glad to hear you are out and about...where do you get your energy!  I would have had a hard time keeping up with your schedule!  So happy you feel well enough to enjoy all your activities....You go girl! So sorry I missed your visit...maybe next time through....You are in my thoughts....Carol Knarr

[596]   Hi Pammy, Haven't logged in for a while as it seems you been doing so well and your mother gives me an update once in a while.  Hope 2002 is as good as I think it will be for you.  This could be the year to break 100.  Marty

[595 - 589]  [entries lost due to server crash]

[588]  MERRY CHRISTMAS PAM I hope you have a great holiday! Enjoy the tenderloin. LOVE Jim

[587]  Now Pam... I'm not a doctor, but I think a potato blight can only do you harm if you're a potato. Completely changing the subject: so how's that leather comfy chair anyway? Merry Christmas to everybody at the Lake... both lakes. t in D.

[586]  Just wanted you to know, I hit the re-load button several times on the journal page to pad your count & make up for the times I snuck in before. Cousin Jerry

[585]  12/24/01 What is wrong with my computer? I found no journal entry for yesterday. This is the first time since 6/20/01 that you missed a day. I guess you deserve at least one day a year off. Miss you. Looking forward to your coming for tenderloin tomorrow. Love you. Mom

[584]  Gosh, Pam, it's 10:30 p.m. and you haven't logged on yet. How bad were those potatoes? Wouldn't Lynn have called us if you failed to show up for dinner 'cause the potato bacteria wiped you out? I hope you are just having a very fun evening at the Gardellas. Love you lots, Mom

[583]  Merry Christmas Pam, We are glad that you seem to be doing well. I was talking with Peter Generelly today at church and he asked about you. I told him that you must be doing well or youcould not play so much golf and eat so much lobster. We pray that 2002 will be a happy, healthier year for you. Bless you, Vivian Kendrick

[582]  Pam - Unfortunately, I am still a Dolphins fan...Fortunately, I was way too busy with other things to watch the game Saturday. I think you ought to consider season tickets if that's what they need, because they sure have not found it. If they manage to make the playoffs, I'm certain of a first round loss!!

Anyway, hope you survive the potato blight, and be careful on your travels over the next few days - there are CRAZY shoppers out there on the roads!

Merry Christmas - Chris

[581]  Pam - Here's a neat story that I wanted to send to you, but didn't have your email, I'm posting to your guest book.... Love, Evie Miller A young boy was being examined by a heart surgeon the day before he was to have surgery after a virus damaged his heart.

"Tomorrow morning," the surgeon began, "I'll open up your heart..." "You'll find Jesus there," the boy interrupted. The surgeon looked up, annoyed. "I'll cut your heart open," he continued, "to see how much damage has been done..." "But when you open up my heart, you'll find Jesus in there." The surgeon looked to the parents, who sat quietly. "When I see how much damage has been done, I'll sew your heart and chest back up and I'll plan what to do next." "But you'll find Jesus in my heart. The Bible says He lives there. The hymns all say He lives there. You'll find Him in my heart."

The surgeon had had enough. "I'll tell you what I'll find in your heart. I'll find damaged muscle, low blood supply, and weakened vessels. And I'll find out if I can make you well." "You'll find Jesus there too. He lives there."

The surgeon left. After the surgery, the surgeon sat in his office, recording his notes from the surgery,"...damaged aorta, damaged pulmonary vein, widespread muscle degeneration. No hope for transplant, no hope for cure. Therapy: painkillers and bed rest. Prognosis:, " here he paused, "death within one year." He stopped the recorder, but there was more to be said. "Why?" he asked aloud. "Why did You do this? You've put him here; You've put him in this pain; and You've cursed him to an early death. Why?"

The Lord answered and said, "The boy, My lamb, was not meant for your flock for long, for he is a part of My flock, and will forever be. Here, in My flock, he will feel no pain, and will be comforted as you cannot imagine. His parents will one day join him here, and they will know peace, and My flock will continue to grow."

The surgeon's tears were hot, but his anger was hotter. "You created that boy, and You created that heart. He'll be dead in months. Why?"

The Lord answered, "The boy, My lamb, shall return to My flock, for he has done his duty: I did not put My lamb with your flock to lose him, but to retrieve another lost lamb." The surgeon wept. The surgeon sat beside the boy's bed; the boy's parents sat across from him.

The boy awoke and whispered, "Did you cut open my heart?" "Yes," said the surgeon. "What did you find?" asked the boy. "I found Jesus there," said the surgeon. - Author Unknown


[580]  Dear Pam, We got your Christmas card and were shocked to hear your news. We felt like we were right alongside you when we looked through your photo album. It's good to see that the Pam we know is still her old self. The smiles and courage of your pictures show through! Let us know how we can send apple crisp through your website. We'll update you on our lives next time. Love, Mark & Deb Harding from snowy Kalispell, Montana.

[579]  12/21/01 Hi Pam: I played golf today too but it was too windy. All the holes were pretty good except seven and nine!!I plan to play tomorrow if it's not too windy.Barb, thanks for the gift. They will get alot of use. If I don't talk to you again before I leave on Sunday have a wonderful Christmas and New Year and I'll see you after I get back on the 4th. Love and prayers. Joan

[578]  Pam — Did your journal say that you are going to Connecticut before the end of the year? If you have a chance to get together with me - I am here ! Between work in Greenwich and home in Cheshire, I do half the state daily ! We should be able to find a meeting place . . . Maybe I could get some lobster in Gloucester when I am up there for Christmas . . . (bribary sometimes works). Happy Holidays ! And, yes, I do have your (new) address - thanks for the reminder! * * * your cuz, Laura * * *

[577]  Happy Holidays!

I'm going to NY for Xmas, Chicago the weekend before New Years and back to the club for New Years's eve. Hope you have a great holiday. Are you coming to the lake at all for the holidays?

PS-My sister's husband is making amazing progress. Love, Connie (and Marty, too)

[576]  Happy Holidays!

I'm going to NY for Xmas, Chicago the weekend before New Years and back to the club for New Years's eve. Hope you have a great holiday. Are you coming to the lake at all for the holidays?

PS-My sister's husband is making amazing progress. Love, Connie (and Marty, too)

[575]  Pam, I also thank you for the very appropriate card(s). How fast were you eventually going with the cop behind you? If you get a ticket, you can easily fight it by saying you thought it was a car jacker or a stalker from the mall, and you were frightened. If you want to hang out with us on Christmas night, come on down to York. Love, Barb

[574]  I got your card today. It was great. It made me cry. I love you & can't wait to see you over Christmas. Love, Kat

[573]  Hi Pam, I've been checking in on you frequently, but it's been awhile since I've sent a note. The pre-holiday rush has put the squeeze on 'free-time'. It's nice to know your life has now become 'so boring' that you feel you don't have much to write about. Please don't stop the updates - it's great to hear how well you're doing. However, please go enjoy your great vacation and don't spend to much time working on the journal. I hope you have a wonderful Christmas!! I'm sure you have some special plans with your family and especially those little nephews. If you're in certral PA and happen to have some extra time - I know that's doubtful - let me know. Tracey

[572]  Hi Pam, I've been checking in on you frequently, but it's been awhile since I've sent a note. The pre-holiday rush has put the squeeze on 'free-time'. It's nice to know your life has now become 'so boring' that you feel you don't have much to write about. Please don't stop the updates - it's great to hear how well you're doing. However, please go enjoy your great vacation and don't spend to much time working on the journal. I hope you have a wonderful Christmas!! I'm sure you have some special plans with your family and especially those little nephews. If you're in certral PA and happen to have some extra time - I no that's doubtful - let me know. Tracey

[571]  The count was fine, Kat, when I checked it before logging off. It was 8407 then. It just hadn't come up when I first logged on. Interesting that we use Pam's website to communicate with each other - sort of like a chat room, I guess. Good to see that Chris Millitics has logged in, too. What a reunion you guys (and Pam) are going to have. We love you, Pam. Mom

[570]  Pam;

Whoops - forgot to mention (here I am agreeing with Mr. Peiffer again :) ) that you are also in my prayers! Take care and travel safely.


[569]  Yes, the 1980 graduating class of CC is alive. Has it really been 20+ years, Pam? I am ashamed to admit this in public but, I have to agree with Eric -- I was saddened to hear your "news" and I also will not dwell on it here. This is a formal invitation to visit on 12/27 if Eric can manage to get out of bed that early. Hope to see you!

Chris Milletics (

[568]  I just checked on the site, and it said I was number 8411. I don't know what's up with your AOL, Mom, but my PAnetwork is working fine. After I survive year-end, I will stick a counter on the journal, too. Maybe we will do some Christmas pictures, as well, with the 3 sisters together. Love, Kat

[567]  Hi Pam, I always log on through your home page but tonight when I logged on, it didn't announce the count. What did Kat do? Eliminate counting altogether? I'll have to try it again before I log off - maybe it's my computer that's doing funny things. Was that Eric Peiffer in the guest book, THE Eric Peiffer of class of '80 at CCHS? Boy, you do have a following! And which Cousin Jerry checked in? Jerry Rhodes or Jerry Seyler? I think I know what "lolta" stands for. I bet it's "Lots of love to all". Am I right Marcia? Loved talking to you on the phone today, Pam. Looking forward to your Christmas visit. Love you loads, Mom

[566]  OK, Marcia, it's time to reveal it... What the heck does "lolta" mean?


[565]  Greetings It's been far too long since the last time we spoke, and so much has happened in both of our lives. The news of your illness has shocked and saddened me, but I promise not to waste too much reading space philosophizing about the meaning of life. I hope that I have the opportunity in the near future to talk to you and/or see you again. As I have found out in the last five years, not all wishes or hopes come true. You will be in my daily thoughts and prayers, and I hope that the next news I hear from you or about you is that you are in recovery. I envy your trip to Austrailia, and I hope you have a great time there. Hopefully, I'll hear from you soon.

Eric Peiffer

[564]  Hi Pam,

I'm not sure if you remember me. I'm Carrie Starry Case, one of your sister Barb's friend from way back. I just want you to know my prayers are with you and I'm thinking about you. You'll have a great time with Barb in Australia. Barb and I always managed to get into some type of trouble. Although she's usually the one who got caught!


[563]  Wait a minute... you mean you don't plan to continue submitting journal entries every day while you're in Australia? Oh fine. (maybe you could write them in advance). --disappointed in Dallas

[562]  Hey Pam, Boring is GOOD...Rest up for our big adventure, enjoy your beautiful home for awhile, and that shopping you did Friday...was it for Me? Hope you stopped by the fine jewelry counter! I'll see you next week! I enjoyed our annual spree and meeting your friends. Love, Barb p.s. don't forget to give Joan her gift from Me!

[561]  I agree with all who support your continuing with your journal. You give strength to those who need it and your sense of humor never stops causing grins. Check your journal every evening and as far as your health is concerned no news is good news and it is great to share your everyday happenings. Thank god the damned leaves are done!!! Barb Godfrey

[560]  Pam - I just thought of something -- If people have your Journal page set into their favorite places, they can go straight to the Journal without going through the Home Page, and thus, not affect the counter.

That's what I do too. Cousin Jerry

[559]  Dear Pam, I have your journal page in my favorites so I guess if Kat is right I never get counted as a visitor. However it is a much faster way for me to get into the journal. I check nearly every day when I check my e-mail. Don't give up I love keeping up with you. Love, Susan Ruffini

[558]  Dear Pam, I still check on you daily (when I am home), but I don't have much to say that is worth printing. Love you, Aunt Mern

[557]  Pam - I just thought of something -- If people have your Journal page set into their favorite places, they can go straight to the Journal without going through the Home Page, and thus, not affect the counter. You can't assume that nobody has been reading your Journal entries, just because the counter doesn't budge. If your webmaster was on the ball, she'd have a counter on the Journal page, too. Love, Kat (a.k.a. frazzled webmaster).

[556]  Dear Pammy, I agree with the others. You must keep up the journal entries. Even though you are bored with it, we aren't, and look forward to reading your daily updates. And as Kat said, it's a lot less time consuming than writing a zillion e-mails. Keep it up. We'll try to write to you more often, too. Love you lots. Mom

[555]  Pam, Thanks for coming to the open house on Wednesday. It was so great to see you and meet your sister. And now we are all jealous of your fabulous trip in January! You have to figure out how to email your journal entries from afar - we will have withdrawl not having something new to read every day. Talk to you soon, Elaine & Rich Bernstein

[554]  Hey Pam! Hang in there with your journal. Some of us only check every few days, but we read all the days we missed in between.... Evie Miller

[553]  Yes, you should keep posting your Journal entries. You know that I have always found leaf raking and gift wrapping to be much more exciting than golf, so I can't wait to read tomorrow's update! :) Even though I talked with you today, I still like to read your Journal entry each night. If you stop writing it, you would have to email me instead. And since I know that there are many people who feel the same, you would have to send a zillion emails. This is so much more efficient. Besides, we will need these Journal entries to look back on when you are off in Australia, leaving us high & dry for WEEKS! Love, Kat

[552]  To answer your question: YES, please DO continue to keep us "up" on your life! We all feel "connected". Even though some of us have never actually met you, face-to-face, we know you, and we need to know that our prayers were answered. This is the season of miracles, and we all feel very blessed to be witness to one, first-hand. We'll be down your way this weekend- Leesburg, for my niece Wendy's wedding. We'll wave! Have a great weekend! lolta- Marcia G

[551]  Hi Pam, Glad you made it home safe from all your travels. Pat, my son Todd and I stopped by Tim and Tammy's house on our way back from a vacation in Hilton Head. We got to see Trent and Tyler play the basketball game. Trent's shot was awsome! Tim tried to get us to stay and help with the "crowd control". But, I declined. Tammy said you just left that morning. Sorry we missed you. Glad you had a good trip. I hope the weather holds for one more week. I have a golf trip planned to Myrtle Beach on Thursday for four days of golf. Take care.

"Uncle Tony"

[550]  Hey, Pam! Sounds like your travels are giving you lots of great memories! Ain't life grand? Congrats to Trent! And Happy Birthday, Barb! We miss ya! lolta- Marcia G

[549]  The sleepover was a piece of cake. They were great. But we figured out why it's called a "sleepover". No one actually "sleeps" until it's "over". You probably missed the most exciting basketball game we'll have all season. We were never more than 4 points up or down and the score was tied when time ran out. We had a 2 minute overtime during which lots of shots were fired but none scored until, with 18 seconds on the clock, Trent got the ball, dribbled downcourt, and fired the winning basket. I never knew sports at the 7 and 8 year old level could be so intense! Talk to you soon. Love, Tammy.

[548]  Hi Pam! It sounds like you are having a wonderful trip. I have never been to a pro football game, but would love to go someday. If you are back in town next Wednesday, please come to Rich's Holiday Open House at his office 4p.m.-7 p.m.. He's not planning to make Margaritas that night, but I'll bet we can find some good wine or champagne that have the same medicinal effect! Elaine Solomon Bernstein

[547]  12/4/01...Well, I know you thought you had experienced everything Sumter had to offer, but Girlfriend, are you in for a treat on Thursday! The Wilson Hall lower school will present their Christmas program, and you'll be there to see it! It just doesn't get any better than this! See you tomorrow. Love, Tammy

[546]  Hellllooooo...long time I know, but things have been quite hectic here. Family at the holidays and still helping out with the folks. Thanksgiving was fun - especially when the fire truck showed up from the smoke from the petrified Turkey. Are ya sure you want to come NYE? Well you better, by then I should be able to figure out some recipe! Just kidding, the bird looked pretty bad but tasted yummy... Hope your travels are safe and fun. Looking forward to your next visit!! Ronni Dave (S,J,M..too)

[545]  Pam, We were in the same the same time and you didn't even stop to see us. Marty & I just got back from Ft. Myers. What a wonderful week down in florida! Marty golfed 4 times while we were down there. Our coach home is in the 4th green of the golf course at Gulf Harbour Country Club. They played the Dodge Pro/Am or some such thing there last February. We'll be down there for a week in January & and a week in February so if your travels take you in that direction, PLEASE arrange to come see us. We have den with a queen size sofa bed (if the extra bedroom is occupied) and you are always welcome. Well, it's back to work for me tomorrow, so I'd better get organized...find my car keys, parking pass, all that important stuff. I really did not want to come back from Florida this time. Love, Connie S.

[544]  12/01/01 Hi Pam: Glad to hear you arrived in Fla. safe and sound. Ticket to a pro game!!WOW!!Nothin new here. Still very warm but is suppose to be cooler tomorrow. We play golf and then I get to sit at home and watch the Redskins play. Then more golf next week coupled with Christmas shopping. Went to a Fire and R escue dinner tonight - the annual awards dinner. More later. Love and prayers Joan

[543]  Dear Pam, Home again after a week at The Farm. Just caught up on your journal & guest book. I am not sure I want to see Harry Potter. I loved all 4 of the books, but I, too, don't think the promo pictures of the characters compare with the ones that I have in my own imagination. Met a couple from Australia in Salzburg, Austria (there are no kangaroos in Austria!) and they said the best time to visit is Feb/Mar. when the kids are back in school after summer vacation. Love, Mernie (11/26)

[542]  Hey, Pam! I'm glad that you enjoyed the movie, but don't give away the ending, okay? My little boy (Matt- age 25) and I want to go see it. I heard the critics, too. What do they know?? Some of them didn't like "Shrek" either. Take care! Marcia G

[541]  Hi Pam! It was great to see you yesterday at Thanksgiving dinner! And I think your peach-fuzz-hair looks a lot like Andrew's, which means it is very cute! The boys and I are looking forward to seeing you again today, with Barb, at my house. Maybe we can post a few more pictures to the online photo album while you are here. See you soon, Love, Kat

[540]  11/21 Hi Pam, I say, if you want to take a break from daily journaling, DO IT. Don't worry, the rest of us will entertain one another in the Guest Book. We can even place bets as to when you'll reappear! I know you wouldn't keep us too long out of the loop. love, Julia

[539]  11/20/01 Hi Pam: Once again have a safe trip home and a good Thanksgiving. Will talk to you when I get back. Love and prayers, Joan

[538]  Hi Pam. We have been really busy and haven't read your journal for the last week or two, so it was great to log on today and catch up. By the way, those Margaritas of Rich's which kill cancer cells - he has a new and improved recipe which probably kills even more. Have a Happy Thanksgiving! Hope to see you soon. Elaine & Rich Bernstein

[537]  Hi Pam. It's partly your fault you know! You were reading Harry Potter books... then someone else told me I should read them before the movie came out. So I thought, "Just one." But I'm not worried. I can stop any time I want to. Especially since I've got only a few chapters left in my hardbound copy of Goblet of Fire (the fourth book). I'm holding off seeing the movie until after TGiving... if I can wait that long. Maybe there's something you can prescribe to get me through. --cuz Tom

[536]  Pam, It must be the "bud" on the 7th that keeps you beating Joan. I won't tell her the secret ingredients I'm adding to it. Hugs. Nancy

[535]  Pam, Please do keep entering your journal on a daily basis. It gives such strength and courage to everyone whether they are ill or not. Your sense of humor is contagious; keep it up. Speaking of leaves - ours have finally given up but I saw your Mom/Dad on their nifty machine vacuming theirs up. Keep the faith; you shall prevail. Barb and Russ Godfrey

[534]  Hey, Pam! Sounds like you've been having a great time traveling, golfing, and raking. As for the leaves- I say leave them there! Come spring, God will be putting new ones on the trees, and the whole process starts over. Take my advice- and Wil's- let the leaves fall where they may! Or, you could get a pet goat! Continue to take advantage of the beautiful weather. Take care- lolta. Marcia G

[533]  11/15/01 To Whom it May Concern: Pam did not beat me today at "Hickory Hill" golf course. She claims she gets 5 strokes but that is with a full handicap allowance. I don't agree!!!!Furthermore she would have played better if she had not been flirting so with the two very nice men that joined us. Once again they give me the "mother look" and all attention goes to Pam!! Joan

[532]  Hello Pam, As you know I've been slacking off from writing your guest book, but rest assured I've been reading every update. Life's been a bit chaotic here. But life is like that. The results of the scans were just tremendous! There are really no good words to express how happy we all are!!! Enjoy your time off and know that we will continue to keep you in our thoughts. Wearing my polk-dot pin is second nature now (and the perfect accessory for my wordrobe), so I'll continue to wear it to remind me of your long (but well worthwhile) summer. Come see us anytime - there's always a spot for you here (albeit lumpy). Much love, Ronni (and Dave and the boys)

[531]  11/14/00 Hey Dr. Pam- Was so good to see you in the ER today for your visit. It's so hard to believe that you are fighting cancer. You look so good and your energy level is probably triple mine! I don't know a whole lot about golf, but your enthusiasm for it makes me want to learn how to play. It sure seems like a great way to lift your spirits. Was so happy to read about your scan results-you keep on fighting so hard and I'll keep up the prayers! I miss you at work- your smiling face and your sense of humor. Hopefully it won't be too long before you are back. Until then, enjoy your golf, traveling and partying-you deserve it. Love, Barbara G.

[530]  Hey girl: This year I am into leaves on the ground. Natures blanket for the winter. The only leaf action around here in when I let my herd of pigmy goats into the front yard. They love leaves. Last year I would rake them up and dump them over the fence( the leaves not the goats) for them to munch on. Hey, I must be getting smart. This year I just opened the gait and they walked in. Alot easier than raking. Hugs, Wil

[529]  Dr. Pam: I'm sure you can see who pops in to visit with a look-see at your journal. Still marveling at your energy level. It's going to be pretty hard for you to convince the casual acquaintance that you have any thing at all. Good going. Blessings and continued prayers. F./J. Sola

[528]  Hi Pam, We met at a dinner party on the 10th. Remember the tenderloin? Yum. Joe and I agree that you seem familiar, but we can't place you anywhere.Dinner was good fun and it was delightful talking with you. You are in our prayers. Best Regards, Shari and Joe

[527]  Hi Pam. Talked to Joan last night and she told me the wonderful news about your scans. Good going. All that prayer power really came through for you. Coming to the Lake tomorrow to prepare for the move into the new house on 20 Nov. Joan will have something to complain about again since I'll be staying at her house for a week. Maybe we can all go out to dinner again sometime during this coming week. See you soon and again, I'm so happy to hear the great news, luv, marilyn

[526]  11/11/01 Hi Pam: Yes you beat me today but only because you kept score and I have never known a Doctor who did well at math!!!!!What's a mere five strokes anyway!! Beautiful day and lots of fun. It was great to see you with your "power" swing. Love and prayers Joan

[525]  Pam

Golf clothing is OK at G&G!!!!!!!!!!

Pastor Bill

[524]  11/09/01 Hi Pam: Way to go!!You were just tearing that golf course to pieces!!Just wait until you get back to your home course!!!I am playing today and hope to have a decent round. I need to know how to hit in the wind!! See you soon.Love and prayers Joan

[523]  11/8 Dear Pam, Played 18 yesterday after more than a month off and had my best game ever. I beat Allan and Carolyn, and Larry only beat me by one stroke!!! I had 106! Can I repeat next week with Janie & Fred? Or was it just a fluke? Whatever, it sure felt good! I got a par on the last hole with a fantastic putt. (We were playing at Van Patten, where you like the painting in the ladies room. It's gone now.) Love you, Mernie

[522]  Pam, The power of positive thinking & prayers are paying off. Great news on the scans. I've already said a thank you prayer. Now you're going to have to start thinking about going back to work or traveling further south for good golf weather. Love, Connie

[521]  Pam, So glad to hear the good news about your scans. Sometimes numbers are good. I had a brain scan a couple of years ago and the doctor said they "found nothing" so I know where you're coming from. Now we can celebrate..can't we? See you Friday night at the monthly gathering? Love, Arlene

[520]  Thanks for your message, Pam! (And the answering machine cooperated, for once). My thought was the same as Kat's..with a smaller lesion in your lung, couldn't it be zapped? Enjoy your outting with Jane, Fred and Mom (and let them win occasionally!) Love, Barb

[519]  11/07/01 Hi Pam:Everyone has asked how you made out with the scans and are so happy there are no new leisons!!Go Girl!!!!You have so many friends here at Lake Monticello. Enjoy the golf and break a 100!!!Love and prayers Joan

[518]  Hi Pam, It was great to meet you at Tim and Tammy's on Saturday. Thanks for sharing your Web site with me. We had a great time and Boy! you were right, it was hot! The boys almost pulled it out! Pat drove home, but I could not sleep (her driving you know). I was not too sore after playing ball with Trent and Tyler. They help keep me young. Wasn't that a great dinner! Glad you had a good report on your scan. We have been praying for you ever since Tammy told us about the start of your fight. Now we have a "face" to our prayers.

Your New Friends, Pat and "Uncle" Tony

[517]  Dear Pam, our prayers for you are being answered & we hope your future scans will be even better than today's.Lots of love from cousins, Adeline & Warren


[515]  Hi Pam! Bob did the math. An 8.5mm sphere is 46% of the volume of an 11mm sphere. An 11mm sphere is 19% of the volume of a 19mm sphere. So, the shrinkage from 19 to 11 was 81%; and the shrinkage from 11 to 8.5 was only about 54%. But, the shrinkage from 19 to 8.5 is 90%, which is pretty damn good. And since your lesion isn't actually round (8.5 x 6mm), it has shrunk even more than 90% from its original size.

You are used to getting 100s, though, so an A- isn't what you wanted. Compared with others who have what you do, you blew the curve! You will beat this eventually. For now, sit back & enjoy the Holidays (and take your AG Immune!). Maybe they can zap the lung one with the Gamma knife?

Love, Kat, Bob, David & Andrew

[514]  Pam, have been thinking of you all day and am delighted to find the CAT scan results not at all alarming. Good for you and keep up the fight!

Best, Sue Chapin

[513]  Good luck with your scan. You can add me to the list of people that are praying for you. Dar (Barb's friend)

[512]  Hi Pam! Glad to hear that you're doing so great. We're home after a couple of great weeks on the Outer Banks, New Bern, NC and ending up at my brothers in Cary, NC. Dick got a cold when we came home and decided to pass it to me. Catching up on everything, including what damage the lovely deer did to our garden. Miss seeing you at G & G , hope that we'll see you soon. Call and we'll have dinner. Good luck on Tuesday, we'll be praying for you. Love, Dick and Barbara

[511]  Hi Pam! We enjoyed your visit! Golf was ..... well, let's just say the weather was beautiful, even if my shots were not! I'm glad you think I fed you well. Your new training program will take care of the extra pounds, never fear! Enjoy Massanutten! I'll talk to you soon. Love, Tammy

[510]  Hi Honey, Just a quickie to tell you I am getting ready for our golfing at Massanutten next week. I played Friday (109) and Saturday (108), so I am ready to team with you against the Browns. I was happy to hear from you by phone the other day. Sorry you aren't getting to Massanutten till late in the afternoon, but I know you must have a jillion things to do at home after being away for two weeks. Heck, I can't get things done at home even when I am here. (Golf does take a lot of time). Love you lots and am praying for perfect results on Tuesday's scans. Mom

[509]  Pam, I had one Baby Ruth left after Halloween...and I ate it. That was before I checked your journel so I didn't know they were your favorites. Can you ever forgive me??? Connie

[508]  Pam:


So sorry to hear about that 113.... Chris and I played on Wednesday at Meadow Creek. We only played 9 holes --- weather wise - it was a great day. Did you hear that -- weather wise!

We will pray for you at G&G tomorrow and look forward to seeing you when your travels bring you our way.

Love from the people of God in Palmyra,

Pastor Bill

[507]  11/02/01 Hi Pam: I shot a 106 today!!You'll never be good enough to beat me!!Lou played right ahead of us. What? Move to SC and desert your friends at ole Lake Monticello. Our winters aren't so bad!!Mybe you feel so good because there is no more cancer!!Talk to you when you get back. Love and prayers Joan

[506]  11/2/01 Dear Pam. We are back. I was able to check your site briefly last week in Rothenburg, Germany. Just checked the latest entry and was very pleased that you were golfing. Always a good sign. I am doing tons of laundry today and then have to start thinking about packing again for NC golf. Hope the weather holds. My fingers are crossed for good results on Tuesday. Love you, Mernie

[505]  Uh Oh, Pam... I think you may have started an avalanche -- of Baby Ruths, that is. Mr. Deeg just brought over a bag of them for me to give to you the next time I see you. And Mom is bringing hers to you as well. With all of your loyal fans, I suspect you may have others waiting for you on your porch! You may actually have trouble eating them all before they get stale. Love, Kat

[504]  thinking of you!!!!! Katie

[503]  Hey Pam....think of you often, sorry that I don't get time to write more often. I am still going in with Ellis every day to get CBC, transfusions, and Gshots. He finished 2nd round of chemo (ARA-C) two weeks ago... and we are waiting for cells to start back up. The two of you are having a lot of fun... and someday we will all forget what a strain it is at the time. I am looking forward to seeing you out partying soon.. Love, Troxie

[502]  Hi Pam, All is not lost. I bought two bags of Baby Ruth's to give out on Halloween and only three kids showed up. So, I'll take a bag to you at Massanutten next week if you can stand the 5 more days of waiting. (I already ate most of the other bag and most of the Snicker bars I also had just in case there were lots of Trick or Treaters). Halloween has gotten so spread out, it's hard to know when it's being "celebrated" anymore. Our T or T night was last Saturday, the 27th. Karen's, I think, was Thursday, the 25th, and Hanover celebrated on Tuesday, the 23rd. I'm glad Tammy's neighborhood still celebrates it ON HALLOWEEN, the 31st!. Love you, miss you, Mom

[501]  Pam, Do Rags are done, and will be in the mail tomorrow (Wed.). I just hope the Post Office doesn't spend alot of time analyzing them before they deliver! Beth says they turned out great. Let me know. Love, Barb