Guestbook Entries #1401-1500

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[1500]  Hi Pam and Family, I am so glad to hear that Pam is not in pain and that she has moments that she can speak, take a sip of fluid and enjoy her family. These are the small joys that occur on days where everything else seemes pretty bleak. Thank you Kat for keeping us updated. Your creation of this website was an incredible idea and allowed all of us to be close to Pam through out her courageous journey. Thank you! Give my love to Pam, Love Katie S.

Kat - Thanks so much for the updates. I think we are all addicted to this web site and will really feel the lose when you write no longer. Hang in there with all you guys are going through. I'm glad to hear Pam is able to wake up, even if it is only every now and then. Prayers go forth for comfort and peace. Evie Miller

I finally got to visit you today Pam. I am so sorry it took me so long. I guess I am experiencing feelings of anger and disbelief. I am so sorry you have had to endure all that you have . My peace for you is truly knowing that God has a very special plan--for all of us. Yours is just a lot more clearer than the rest of ours. My prayers are with you and your family. Do not be afraid, you are not alone. With much love, Maria Kowaleski and crew

May the roads rise up to meet you May the wind always be at your back, May the sun shine warm upon your face, The rains fall soft upon your fields, And until we meet again, May God hold you in the hollow of his hand. (An Irish Blessing) These were the last words we had from our Bonnie before she died. We pass them on to you with love and peace in your new life. We cannot say goodbye - we will see you again when we all reunite in heaven. Go in peace. Janie and Fred

Dearest Pam , We just want you to know that throughout your illness you have been in our thoughts and prayers. We will always hold dear to our hearts the many "Hot Bittersweet Fudge Sundaes" we shared on so many occasions. Our prayer is that the Peace and Love of the Lord be with you and your very special family , and may He hold each of you in the palm of His hand. Love and Hugs, Andy and Joyce Anderson


[1495]  Pam, I'm sorry I can't be upbeat like so many people are. I'm sad and I'm going to miss you. And as I tell Casey, "life is good, but life is not fair." And this is just so unfair. Carolyn

Pam, thank you for your kindnesses to my mother and me on our visits to the ER, and thank you for sharing this experience with the rest of us. I know you have caused many of us to reexamine what is really important in each of our lives. As Casey said, "We all love you" . Al Talley.

pam thanks for all you encouragement during your trip with cancer. you have made it easier for me to say i will be able to be strong if cancer ever threatens my life. i will always remember the "times" we had in the e.r. in carlisle. you have become a chapter in my book about life.. see you later!!!!!love barb t.

Simply no more to say but...We all love you! Harry Potter will be wonderful I'm sure!!!Casey Talley

Hi Pam, I will never forget the wonderful time I had going to my first NASCAR race in Richmond with you and Barb. I was hooked after that!!! I also want you to know I will be there for Barb whenever she needs me. She has been a very good friend especially when I suddenly lost my brother last year.

You are in my thoughts and prayers, God Bless you and goodbye, Antoinette

[1490]  Pam, We were very glad to see you at our recent reunion. Fond memories are always good to hang on to. You and your family remain in my prayers. Audrey Uknis

Hi Pam,

I have nothing profound to say. Hoping you have a peaceful and comfortable journey to the wonderful place you are travelling to. I'm glad your Mom, Dad and sisters are there with you. Love, Tracey

No words can say the sense of loss I feel for my friend. I will not say goodbye. I will never forget when you called me up, out of the blue, nearly 14 years ago. You were collecting states and wanted to come to Colorado to ski. "Do you remember me?" Of course I remember Pam. What are you doing these days? "I'm a doctor." How can you be a doctor you're 14? At least, in my mind you were fourteen... I hadn't taken into account it had been 14 years since I'd seen you.

You came to Colorado the next winter. We skiied at Breck. And stayed up late and ate pizza. And talked and laughed and cried. It was the best time I'd ever had skiing. A few years later, you called on me to join you on a camping trip out west. We negotiated; you needed Utah and Wyoming; I needed Idaho and Montana. You were a trooper... by the end of the trip, you were able to set up camp by yourself. I was so impressed. I learned a lot on that trip. What IS the plural of moose? And I wonder if that killer fawn has ever been caught and prosecuted for its crimes.

As we enjoyed your second trip to Texas - eating and drinking along the Riverwalk - who'd have imagined what the next month would reveal, or what the next 18 months would bring. Cancer. If you had needed a kidney, this guestbook proves, you would have a long line of volunteers to donate. I'd have scrambled to be at the front. They say you're stuck with your relatives but you choose your friends. Thanks for calling me up. Thanks for choosing me. I'll see you again. I love you. I will not say goodbye. -- your camping cook and skiing mogul, your friend. <BR><img src="" width="60" height="60">

11/22/02 Pam: When we first met I was so in awe of you. A DOCTOR but so friendly!! We had some good times: golf, dinners and just talking. I will miss you terribly. When you get to heaven, look Freddie up - I bet she will find a place in her foursome for you. Love and prayers Joan G.

We appreciate, so very much, your keeping us informed. As with everyone else, our thoughts and prayers are with you all at this time. Barb and Russ G.


[1485]  To Pam's Family: She has touched so many lives. More than you can know. Her passing is very personal to many of us and we can only hope for her comfort and for yours. I am so thankful for the time she has had since this terrible trip began. What a waste of a young productive life.

We have been down this melonoma road with a young daughter in-law who left us at age 35--with two lovely young children behind. The pain gets easier with time..but as you expect, it never never goes away.

With prayer and caring, Troxie Harding

Pam, Cousin Margie and family, just wanted you to know that we are all with you in Spirit and sending lots of GREAT BIG HUGS your way. Love to all/Janie and family

Pam I am thinking of you and always will. Jim

Pam - your courage is admirable and you were formidable on the golf course. I am sorry you are leaving us, but think where you are going shall be a better place. I shall miss you here. Sue Chapin

Dear Pam,

Our love and prayers are with you - and such lovely memories of fun times with Happy Hours - we miss you - your great sense of humor which made all of us laugh over and over again.

Judi and Jacques Ruch Palmyra

[1480]  Love you Dr. Pam!!! We will see you again, someday. Make sure the angels know how to play Phase Ten! or if as you prefer to call it "Meld Ten." Love, Krista and Megan

Dear Margie, Carl, Barb, Karen and Pam, May His peace sustain you even in the darkest hour. Jesus said, "I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in Me, though he may die, he shall live." (John 11:25) You are in our thoughts and prayers. Love, Niece/Cousin, Susan for the Tolberts

Pam and Family,

I don't know what to say, but please know there are so many thoughts and prayers going out to all of you. Coming from people you don't even know, who have been inspired by your strength and determination. Love, Connie & Marty


I'm thinking of you.


Anne Lofaso (Friend of Kat)

Dear Pam, Margie, Carl, Kat & Barb & all of Pam's friends & family, Our hearts go out to you. You're all so very brave. Please know that you're in our prayers constantly. Pam, you especially, have been such an inspiration to us. You never gave in to your cancer, but always were positive & upbeat. We love you all. God bless you & keep you in His loving care. Cousins Adeline, Warren & family

[1475]  Our thoughts and prayers are with you. St.Paul to the Romans: I consider the sufferings of this present time are not worth comparing with the glory about to be revealed to us. The Lord is with you. Lyman and Joan

We are praying for Pam and for her family of caregivers, who are now close at hand. May His countenance shine upon you all and give you peace. Frank/Joan LM.

Pam, Barb and Family, I have not made any entries, but was a faithful reader to your journal. You have been an inspiration to everyone's life that you have touched. In reading your thoughts I feel that I have come to know you, even though we only met one time (at Barb's wedding). You have made me appreciate my own life and the people who surround me more than I did before. I am so glad that you and Barb (and Mom too) spent time together in Aussie Land. That was a trip that I know that Barb will treasure for the rest of her life. Love, Shelly Rodgers (Barb's friend)

To Pam and her loving family, Thank you for sharing yourselves, and for caring for Pam so tenderly. I know her passing to her next phase in life will be a hard loss for you all here in this one. Pam, darlin', you have blessed my life and I shall always have you in my heart. Because of you Pam, and your website, I now know what to do when someone is ill or hurting. How many times in the past have I "thought" about calling someone but was uncertain what to say. Being able to check in on you and write you a message, to send my prayers and my love, and receive your feedback in your journal entries, I know now how important it is for the other person but even more so for me to reach out and care for that other person. Thank you for all you have taught me about caring others and about living each day to the fullest. Thank you to Margie, Dad, Barb, Kat and all the family members and friends we have gotten to know through this website. I will continue to be in touch. My G-d's Love surround all of you and help you through this very tough final step, holding Pam's hand as she steps into G-d's own hands. Love Katie S.

To Barb and Family - Please know that my prayers are with you. This is a very hard time to live through. We held a similar vigil with my grandmother. You are surrounded by loving spirits. Rest assured that Pam had a very positive impact on a lot of lives. Love, Evie Miller

[1470]  Pam and Mum I am so glad that I met both of you in Noosa; the past months have been a great insight into the love and affection that a family and friends can give. It is amazing that I only met you for a couple of hours and that I now feel like I really know you with your daily journal entries and the ones of your family and friends. I am also pleased that I shared the talk and wine with you and mum (and that I insisted on you having desert). Hopefully the golf club that you about to enter has a broader criteria for membership as opposed to Augusta. Once again thanks for entering my life and my thoughts/prayers are with you. Love John G Duncan

Pam - All one has to do is to read your website to understand the impact that you have had on so many of our lives. You have taught me so much about life and how to live it. Your spirit will live on forever in our hearts. Thank you for being the inspiration that you have been, and that you will always be. Love, your brother Dave

Dear Pam, Maybe they have good charcoal grilled lamb and chocolate cake in heaven. You are in our thoughts and prayers. Love, Dick and Barbara

Hey Pam, great to see you at the reunion... I was glad you made the effort to attend under your trying circumstances. I for one, would not have been so brave...I've thought about you often since. I hope you are able to do as much as possible. You are lucky to have a great support system in your family, as they are lucky to have you....Take care and God Bless. You are in our prayers.. Love, Fran and Mike Sidor

11/20 Dear Pam, your life this past year has been an inspiration to us--strength with grace. Thank you ever-so-much. We have all confidence in the words of Jesus who said that we will be with Him when we cross the bar. Let us look forward to eternal family parties when, one by one, we all join you in eternal life. I read that the nectar in heaven is far better than any wine made by man. This is a great treat we can anticipate now, and enjoy later. With all Christian love, Demi and Paul May

[1465]  Dear Pam and family, Our thoughts are with you and your family as you face this final step in this world's journey and the first step in your next journey. May you find comfort, peace and grace in these final moments. You have been blessed to have family and friends to walk with you during this time in your life. A fine tribute and testimony to the genuine woman you have been in your life. May your friends and family find strength in you and each other to take this final step in your journey. Thank you for being so open with sharing your journey with so many people. You have given gifts to others that you will never know. May God bless you and keep you in the palm of his hand. Sincerely, Warren & Susan Britts

Pam, just thinkin' of you and all the fun times we had playing golf and meld 10. I think Krista is right, and you did win a few times. And my mom is right too, God does put everyone one earth for a reason. Wish you could be around longer, but certainly have made a difference in my life! your "nephew",Sean O'Keefe

11/20 Pam, My prayers are with you and your family. Love from Chris M's Mom

Dear Pam, Don't know how many more opportunities I will get to tell you what a great fight you have fought with that nasty disease. The good guy doesn't always win. Thank you for the good times we have had. Ireland, St. John, golf courses, etc. Thank you for everything. I will continue to pray for you. My love to you, Margie, Carl, Barb, Karen, and David & Andy. (Bob, too, for letting Kat spend so much time with you.) More prayers, Aunt Mernie

Pam, you are in my thoughts and prayers always. I will always think of you and the good times we had. Even William will say to me Pam would have liked this especially the Montpieller Hunt Races. You have touched both of our lives in ways you never knew. May God bless you now and forever. Your friend, Marianne.


Dear Pam,

I have been a silent reader for at least a year and a half.. I worked at GCC and met you there once I heard about your website shortly after my mother-in-law passed away and have been a faithful reader. I have admired your decision to keep fighting and the strength, courage and grace in which you have.

In giving of yourself through your website you have educated me in many ways. I have an appointment to see a dermatologist next week, as a child I remember many severe sunburns...perhaps I should have been earlier but...

Pam, your life has touched many, my prayer is for your peace and comfort as your journey continues...

Lori Mohr Pedersen


Dear Pam,

I have been praying for you. I pray that you will find joy in your life each day and that you won’t feel too much pain. I also pray for Margie and Uncle Carl, Barb and Kat as well as all of your friends and devoted website followers. I have not been one to post my thoughts on the site, too shy, I guess. We haven’t seen much of each other in these past 30 years, but still I feel such a sense of loss at the thought of your passing.

The last time I saw my father, fifteen years ago, I was concerned about his pain and what he was going through as he faced the prospect of death. He told me that the hardship was that we would be parted for awhile, but that we would see each other again in the next life. He theorized that time in the next life is different than in this. Perhaps a decade passes in a second and he hasn’t had time to miss me like I have missed him. I hope so. Anyway, one day I look forward to seeing him, Nana & Boppa, Bonnie Brown, Ronnie Brothers, Billie & Jack Rhodes, Jay Rhodes; and of course you, when you join them. Please say “hi” to everyone from me and tell them that I miss them.

I have learned many things, as I have followed your travails via your website. I think you managed this past year splendidly. I am so glad that you went to Australia, visited me in Florida, took in a lot of golf, and especially made it to the family reunion in Gloucester. I cherish my family even more. We are lucky when it comes to family. I try not to take life or good health for granted and I am taking better care of myself. I will have anything suspicious checked without delay. Perhaps you will save my life one day.

Thank you for the effort you have put into your journal each day. It has given me the opportunity to know you better and love you even more.

Much love from your cousin, Ann

Dear Pam, Just to let you know we are thinking of you - today and every day. Although we've never met, you have touched our lives. Your parents are friends and neighbors from Lake Meade. Your mom is actually a 7th cousin - one generation removed from me (Bob) - we are descended from John Alden and Priscilla Mullins. That makes us cousins. We have been inspired by your courage and determination and we are praying for you and your family. Bob and Barbie Greer

Hi Pam, I'm thinking of you. Hope the procedure yesterday has made you more comfortable. Like everyone else, I wish there was something - anything - that I could do to help you. Unfortunately, I know there's not. I know your medical team and your family (especially your family) will be there for you. Love and Prayers, Tracey G

[1455]  thank you Pam

thank you for your courage in your battle with cancer. thank your for your encouraging example in fighting with these demons. thank you for your positive attitude and zest for life. thank you for sharing your joureny with so many.

and -- thank you Pam -- for helping me with my own fight against cancer by showing the way to rise above it and put it in perspective.

Pam -- you are loved, admired, and adored. you are always in my thoughts and will never be forgotten.

thank you -- your cuz' Laura

Hi Pam, I hope the procedure you are having will help you allot. You and your family continue to be in my thoughts and prayers. Have a restful afternoon. Love Katie S.

hi Pam, I hope the procedure you are having will help you allot. You and your family continue to be in my thoughts and prayers. Have a restful afternoon. Love Katie S.

Dear Pam, It has been several days since I have read your journal and so much has transpired since then. You continue to be in my thoughts and prayers and I hope you will be comfortable as your time goes on. You have touched so many people with this website (myself included) and your strength and courage are an inspiration to all who know you. I will continue to keep you in my prayers and will always be grateful for the time we spent together at the reunion. Best wishes and love, Nancy Rosenblatt Markus

Pam, I do hope you can feel the blanket of love that must be wrapped around you from so many of us who have read your journal with such a feeling of helplessness.. because we can't change things. You have given us all such inspiration and made us see what truly is important in this life. Now we pray for your peace and a lack of pain, and we are so thankful to have known you. Arlene

[1450]  Pam - I'm glad that I was able to come down and visit with you, even though I couldn't stay very long. I made it back to the project just in time to see the workers driving away. They seem to have gotten a lot done in my absence. The kids are fine, and Bob can't wait to go to work this morning! I had great plans to stay up last night to watch the meteor shower, which then became plans to sleep a bit and wake up in time to see it just before midnight, then to get up early this morning . . . . Needless to say, I'll have to catch the next one in 2099. Oops, I guess not. I'll tell myself that I wouldn't have had a good view from my yard anyway. We are praying for your comfort. Love, Kat & family


I think of you often since the reunion and have been following your journal. I am so glad I was able to see you again. My thoughts and prayers will always be with you. You have touched me in ways that even surprised me, and your grace and intact sense of humor under such conditions is inspiring. My love and respect always. Joan Zeidman

Love from the last of the extended Rhodes family in Louisville. It is heartwarming to see all the peopl e who really care for you. I think visiting this web sight gives us all strength and a little better perspective on what is really important in this world. Bill Phelps

Hi Pam, Hope today, Monday, is a good day for you. If you can eat, get something really yummy and enjoy even if its only a few mouthfuls. You are in my prayers and hope you have a good day with your family. Love Katie S.

Hi Pam, I tried to send a message earlier, but got an error message from the web page. The webmaster Kat says the glitch is fixed now. Hope you're feeling better today. You're in our thoughts & prayers. Love, Connie & Marty

[1445]  Psalm 23:1-6 A psalm of David.

The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not be in want. [2] He makes me lie down in green pastures, he leads me beside quiet waters, [3] he restores my soul. He guides me in paths of righteousness for his name's sake. [4] Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me.

[5] You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies. You anoint my head with oil; my cup overflows. [6] Surely goodness and love will follow me all the days of my life, and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever.


May our GRACE filled God be with you as you move into eternal life. Love, Pastor Bill & Phyllis

Hi Pam. Well, you told me in August that this was coming. I just hoped it would not be so soon. I think of you so often and hope and pray you will be able to be comfortable and at peace during this phase of this terrifying desease. You have been so incredibly brave and honest which has helped so many that have read this journal and been around you during this ordeal. It's wonderful you were able to make the trip to Australia and to live that dream you had for so many years. It's also great that you were able to indulge in our frustrating sport of golf as much as you did this summer. The memories really help not only for you but for all the rest of us. Mom and I send you our love, marilyn

Dr. Pam, thinking of you, and remember all the times you whined during phase ten. i think you did win a couple times though, hang in there

Love, Krista

Dearest Pam, You know that our hearts and our prayers are with you. It's been a very difficult day to read your journal last night and then talk about your condition at church this morning. We of faith know that a better time is ahead and hope that these days may be as pain-free as possible and may the Peace of the Lord be with you and with your family. I know there is an alto harp awaiting for you to be a part of singing to His Glory. Love Ya, Joe & Patty Shaver

Dear Pam, Our hearts go out to you and your family. Even though we only met you once, you have left a mark on our lives. We think of you often and are shocked and so sorry that things haven't gone the way we all hoped and prayed for. You are a wonderful person and a inspiration to all that you have touched. This family from down under will never forget you and it has been a pleasure knowing you. All our love to you and your family Robert Sue Michael Megan & Steven Harris Sydney Australia

[1440]  Pam, I want you to know I think of you often. I'm so sorry to hear that you have not been doing well recently--I haven't had much time to check the computer over the past few weeks (I'm doing my IMed rotation this month). I'm praying for you! Rena (aka Tigger)

Dear Pam; I have finally found your website -being such a novice with the computer. I am amazed, touched and in awe of your journal, your pictures , and most of all your unbelievable ability to set down in word- the feelings. thoughts and experiences this illness presents on a daily basis. Who knew -authoress - Pam!!!  You can never really know how many lives have been touched by your words and your friends and families words. This vehicle has given many others the opportunity to not only converse with you -their loved one- but to also find a comfort level with others in this same condition. I have referred several friends to it and have received thankful responses. So many of your golfing buddies have been brought together in common goal as we "check in on your progress" together frequently. Your courage and humor will always be admired. While fighting this fight you showed many of us how to live. I pray that you will have pain free days and that each day you may be able to consciously experience that wonderful family of yours. When rest comes, relive some of natures beauty seen on the golf courses and on the trip to Australia; reunite with loved ones and newly acquired friends. For now, I hope you can draw upon the loving strength that all around you are sending to ease your way . We love you , Pam. Love, Ande

Dear Pam, you have been a wonderful teacher to me, showing me, and all of us, what living fully and joyfully each day, despite adversity, looks like. Thank you Pam. I still pray for you, and hope you have each day pain free, nausea free, and to be able to mentally clear so you can be fully present with your wonderful mother, father, family and friends. When your physical body can no longer carry on, you will step away from it and continue your journey into a joyful, peaceful place still surrounded be loved ones. In a twinkling of an eye we will all be with you again. For now I will continue to walk in this physical life, blessed by you, made better because of you and for that Pam I will always be thankful. May you and your family be surrounded by angels and as always you are in my prayers. Love Katie S.

dear pam, what can i say that many have not already said? i am so thankful you stopped by the hospital at carlisle to see us on one of your trips!! you will certainly be a beautiful special angel with God, i'm guessing God is thinking its time for this angel who has given inspiration, love ,hope, and laughter, to stop suffering!! i will never forget you or your journal or the inspiration you have been to many!! i will pray that you days in the future on this earth will be ones of not much pain ,ones that will allow you to be coherent to spend with loved ones around you, i will see you one day (at least i hope i'm headed to the angel side of things-HA-HA) i'm sure you will have a mickey d's burger and fries in one hand and a golf club in the other take care and i will try to keep in touch!! my prayers to your family as they help you through this time!! love, tracey rush

Pam, I have often struggled with G-d's decision of who and when people shall die. I know that Christians find comfort and hope for the after-life, but that was not comforting to me. And yet my faith in G-d remains steadfast even though again I can not fathom why this has happened to you. But recently I read something that has really helped me to find some peace in trying to understand G-d's will. I believe that we are here to "fix the world". Each of us must contribute in our own way to make this place that G-d has given us a better place. And while we may think our jobs aren't done when G-d calls us to leave, I think we need to remember that G-d must feel that we have made a difference and that our work is done. You, Pam, have touched so many if us as a doctor, a sister, a daughter, and as a friend. By sharing your experiences you have made us all more aware of how precious life is. Of course I wish you had many more years with us, but in my heart I have to believe that G-d knows the wonders of what you have done throughout your life. For me, I feel so lucky to have known you. You have shared your friendship and humor and dignity with me and you will remain in my heart forever. All my love Pam, Ronni

[1435]  Dear Brothers - and Sister, I feel so helpless way up here. What can I do to ease your pain? If you need/want me, I will come. We have had snow most of the day today (not much) and expect freezing rain tonight, but we will get to church tomorrow to pray some more. Hang in there, all of you. Love and prayers, Mernie

Dear Pam, I have followed the course of your illness and although I knew how it would end, I am so sad to read the latest reports. I have prayed for you and I was so glad that you were able to tour Australia, attend your reunion and travel about seeing and enjoying your many friends. You have educated many people about MMM and many other things in the process. You have squeezed a lot of living and loving into a shorter period. You have been an inspiration to all. My heart and prayers go out to you, your parents and family during this the most difficult time. You are an admirable lady and have been an inspiration to others. If I can help spell your family, your Mom knows where to find me. Prayers, Vivian

11/16 Pam - From 1 Thessalonians "Brothers, we do not want you to be ignorant about those who fall asleep, or to grieve like the rest of men, who have no hope. We believe that Jesus died and rose again and so we believe that God will bring with Jesus those who have fallen asleep in him." You continue to be an inspiration, with the bravery and strength of your journal entries. You have certainly shown me, and apparently a lot of others about the meaning of dignity and grace in the face of such adversity. You and your family are in my prayers for strength, comfort, love, and of course, peace. - Love, Chris

Dear Pam, Carolyn and I have been following the progress of your ordeal and are heartbroken, but we're proud of the courage with which you've handled your illness setting such an admirable example for those similarly affected. We send our love to you and your family, especially your parents. Carolyn and Mint Kunkel

Pam, Marge, Carl, Kat and Barb God gives us the strength to endure the worst possible things that can happen - I found this to be the case when I took care of my brother during his final six weeks of battling this horrible disease - may God be with you all now and forever. Barb and Russ Godfrey

[1430]  Pam, You are in my prayers. I don't know what else to say. I think of you daily (even though I'm not so good with putting entries in your guest book) I am amazed at your determination and your dignity in the face of this terrible disease. I know it sounds trite, but you truly are inspiring. Love, Tracey G.

Dear Pam,

I am so sorry to hear your sad news. You have been very courageous and have put up a very strong fight against your cancer. Be proud that you are an inspiration for anyone fighting a debilitating illness. I shall miss you and you will remain with fondness in my memories. May God bless you and reward you in heaven. Love, Susan Ruffini

Pam, please be at peace and know that you have brought much joy to others. You are truly an inspiration with these journal entries. My choir director's partner has just been diagnosed with melanoma and I pointed them to this web site. It is helping other people. Evie Miller

Oh, Pammy. You truly have fought the good fight. Through this whole ordeal you have exhibited strength and courage that I could only marvel at, knowing I would never be able to be so strong and brave in the face of such adversity. You are an inspiration to so many. I pray for you and your family the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding. I love you. Tammy.

Pam - when there seem to be no words to say that can possibly provide you any comfort we can only say 'be at peace with yourself' You are an inspiration to us all. Ann & Ralph

[1425]  hi pam, thinking of you often!! hang in there!! you are so in my prayers!! we at carlisle hosp think of you often !!! take care love tracey!!

We who have been following your journal the past year plus have known what you are facing with this disease. So how could we be stunned by your news of the inevitable. And yet here we are -- stunned. I'm sure I speak for many; we just don't want to believe it. As your family makes you comfortable, know you make us comfortable with your words of strength and courage. (You will forever be my hero. I love you.)

Hi Pam, I'm glad you got admitted to the MJH and I hope you begin to feel better soon. Mom needs rest and even though Dad is coming to help this situation calls for professional help too! Check with your insurance carrier and have someone in daily. If Mom and Dad can rest and take breaks, their health can can be maintained. All of your friends and family can still be there. I liked Vivian's idea of having a massage...for you and for Mom. My prayers are with you, hope you feel stronger soon. Love Katie S.

You, too, need a good night's sleep so you can beat that fever and get better. Our love & prayers go out to you. Connie & Marty

Pam, So sorry things are so difficult. Glad to hear that you have acquired some devices to made things a bit easier for you and your Mom. I hope that your Dad can come down. It would be a help for your Mom and there is no one like a Dad who loves you to comfort you. Just tell it like it is. I have had many patients who exhausted themselves trying to keep up a good front and it is too hard to do. I hope you can manage that new transfer seat to get into the tub. There is nothing more relaxing than a soak in the tub. Has anyone suggested a massage? Some of the hospital are including it in patient care. Anything that helps is worth a try. If I can help to run errands or help your Mom, please call. Prayers, Vivian

[1420]  Hi Pam, I can tell you are miserable and I wish I could take it all away. All of your loved ones do to. You are such a fighter. It sounds like, with all of the gadgets needed to get you up and down, you are in a real helpless way and that must "piss you off!" I am still hoping and praying for this chemo to work so that you can go out with friends and family, to share good food, once again. If you haven't had a good cry, do it! I feel one coming on just thinking how awful you are feeling. When are you to have your cell count checked again. Pam, I hope and pray with all of my heart that you will have a better day tomorrow and the white cells are responding in your favor. Love Katie S.

Pam, Perhaps all of us are putting our own euphoric slant on your journal entries because we are all hoping and praying that you really ARE feeling better. Hang in there and keep up your fighting spirit. So many people are praying for you that you must at least feel the love and there is a lot of that going around. Aim for another round of Prime Rib -- Mom and I are ready. Love, marilyn

Hi Pam, You are in my prayers every day. I have a baby monitor if you would like it. Keep on keeping on.Love, Eleanor

11-13 Hi Pam - I'm a bit late in telling you that I, too, have headed your call for prayers! With everyone you have praying for you, I'm certain the message is getting through! Hang in there, and be careful with all those gadgets - I hope you have one big remote control to run them all! TAKE CARE!!! - Chris

Hang in there Pam. Sounds like you'll be the gadget gourmet! Evie Miller

[1415]  Pam, Been a bit busy here (my Dad's in the hospital) so I haven't had a chance to check in on the website since the weekend. Speaking of Hospitals, I kno whave a new respect for you - ER people are amazing - not efficient but certainly amazing people. We were in ER for 8.5hrs before they finally admitted him. Anyway back to you- my heart goes out to you. You are always in my thoughts. I wear my pin proudly and am often asked about it. And I get up on my "soapbox" and tell them about Melanoma and about my "sister-in-law" who is beating the odds every day. I know it must be so difficult. About that pee-ing thing - how about wearing a "that time of the month" pad and just let those 6 drops go. Hope the fevers and white count get back to normal ASAP. All my love, Ronni

Pam, I assume you have been checked for a UTI. If you could get that under control you would be better able to get some rest. There must be something your buddies can do to solve your problem. Today was not exactly a day to improve one's outlook. Maybe sun will shine tomorrow and you can enjoy looking out at the lake. You certainly have a wonderful view. Prayers, Vivian

Dear Pam, Hope you are feeling better than you were Friday. Thanks for lunch. Prayers, Aunt Mernie

Dear Pam: You have been in my thoughts so much since the reunion. I hope that your counts come up quickly so that you can move along with your surgery. I'm sure it means a lot to have Lynn so close by. Please send her my regards. You are lucky to have what sounds like an amazing support system and loving family. Hang in there! I am praying for you. Best wishes, Nancy Rosenblatt Markus

Pam, It was nice to meet your extra special Mom today. We are starting an outreach program at the Library. Some of our members of the Friends are going to be delivering books, audiotapes and videos to folks who have difficutly getting to the Library. If you would like some audio tapes or CDs to listen to, I will be glad to deliver and pick up. Just let us know what you would like. I would also be happy to come sit with you if someone would like to take her out for lunch or if she would enjoy a walk or a trip to the store. Left my number with your Mom. Rest and get those counts up and under control. Vivian

[1410]  Pam - the word is out . . . we are all praying for you. Sounds so frustrating for you - wish I could help. Mom & Dad told me they saw you last week. Hope you are eating more than mashed potatoes now ! Keep up the fight . . . and keep hanging in there. all of my love and prayers - your cuz' Laura

Hi Pam, We just discovered your page. Joan Sola told me about it. It is truly moving to hear about your convalescence as you carry on. Know that you are in our prayers daily and we are pulling for you. Love, Bob & Flo Strohmayer

Hi Pam, I hope you are feeling a bit better today. You are in my prayers. Love Katie S.

Russ and I are off to Murphy, NC (the other end of the world) to visit friends and maybe do Ashville. Will be home sometime next week-end so in the meantime I want you and your Mom to behave yourselves and keep thinking positive thoughts. Barb Godfrey

Hi Pammy, Boy you skip reading your journal for a few days and your out of the loop. I dropped by your moms house with some flowers for you today today and dad said you were gone back to VA. Bummer!! Got a longer version of your update from old dad. I'll save the flower til your next trip north. Keep up the good fight. I'll think of you tomorrow at church.

Marty S

[1405]  Pam, I'm sending many prayers from Sumter. You are one of the strongest people I know. Nina

Dear Pam, We are thinking of you and saying many prayers. Love, Kathy and Revis Butler Atlanta

Dear Pam, I am praying that your white blood cells are dipping rapidly so they can hurry up and climb back up, as hoped for. This is why you feel so rotten. Don't try to do too much while this is happening, I know you are feeling discouraged but I am not. I've never heard of anyone feeling great while their chemo is doing its job. It is hard work for the body and the chemo to fight against the cancer and it takes all of your energy. Hang in there, rest alot, know your name is being spoken aloud and in quiet every minute of each day asking for strength for you to be able to stand up, (or lay down, for that matter) while your body fights the cancer. Know that you are loved. It is ok to feel discouraged and scared, WE continue to pray for strength and healing. Keep writing honestly. I hear you and I pray for you to feel better real soon. Love Katie S.

Nov 8th: Dear Pam, we have moved your name up to the top of our prayer list. Even though we do not understand blood cells, we are confident that our dear Heavenly Father knows all about same. We trust our Lord because He is merciful and He does show us His love. Demi and Paul May

[1401]  Our prayers are on the way. Barb and Russ G.