Guestbook Entries #201-300
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[300] Hi Pam! I'm sooo Happy you ARE beating this! Only four more days of the Novena to St. Jude and it'll be finished up by Sunday time for your next scan. Tell Mom I found some more ribbon for the project (15.5 yards) but she'll have to give me the directions. I will begin my own Melanoma Awareness campaign in York. Love Barb
[299] Hi Pam, Great news. I was a little worried last night at 10:30 when I checked in and you had not made an entry in your journal with the results on your scan. Such good news tonight. Lobsters are still waiting when you can come up for a visit next month. Golf and lobsters! Bring your Mom! Love you, Janie & Fred
[298] Hey, Pam - Do you realize, that because we are talking about spherical shapes, an 11mm tumor is actually only about 20% of the size (volume) of a 19mm tumor? In fact, your 19mm tumor was 5.15 times the size of your 11mm tumor! You are WAY more than half-way there. Too bad you have to do chemo in sets of 2! We're betting this sucker is gone at the end of next week! Love, Kat & Bob
[297] Hello Pam, don't faint. It is your friend the technological throwback who after all this time has finally found her way to your web site! You looked GRAND today and I am so happy for you to have this excellent news today. You are an inspiration to us all. And who knows, I just may become computer literate at this stage of my life! Love, Urs. P.S. Heavy duty prayers will continue.
[296] Yay! Yay! Yay! Yay! Yay! Yay! Yay!
[295] Hooray for Pam! Bob May
[294] Pam, I just spoke with Karen today (as she busily chased the boys and disconnected our telephone connection several times), and she told me how well you are doing with your treatment. I'm so happy for you! I hope the treatments continue to knock-out those nasty cancer cells and that they aren't too horrible for you. You're in my prayers. -- Brenda Gacki (former Keefer Wood associate)
[293] This has certainly been the better of our vacations! And of course while Mom's food has been great - I must say it's due mostly to seeing you!!! You are definitely part of this family. Hmmm, I think sometimes more "in" than the rest of us "daughters"!! Like everyone else, I can assure everyone that from the outside you look terrif! And while you may not always feel it inside, both inside and outside are both important to your speedy recovery and the demolition of those nasty devils! Wierd dreams for me again last nite, hope you slept soundly! Thinking positive thoughts for you!! Love ya, Ronni (and the #3 Colvilles!)
[292] Pam - its a good thing that our plans changed, and I wasn't supposed to get up at 4:00 and drive down to be there while you get your scans today -- I actually slept straight through the night until 8:30 for probably the first time since Andrew was born! Speaking of which, Andy took two steps all by himself last evening ... what do you think -- running in a week? GOOD LUCK ON YOUR SCANS! Let me know the (Good) results ASAP. (or STAT, as you docs say). Love, Kat
[291] We have all sorts of positive energy being sent your way today!!!!! lots of love katie,sue,aidan and declan
[290] Hey, Pam! Today is going to be GREAT. I just know it. We just got home from the Matchbox 20 concert at Hershey. Daughter Dawn & new hubby Tyler took us for our b-days. Great time. I was thinking good thoughts about you all night long; could you feel the "vibes"?? While you're getting your check-up, I'll be in Harrisburg to see our son Dan. It will be a good day for both of us! (and thanks for the birthday wishes) lolta, Marcia G
[289] see you thursday dr. pam!!! we're ready to play some cards!
Krista & Megan
[288] Hi Pam, I played my best round of golf of the year today - 107. My partner and I did fairly well in the Member-Member tournament, but won't know the results overall until next Tuesday's play. Jim told me to give you a big smooch from him when I come down tomorrow. It will be fairly late in the day because we hired a new office manager last night and I want to help orient her most of the morning. Love you lots, Mom
[287] Pam,
Glad the last two days were good ones!. Hope today follows suit. Good luck with Cycle 3 (and with your gold game). You are in our prayers daily. Scott W
Pam, I meant to say good luck with your "golf" game but it came out "gold" game. Maybe it's some kind of omen.
[286] Hi Pam We're sending you our prayers for the strength to win this one. Thanks for your journal entries. Their spirit shines through your struggle. Steve Seyler
[285] Well, Pam, let me weigh in on this alternative med. stuff. As a victim of CaP with a really serious Gleason, let me add that you've got to take 200 mcg. of Selenium yeast with 400 IU's of Natural Vit.E. with a meal, daily, to get the synergistic effect of cell protection and damaged cell (DNA) recovery the combination offers. Shark cartilege: well that's a doubtful alternative. Joan and I pray every day for God's healing presence in your life, that you may have the "smoothest" way possible out of this mess. Joan and Frank Sola
[284] Pam, Love hearing all the great news. Food staying down, cancer cells shrinking. You sound like you're in a wonder mood. Are you sure you want to play golf??? The last time I saw you, the game of golf was not high on your list of favorite things to do. Just's only a game. Connie S.
[283] Pam, we are elated that the tumor has shrunk!! Maybe Mom is right. Those sharks are strong!
Love and God Bless
Clara and Lou Cooper
[282] Hi Pam, It's the Neiferts. It's ironic to me that you are the one fighting this horrible disease and I'm the one trying to find the courage to say the right thing to you. Your courage with this is both motivating and inspiring. We think of you and your health daily. I picked a good day to log on. I see the chemo. is working. GOOD FOR YOU! You are an inspiration to us all. Pamper yourself, as you deserve it!! Love, Ron & Mary Neifert
[281] Hello. I am one of the people that your sister Barb works with and I am visiting your web site for the first time. All of us at York hospital feel as if we know you from what Barb tells us of you. You should know that all 100+ staff members as well as physicians and countless others are keeping you in our prayers and thoughts. Sounds like good news about the x-ray results. Hope that news continues through next week! Love, Lynn Hartman
[280] Hi! Just came from Grace & Glory, not many glitches today, a good service. Sorry to hear about yesterday's temp but elated at the x-ray results. Keep fighting ,we're thinking of you all the time. It's a good thing that you didn't come to church, the cough has made it's rounds at G & G. We're doing better but others have it, must be all the hugs and kisses that we give out each week. Love , Barbara and Dick
[279] 8/12/01 Dearest Pam, We were very worried yesterday when you called and said that you were running a fever and had to go back to the hospital for treatment. What a worderful relief it was last evening to hear that not only had the fever subsided, but that a chest x-ray showed the lung lesions were only half their original size. Thank God. It's working; "it" being the chemo, the determination on your part to beat it, and all the prayers and support from your army of fans. I'll still come down next Wednesday to be there to share the good news of Thursday's scans. I played golf yesterday - 57-55=112, same old same old. Dad played both yesterday and today. Love you loads, Mom
[278] Dear Pam, I'm glad that things are looking up; so I was off by a couple of days. As for your ducky- I'll trade yours for mine- but, I must tell you, mine lists a bit to the right. But he stays afloat! Right now he's sitting on top of my monitor, reminding me to cyber-check on you. Take care, relax, and you'll be out on the course in no time. My best to all, Marcia G.
[277] Dear Pam, What a wonderful way to share your experience with others who care and support you. Your journal entries are quite touching and genuine. Thanks for your courage to share. Your request for tomatoes, eggplant and green beans are on your front door matt for your taking when ready. Let us know when you need your supply restocked. Fondly, Warren & Susan
[276] Hi Pam, You probably don't remember me, but I was a heart attack victim at Geisinger in 1991. The night before my scheduled heart surgery, I had a second attack and I came under your care. I want you to know how much I appreciate your being there for me, and, although I can't be with you, please understand that you continue to be in my prayers. Keep fighting! You know, more than most of us, the miracles of modern medicine. I know you can beat this.
Lloyd Smeltz (Dr. Jim Harring's Uncle) <>
[275] Pam -- Are you finally realizing that golf is a rediculous game to try to relax with!! I don't understand what the big deal is -- it is so impossible and frustrating. Unless you have lots of time to waste, I don't even see the point!! On the other hand, reading (and let's not forget sailing) is much more relaxing and fulfilling . . . hope you are feeling better each and every day.
Love and prayers - Cuz Laurie
[274] Hi Pam, I told you on the phone yesterday about Diane Sheaffer's call telling me that her brother Randy Kohr had beaten stage IV cancer partially through the use of Shark Cartilage therapy. I know you pooh, poohed it as quack medicine, but today in the mail I received a box of literature from Randy and a supply of the supplement. It sure sounds like something worth trying. The stuff works by cutting off the blood supply to the cancer cells, and it worked for him - completely cancer free 5 plus years after his "terminal" diagnosis. What have you got to lose? I'll bring the stuff with me when I come next week. Glad to hear you were able to keep a potato down last night. Sorry you have to have another one of those mean shots today. Love you lots. Mom
[273] Hi Pammy!
So the nurse thought you were angry. She obviously dousn't know what anger is. Naw, you were just a little crabby. Probably from all those crabs and lobster you ate before the second round. Hang in there. Your on the easy side of the hill.
Marty S.
[272] Pam, So glad that you're back home and hopefully feeling better. Really hated to leave the hospital on Tues., but knew you were in very good hands and that you didn't need me asking "how're you doing?" every few minutes. I am looking forward to the time when you can come for the lunch that you didn't get on Tues. Add my name to the list of people who would like to feed you well when you can look at food again. You are such a tough lady! Love, Arlene
[271] Pam, Carolyn and I were upset to learn of your problem--it being another example that life is often not fair. As a doctor I know you'd much rather be the therapist than the patient. We think of you often and are rooting for your recovery. Mint K
[270] Hi Pam, Glad you are home..even if it was late. Put your biker ducky next to the tub, since it will be a collector's item some day (big bucks on e-bay!) Hope you could keep your dinner down, and best of luck with breakfast. Things are ok here, Fest says Hi. Talk to you Fri., since I'm on call Thursday. Love you, Barb
[269] Hi Pam,
Hope you get this hello at home. Talked to your mom today. Other than being hot and short of water in this drought all is well on the other home front.
[268] we love you pam!!!!!
[267] Keep up the good fight, girl. I can't tell whether this round was easier or harder. Hope to see you next week when we fly into VA.
Glenn & Rosanne
[266] Hi Pam, You should be in good hands at MJH for you IV drips. Good thing you recognized that you were dehydrated and knew enough to get help. Your 2nd phase sounded like it was going so well after having been through it all once before. Here's hoping your next tests will come out well and you have zapped those cancer cells. Think of you every day and your Mom (my sister) for the dedication she has had to the cause. Get well and God Bless!! Love, Janie
[265] Hi Pam. I just got back to work from my broken foot so have a chance now to go to your web site. I'm the friend of Joan Godsey from Northern Virginia (in case you forgot!) that you met in May. Can't believe what you are going through, and want you to know I've thought about you every day since Joan told me. For goodness sake, gal, here I am building my house at the Lake and looking forward to entertaining and playing golf and I expect you to be ready for all of this!! Seriously, my prayers are with you -- hope your upcoming tests turn out to be very uplifting for you. Hope to see you soon and hang in there, Marilyn Hale
[264] Dear Pam,
Heard your story and just want you to know that one more prayer is being said for your recovery. It seems as if all of us will be touched somehow by cancer and learning how someone is dealing with it day to day serves to give us all hope. Thank you.
Sincerely, Pat Wolf Lake Monticello
[263] Welcome home. August 16th will be a time for all of us to celebrate. In the mean time, good luck driving the porcelain bus. -tom ("no I didn't get the national Texaco spot")
[262] Pam, Welcome home. Please let us know if there is anything that we can do for you. We are only about 15 minutes away. Dinner, watch a movie, picking you up off of the bathroom floor, anything. Just give us a call. Love, Chris & Frank
[261] dear pam. jack and i hv just read yr journal up to aug. 5th and to me it brings back lot of memories of 6 yrs ago. keep hanging in there. you gv everyone rooting for you, not only at lake monticello, but everyone at mj.h. know you will soon be beating all of us on the golf course. stay well and love from jack and evlynn murphy
[260] Pam, Now that you are safely back at your lake, we will be at the Farm (Stoystown, PA) for a week. (8/8-8/15) Bad timing. Would have loved to visit you in Pittsburgh, but the Tedrow reunion is the 11th. We head for Mentor, OH the 15th for the Jet 14 Nationals on Lake Erie. Home the 19th, as you head for Pburgh again. Poor planning on someone's part. God Bless. Love, Mernie
[259] Hi Pam! I hope you are feeling better this morning! Love, Kat
[258] Hi Pammy,
Glad you're safe and sound back at your Lake. Sorry we couldn't see you up here. Build up those blood cells. After all those nasty things you said about golf and our home course, a storm went through and wiped out a bunch of trees. It will be closed for two days for cleanup. Gee, go a little light on us next time.
Nothing like Southern Cooking to to make you hungry. Its also a good feeling to be in your own bubble tub and bed. I prayed for you today.
Your friend Marty
[257] Hi, Pam! Hooray that cycle 2 is past. Now just take your little rubber duckie and have a nice looonngg soak in the bubbles. My best to all. Marcia G.
[256] Dear Pam, My parents, Revis and Kathy Butler, are friends with your parents. My father sent me an e-mail detailing your situation. We just wanted to let you know that we'll be praying for you in your fight against cancer. Based on all the well wishes you've received, it's obvious you're a very special person. Wish there were more people like you in the world. People who appreciate the life they've been given. I'm glad so many people appreciate you. God Bless and God's speed in your recovery.
Trent and Julie Butler Cape Coral Florida
[255] Hi Pam!Welcome Home to the Lake. Glad that this week is over for you. I didn't sign up to be your buddy this week or next since our kids and grandkids were supposed to come, but being 19 and 17 year olds, (grandkids)with many things to do, no one is coming. Also, Dick is sick with cold, ear infection and cough, I think ,caught it from Pastor Bill and has now passed it on to me. So !!!! We'll see you when we're better. Give us a call if we can help you with anything. Great to have you back. Hope this week goes ok for you. Tell all that sickness and itch to go for a swim in the Lake and don't come back.Love, Barbara and Dick
[254] Hey Dr. Pam, YaHoo cycle 2 is over!!! We are all here to help you during your recovery period. Have a safe trip back to VA and stop when you see the van. I love spending time with you and hearing the details you share. Your strength and will, are encouraging to all of us. My prayers continue for you. Love, Missy
[253] WOW! - I'm number 2400! You're getting to be famous! Great news that cycle #2 is over and you can rest and rejeuvenate. Claire will be your Wednesday "Buddy," but I look forward to seeing you later in the week, when you feel up to it. Keep up the fight. Dick
[252] Dear Dr. Pam, I'm so happy for you that CYCLE# 2 is over with for you. You have been in my thoughts and prayers daily, and also the prayers of my family and friends. With all the prayers and good wishes of all the people you have praying for you, I know everything will work out for you. Dr. Pam, you have such a great attitude and a sense of humor that is so great I know you can overcome this cancer. Keep up the fight with everything in you and you WILL WIN this battle! I miss you at work, it's not the same without you. take care of yourself so you can come back some. We want our good doctor back NOW!!! Love- Barbara Goodrich
Dr. Pam, Sorry for all my typing errors on the note I just sent you. Somehow, I hit the submit button before my spellcheck thing came up. Maybe now you and the rest of the people at Martha's will believe that the only the thing I do well with computers is DUST them! Love, Barbara G.
[251] Hello Pam, My husband and I are good friends of Barb & Jeff's. Neither of us have ever met you, except maybe at the wedding at Lake Meade, so I don't expect you to remember us. I was just on the phone with Barb and heard the news of your illness. I read your journal on the website from start to finish and am in awe of your courage and your strong will to live. I too have been reading the Left Behind serious..........and can assure you that I would of been 'left behind' also, so you would not have been alone; just as you obviously are not alone in your fight with cancer. I can see through the website that you have a terrific support system. I wish you well and will follow your road to recovery on the website!! Best of Luck!! You will be in our prayers!! Jerry and Shelly Rodgers
[250] Hi Pam: Hopefully you will be soon at your Mom and Dad's home. When are you coming to your home? Beach was fun. Only got to go in one day because the beach was closed to rip tides one day.It was great to be with the family. Take care and hello to your Mom and all your family. See you soon. Love and prayers Joan
[249] Hi Pam!
It's good to know, Pam, that you have the second session behind you. This next week is still a testing one but you are ON THE WAY!
See you soon.
[248] Pam,
I printed the pic of you wearing the "Bell for Delegate" tee, and it's hanging in our campaign office as inspiration to us all. We're all praying for you and want to see you back at Lake M. soon. Take care, Jessica B.
[247] Hi Pam,
Look forward to seeing you at the Lake.
[246] Pam katie, sue, aidan and declan are praying that the poisons are working on those bad cell... sounds like they are making the good ones pretty sick too. I have to tell you this web site is pretty powerful. Imagine yourself home.. Love katie
[245] Hello! Hope today is restful. Thinking of you! No news here. We're slowly being "boxed" in, (hmm I still have a sense of humor). Have sent a couple of "Harry's" to your home. Your will is way stronger than any itch or nasty cell! Mind over matter. I know you can do it! Love, Ronni
[244] Again, your Lake Monticello Buddies are ready and waiting for your return on August 5th. We hope Cycle Two wont be as bad as Cycle One. Each of us will be on call for you for a day, a half a day or for an evening meal. As before, your wants and needs will be met with a 9AM phone call, a visit, a smile, lunch, dinner, whatever. In addition to the above, there have been offers for golf with the Pro, dinner on the Hopkins boat and a sailboat ride with Hal Smith. Just say the word.
Well be thinking about you and hoping all goes well in Pittsburgh this week.
Arlene Bowling, Janice Brown, Susan Carter, Ronni Colville, Millie Doersch, Joan Drake, Lynn Gardella, Joan Godsey, Allyson Hopkins, JoAnn Link, Marty Nunzito, Sue Pickett, Carolyn Talley, Claire van Nierop, Phyllis Webster, Julia Whiting, Lois Zimmerman and Lou
[243] Hi, Pam. I'm glad that Barb made it out there safely. And I'm glad that you're already half-way through round "2". Another co-worker, Rich, is helping send some faces to go along with those names. He's the computer literate one- not me! I hope to get them all straight with you soon. Take care. ( Three days from now you'll feel great! ) Marcia G.
[242] My friend Mary is a friend of Barbs. I have been keeping up on your progress and remembering you in my prayers. Fight the good fight cause your spirit and determination makes you a winner. It must be terribly rough going through the chemo, etc., but eventually later on you will help others who are going through similiar struggles. God bless you . Sandy
[241] Hi, Pam! We miss you! Just got back from a whirlwind 11 day excursion to N. Va., NY and Delaware. Had one day of another GI bug to make me grateful for my usual good health and even sadder for my friend, who's been feeling lousy way too much lately. We still pray for you every night. I can almost hear the melanoma cells screaming from here! Love, Lynn
[240] Hello Pam! Number 3 and family was on vacation last week. Of course w lots of lotion (went through 5 bottles). Weather was good, wish I could say the same about me!! (but that's another story) Had a work deadline so I had my laptop but couldn't even take a peek at the journal. Just read through now- really missed hearing (is that the right word?) about your days. I'm journaling now instead of email (so your queue is lightened!). Ditto to everyone else - Hang in! Can't wait to see you. Hope I made the sitter list! Love Ronni (and all the Boys - yes Dave's a boy too).
[239] Dr. Pam,
Still thinking of you often and praying the next few days pass very quickly. We all send our love and prayers. Keep fighting! Sandy, Brian, Krista & Megan
[238] We're back in town after a week in NYS "sans computre." Hang tough; we're thinking of you and praying for you. Love, Dick & Claire
PS: Same phone number as before?
[237] Pam, We are thinking about you !!!!! Aidan thinks the gamma knife photo was wierd. I have never heard him say that word before. Big hugs. Katie
[236] Hey Pammy!
1 down and only 4 to go. Don't worry about the hair. Some of the best golfers I know are bald. Think of you often. Especially when your in Pitt. I'll wave when I fly over you Wednesday afternoon but I'll tell the pilot to keep the noise down so you can sleep.
Miss your smilely face. Tell Karen to put spell check on this thing!
[235] Hi Pam, Just want to let you know that you are in my thoughts and prayers. Hang in there and hopefully this week will go by real fast. Barbara Cobb
[234] Hey Dr. Pam, I'm trying to find inspirational words for encouragment this week, I found Romans 5:1-5. My thoughts and prayers are with you this week. I'm glad you had some good food and family time before round II. Positive feelings from those around you will help keep your spirits up this week. We are all with you this week, keep those journal entries coming. Love, Missy
[233] Oh, Pammy...It is almost 11:00pm, so I figure after 4 hours of chemo, you are feeling pretty sick by now. I picture you suffering through the night again, like you did last time. I wish I could hold you tight and make you feel better. I love you. I'm praying that your healthy cells take this all in stride, while your cancer cells groan in agony and keel over. Die, you %@&*!! cancer cells, Die! Mom will be there for you in the morning, you poor thing. -Kat
[232] Dear Pam, Tell them to really zap them suckers this time. Naughty cells interfere with golf, and we can't let them get away with it. But at least you have an excuse if you have a bad day. Prayers to you. Love, Aunt Mernie
[231] Hey Pam, guess what, I am now looking a great big momma bear eating up my front hill. Uh Oh, here comes babies. Jim says I keep buying them "treats" and he keeps putting out this solution called "Not Tonight Dear." I don't think they get the drift. How's it going sweetie. You hanging in there. You better because you have a legion out here pulling for you. We think of you all the time and continue to keep you close in our hearts and prayers. Hugs. Nancy and Jim
Pam, it's been a long day. Just reviewed my message--no it wasn't a momma bear but a momma deer. Forgive the faux pas but we were at MJH at 7 a.m. this morning for Jim's other cataract surgery, so am a little punchy. Will pray to my angel tonight for you. Nancy
[230] Hi Pam! Sorry you're back in Pittsburgh for chemo again. Hopefully things will go well and you'll bounce back quickly. Glad to hear you've found the Left Behind books. Aren't they great!! I'm waiting for the next one to be released. Helps you see life in a whole new light, doesn't it! Keep up the positive attitude! Please have your mom send some of the polka-dotted ribbons down to York with Barb. I'd love to have one. Love Tracey
[229] Hey Pam: Just a quick hello. About the time you are getting your chemo today I will be in the ED doing a 5-1 shift. Getting ready for the Rockingham Fair, my group out here in Harrisonburg are putting on a pro-life booth this year. First time I have been involved in such a thing. Know that at 4pm I will say a special prayer for you and ask your friends in the ED to do the same. Hope you will feel His and our arms around you. Wil
[228] Dear Pam, Mother told Jerry and I about your fight against this horrible disease. It sounds like you are fighting with all your might and that is very GOOD! We know this must be so very difficult for you, but it looks like you are keeping a very positive attitude. We will keep you in our daily prayers and we will add you name to the Prayer Chain at St. Matthew Lutheran Church. We hope your treatment will soon be over and you will be back at the Lake to enjoy some fresh air and sunshine once again. And we also hope and pray that you will soon be back to perfect health one day soon. Best wishes, Mary, Jerry, Gayle & Ryan Seyler
[227] Dear Pam Hi My name is Arlene and my sister is Ellen Lindenmann. She has told me about your fight against cancer. I was at the lake for the month of July and came home today home being New York. I would like to add mine to the list of people hoping and praying that you win your battle and soon enjoy good health again. Ellen greatly admires your spirit and courage and I can well see why. I will keep up with your progress on line and again you are in my thoughts and prayers.
[226] Hi Pam, How come my computer still says 928 hits when you are well over 2000? Thinking about you as you start Phase II of your treatment and hope all goes well. Zap those cancer cells, but don't get so sick doing it. I like Tammy's "Feel good Golf". Can we all play it that way or only you? I'll take you on when you get going again! Keep up the fight. Love you, Aunt Janie
[225] Dear Pam: Staying in touch with the situation thru Corie V., a good friend and fellow R.N. of Joan. Still praying every day for the smoothest path God can offer you to deal with treatments, which oft are described as worse than the problem itself. I don't have to tell you anymore about that. Stay the course, soldier! Best, best wishes, Frank and Joan Sola
[224] Hi Pammy!
Hope you get the early treatment tomorrow so you can get the heck out of there early. At least this time there will be no surprises. Can't wait to see you back at the Lake. Lotsa Love, Luck and hugs with a little backscratching thrown in for good measure.
[223] Hi Pam! Our prayers are with you as you proceed with the second week. Sorry about the hair, now what color will you be? You should have been at church today, the gremlins were with us and everything went wrong that could go wrong. Computer wouldn't power up,but finally figured out the problem, the gremlins were in the organ,I blamed it on being in the dark corner, Pastor Bill has a bad cough,but we made it through. Poured rain when we had to load the cars after church, everyone was soaked to skin. We're going to dinner tonight at the Bavarian Chef for our Anniversary. Oh , and Dick tried to buy me a corsage yesterday, everyplace from Palmyra, to Fork Union, Pantops and C'ville, was closed. When you wait till Sat afternoon to shop , what can you expect.So it's been a couple of fun days. A miserable rainy afternoon here, but the sun will soon shine again for all of us, when you are on your way to recovery. My brother's surgery will be Aug. 6. Keep pluggin away at those old C cells. Our hugs and prayers are with you this week. Love,Barbara and Dick
[222] Well, the onslaught is over here, and we are once again alone. As your computer illiterate friends struggle to send this to you, please know that you are always in our thoughts and our prayers. Hopefully, God doesn't consider the source. And remember, Attitude, Attitude, Attitude!! Lyman and Joan
[221] Pam, I wish you good luck on Monday. It's a dreary day back here at Lake M. Rained all night and raining hard today - no golf. I just wanted you to know that we are thinking about you and you are in all our prayers. Sharon Beeler
[220] Pam, glad you got back to your parents safely. Good luck on Monday. We are saying a prayer for you. The jingle is taking longer than I thought, but not to worry I will get it finished soon. Love ya, Windy.
[219] Hi Pam: That lobster dinner sounded great. Golf can be so upsetting!!It's just a game, so they say. Will write more when I get back from the beach. Good luck next week. Lots of love and prayers. Joan
[218] Wow! I am visitor 2016! Do you think you have a lot of people that care about you or what? I'm sorry your golf was bad yesterday, but you really should be playing "Feelgood Golf" right now anyway. If you hit a bad shot, drop another ball and hit again. If you have a bad lie, move it to a better spot (penalty-free, of course). Announce your gimme putts before you hit them, and consider them to have fallen no matter what actually happens. And if after all that you still don't like your score, write down a birdie on the card, circle it and give high fives all around. Geeze, haven't you learned anything playing with me all these years??? -Tammy
[217] Lobsters are not REALLY lobsters unless you have them overlooking Ipswich Bay (see those twinkling lights across the bay . . .), just caught that day by Fred & Janie. We are hoping to see you make a trip to Gloucester before the lobster season is over so that you can have the REAL ones !!
Good luck this coming week. Just wanted you to know that I'm thinking about you . . . Cuz Laurie
[216] We've had several days of debate as to what wine would go best with the number 3 value meal -- zinfandel, cabernet, ripple? In the end, we thought you might ask the helpful staff behind the counter. Glad to know that you've been having a good week.
Glenn and Rosanne
[215] Hi Pam -- I work with Connie Scholand. I am undergoing chemo treatments for ovarian cancer which was discovered in April 2001. Connie was telling me about you and suggested that I contact you through your guest book. Just want you to know that my thoughts and prayers are with you. I love to golf also and try to get out as much as I can. Take care and will keep watching your website. Sonia
[214] Pam, It was fantastic to see you on Tuesday! - please call me the next time you visit the links, I would like to clear my schedule and perhaps show you the ups and downs of playing from the bunkers. Remember that "Sand Is Our Friend" - keep smiling :) Fairways and Greens, Michael Kummer PGA Professional
[213] Hello Pam, We met and played golf about 6 weeks ago at Glenmore. We tied on net score, and beers consumed. I hope you break 100 soon. My thoughts and prayers are with you along with those of so many others. Hang in there! -- Martin
[212] Hey Sweetie, hope your trip to PA with your Mom went well. Eat a lobster for us tonight. We're keeping you close to our hearts and will keep reading your journal throught this second round. Please ask the anesthesits to put your stitch further down so I won't think it's another tick!! That was a 'near miss.' Will keep the glass frozen for your return. Love you. Hugs. Nancy and Jim
[211] Hello Pam - I was so shocked (still am for that matter) to hear about your diagnosis. You have been in my prayers every night. I am rooting for you and it seems that I'm not the only one... Your tenacity and spirit has brought you this far and I'm sure it will serve you well during this most trying time. Please take to heart that you have lots of people that care about include myself, Dee Aranza, as a new of Joan Godsey's friends from Northern Virginia.
[210] Hi Pam, met at the Lindenmann's on the 4th. Richard and I have been reading your journal all month. Just wanted to say keep up the good work. We are proud of you and praying every day for your speedy recovery. Good luck with the second phase next week. Love and best wishes Ann and Richard Pfister
[209] Hi Pam, Just got back from vacation. Went to Tx w/ my parents. I think everyone was worried that I would't come back. You know how I get when I get the urge to travel. It was a great trip. Everyone is making fun of my accent again. I can't help it if I pick up that Texas draw so easily. I too am glad that your Mom is going to be driving you to PA. I admire your strength & courage so much. Can't wait for you to beat this thing so you can come back to the ER. Miss ya much, Windy. PS. Still working on the jingle.
[208] Hi! Glad to hear that dinner stayed put last night and that you finally got some sleep,Also we're very glad that your Mom is driving you north, didn't seem like a good idea for you to go alone. Thought we might take a ride with you. Wow ! coffee and McDonalds in the same day. We'll have some wine ready for the next visit. Have a good trip. Just remember one is down. Bring your Mom by to visit some time when she is here. Love , Barbara and Dick
[207] Pam, I was just reading your journal entries and glad to hear that you're feeling better and your spirit is up. It's great to read what everyone has sent you and you must feel incredible strength from knowing how many people are praying for you. I continue to do the same. I look forward to your next trip to the big city of Sumter for golf! I would like to be included in any further study of the medicinal benefits of the margaritas. Take care. Love, Fran Glaze
[206] Hey Pam! I'm so glad to know that you are feeling back to normal! And I've never been happier to NOT be able to eat left-over lobster! Whatever you are doing, keep it up. Have a great visit. Marcia Gladfelter
P.S. - As for the Cabernet vs. Chardonnay vs. Merlot, etc, Charlie says to try them all! m
[205] Based on preliminary results, cabernet looks like the best antidote, though merlot is probably a close second. Margaritas work best if ingested on tropical beaches (lakeside might be a close enough approximation), but I don't know about the salt load with the edema issue. I'm sorry I'm not there to continue the current research with you at this time, but I know you'll do fine without me. Cheers! Love, Tammy
[203] Thank You Mom...I was worried about that whole driving up here scenario. Have a good trip! Barb
[202] Hi Honey, 7/25/01 It was great having a cup of coffee with you on the phone this morning, your first partial cup since you started chemo. I'll probably leave here around 2:00 or so this afternoon and let myself into your house when I get there (you'll be at dinner at Nancy's). I'll make myself at home and help myself to some of your delicious soups. Better put notes on the ones that are off limits. Love you lots, and am glad you let me know you had reservations about driving up by yourself. See you when you get home from dinner. XXXOOO Mom
[201] Pam, Just spent a great time with your parents at the lake house on our return to Ky. I noticed that you scooted on back to Va. before the 10 Sims' arrived!! Good luck on round 2 of chemo. Betsy