Guestbook Entries #1101-1200

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[1200]  From the newest member of the cancer club -

I'm not so sure that I like this club after all ! Is there a way that you can just quit and get off the membership list or is it the result of a "Go Directly to Jail" card where you don't pass Go? Or is it like the FBI's most wanted list where it follows you everywhere .... My lumpectomy was postponed - chemo first to reduce the tumor (think pea not golf ball !!!). Chemo wasn't too bad; pretty uneventful; just tired. I am in Gloucester to take in the fresh air, get lots of love from family, and of course - LOBSTER !!!

Love - your cuz, Laura

Pam, Thanks for all the updates. You sound frustrated, but you might look at it this way - if it were bad or very obvious they'd all be paying attention to you. Just get the new scans and take whatever little cancer-killing pills they give you. And if they make you sick again, I'll get ya a new fish net!. Hang in. Hiccup tricks:1. drink a cup of water upside down, 2. drink a cup of water with a lump of sugar in it. What's with hiccups. Btw, is there a medical explanation for hiccups? Love ya, Ronni

Pam, The most important aspect of all of this is that you keep up a fighting spirit. My prayers are with you. The doctors you have been dealing with don't know what a fighter you are. We do and we are all rooting for you!! Stephan probably can be reached (even though on vacation) and you could use some guidence from him. I know he's rooting for you too. Call in and talk with him. You can really use his support right now. Let us know what he has to say. Keep that fighting spirit girl. My love is with you and your family . Katie S.

Sorry Pam I think of you every day. Good luck. I'll continue to pray for you. Keep the FAITH! Jim

Pam -- You'll probably see this after you've already been to Pittsburgh but hope all goes well up there. Will be thinking about you. Joan said she talked to you today so I got the latest news. Tell your Mom my friends in E. Berlin bought a house from a guy named Barnes. They just moved up there during the past year and my friend is only there part time until she retires in a couple of weeks. Take care and we'll keep our fingers crossed this is just a small "bump" in the road, marilyn


Sorry to hear about the set back hope all goes well.

Sounds like you have been very active and could have over done it.

John G Duncan

Pam -- Our thoughts and prayers are with you. Ann & Ralph

What a bummer! You have been doing so well. We'll keep up the prayers while you keep us posted. Susan and Bob

Dear Pam, I am on my way (Tues.afternoon) to Island Heights, NJ for the Jet 14 Nationals. Stopped at church so Allan can do payroll, and decided to check you out while waiting for him. Real Bummer. Boring was definitely better than this stuff, but thanks for telling us anyways. Think I'll go into the chapel and put in another good word or two for you - and Laurie. Love, Mernie

8/20 Pam - I'm praying for you - Chris

Hello Pam, Been meaning to drop you an entry , you've been on my mind! Timing is everything. Things are about the same here. My sabbatical is over and I'm back to work - Uggh. Brutally hot up here too. As for the seizure, you were probably overdoing it. A minor setback on the driving, so don't over think it. Be optimistic and remember all the odds that you have continued to beat! My thoughts and prayers are with you. My love, Ronni

Pam, So sorry to read today's journal entry about the seizure. Take it easy and let's hope and pray it is something simple like changing the medicine. My tire was fixed in a few minutes today so I'm now available to help with the taxi business!! Keep us informed, I'll be looking for tomorrow's entry to see how you are doing. Golf was hotter than you know what today and I'm still in first place even after a lousy round of 113. When you are the only one in the tourney in your flight, it's hard for anyone to catch you!! We do it again tomorrow and then it will be done. I'll be thinking about you and saying a prayer that things will go ok, marilyn

Hey, Pam. The kids and I just rolled in from a week and a half at the beach (school starts tomorrow) and I've been catching up on all your news. Bummer on the seizure! I know how happy you've been to be mobile again at long last! But between family, friends, and Delta, this wing-clipping shouldn't slow you down too much! Keep us posted regarding therapeutic plans. Talk to you soon. Love, Tammy

Hey, Pam. Bummer- could the heat possibly have any bearing?? It really taxes all of us! Take it easy, & let your family wait on you. Keep us all posted, and know that even MORE prayers are going in for you. lolta, Marcia G

Pam - We're sorry about your latest report, and praying for you. There are bound to be setbacks from time to time, especially when you are doing as well as you have been. Don't worry, we'll all re-start the taxi service and be there whenever you need us. Love, Dick and Claire

Hi Pam. Just heard from my friend in E. Berlin and she is 4 miles from Lake Mead on Germany Court. I still can't believe it's where your folks live. Had a great time last night "doing dinner." Thanks for the ride -- AAA came out this a.m. and changed the tire. The flat one has a nail in it and looks like it is fixable (only 18 months old). Have a great time and feel good, marilyn

Pam: I don't know; you sound basically "bored", which leads to malaise. The local heat/drought condition doesn't help. Have you given any thought to contributing some of your finely-tuned med skills in a way that would not jeopardize your status in various arenas? Frankly speaking, I got tired of waiting for "destiny" to overtake me, and found a part-time thing that keeps tech. skills in play. I think it has helped. Just a thought. We hold you in our prayers. Blessings, Frank/Joan LM

hey pam. so glad to read your"boring" journals each day. keep up the good work. gotta wonder why we pay insurance premiums all our life and then they have the nerve to cancel. where does all the money they collect go to.? would be nice if health insurance was affordable and not highway robbery... it is so hot in pennsylvania too.. and dry and brown grass.. but it sure beats old man winter ,in my opinion.. take good care love barb thimgan.

8/15 Pam, Laurie is not going to have surgery now for a few months. After having seen the results of the MRI today, the doctors have opted for chemo for 3-4 cycles to reduce the size of the tumor before surgery. She will know more tomorrow after meeting with her oncologist. Thanks for your thoughts. I'm having trouble e-mailing all the family so those I missed can pick up the latest in your guest book. Love, Janie

Hi, Pam! Thank you for the birthday greetings- it was the 14th. We just got home from a mini-vacation to Cades Cove in the Smokies. (I waved from rt. 81 as we drove past!) We had nice weather- a little warm, and no rain. Take care and stay out of this heat! Boring is good. lolta- Marcia G

Pam -- we appreciate reading your daily entries. This weather is just too hot to do much of anything except sit inside in the air conditioning. I am spoiled working in an air conditioned office everyday unlike Ralph who deals with the public in this heat. It is disappointing to see the lake getting lower every day. We did not even put our boat in the lake at all this year. Ann

Hey Pam, health insurance is expensive for all of us. And I don't mind the more routine journal entries. I really appreciate you keeping them up so I can keep up with the latest. I agree with you - - boring is good! Evie Miller

Pam, I think of you often and send up a prayer each time. I love to read your journal and I LOVE to hear the BORING stuff! My life is built of the boring and mundane, and I live vicariously through your golfing life. My baby goes to kindergarten in two weeks so perhaps I'll be playing again?? If you could ever fit me in I'd love to play! I'm not spending much time in the ER this summer--not as much fun as when you're there to make me laugh (I told someone the story of when you wrote "Don't wear white pants" in the discharge instructions for a woman with a vag bleed. I laugh every time I remember stuff like that!) Judy Leytham

PAM: We agree, "boring" is GOOD. Most people have absolutely not a clue about how delightful an "unremarkable" day can be. May you have many more of them. Blessings, Frank/Joan S.

Well it can't be THAT boring. Check out that counter. Nearly 21,000 hits. (Remember my visit to Virginia in July of '01, you were anticipating the big 1000 mark.) Be sure to realize you're doing one thing right -- kicking MMM's butt! Go Team!-- t in D

Well, Pam, maybe you could come back up to PA & help me demolish things and build walls and stuff -- I promise, no more painting. You could tell your readers all about your daily smashed fingers and other injuries! -Kat

Hi Pam,

We have been out of touch for a while, but we just wanted to let you know that we are thinking about you. Hope to see you soon.

Elaine and Rich Bernstein

Okay, you've been so busy with your golf and social outings you've stopped doing your calender. Fran and Nina asked when your follow-up scans would be and I couldn't tell them. Congrats on the birdie. I haven't had one yet in 2002. Tammy

Cool idea about the book. You are truly an inspiration and with a book you can reach many more people! Evie Miller

Hey, Pam! I'm glad to hear that you are getting around to the book! It will be a best-seller,too. The only problem will be that everyone who reads the journal will want an autographed copy- you'll get writer's cramp! Best wishes! lolta Marcia G

Dear Pam, We miss you already. Had a nice talk with Peggy Bishop tonight. We're getting together for dinner on the 15th. They keep up with your journal. It'll be fun reminiscing old times. Love you lots. Mom

Dear Pam,

I think about you from time to time and check in on your journal. I am glad to read that you are enjoying yourself. I'll never miss getting calls from the Emergency Dept, but I miss that they are coming from you.

With love, Joshua Greenhoe

By golly! Margie was born the day I was married -39 years ago today! Pretty good for my Matron of Honor! :) Happy Day to all you Brothers (& sister). Love, Mernie

Pam: Your mom and my Mrs. Joan, have the same birthday in August. They are Leo's, and they are really tough-minded people when they have to be. No rain here at the Lake. Even the insects are dying of heat stroke! I'm on anti-androgens (high test) for about 10 more months. Between them and the local temperature, I'm hauling myself around like the condemned! Blessings, Frank/Joan

Happy Anniversary, Kat & Bob! Happy 39th birthday, Mrs. B! (39 isn't so bad!) Pam- after working all day, then coming home & reading your journal entries, I'm beat! lolta- Marcia G ps- please send some of that rain south to us, okay?? M

8/2 - Hi Pam - If you enjoyed the Bone Cutter, er Collector, I HIGHLY recommend Jeffrey Deaver's book - its WAY better than the movie, and the two follow-ups, The Coffin Dancer and The Empty Chair are GREAT. I read one of the three in only 4 days back in February. Let me know if you want to borrow them - you'll have to stop by on one of your trips to Camp Hill to pick them up. Have a SUPER day!! Chris

Pam~ It's Katherine and Emily! We had a blast watching "The Bonecutter"...or rather "The Bone Collector" with you today :o) It has been wonderful to get to see you again! I'm sure we'll remember this visit long after we're home :o) Thanks for being such a wonderful first-cousin-once-removed! ~ Emily and Katherine

Pam, The hot tub is ready when you are, if you decide you need more that a bath tub soak. Hope you enjoyed the chocolate cake with peanut butter frosting. It probably wasn't as good as it was on Wednesday, but it's the thought that counts. Don't work too hard & stay cool. Love, Connie & Marty

Pam, does your experience with the boys on Tues. mean that you aren't going to keep me company while babysitting Friday night? Chicken!! Don't work too hard on Kat's project or the 'disability police' will force you to become a construction worker! Stay cool. Love, Barb

7/30 - Painting closets? I can't even get my bedrooms painted. You can come up here anytime! Hi to Dick & family. Are they coming my way? I have extra beds available. Love, Mernie

7/29 - Hey Pam, glad to hear that you are "mobile" - feeling 16 again? Enjoy this horrendous PA humidity! Did you happen to catch the exploits of a fellow cancer survivor in the Tour de France? WOW - if you have not read his book yet, I highly recommend it! I guarantee you it will motivate you! Have a good visit home - Chris

So, no sense easing back into the driving scene with a jaunt to the grocery store or post office when you can climb behind the wheel and log several hours and hundreds of miles! Glad you're mobile again. Tammy

Pam - Just checking in. Glad to read you're doing well and that you got to drive. You must admit that it would have been somewhat ironic if you'd received a speeding ticket your first time behind a wheel. Thinking of you often. Love, Beantown Drew.

Pam: WELCOME BACK, ROAD WARRIOR! Love with best wishes, Frank/Joan, LM

Watch out everyone! Here comes Pam in the car! Congratulations! Freedom, wonderful freedom! ......Evie Miller

HI Pam This is Karen in Massachusetts. That golf game better improve for next year! Been keeping up with you're journal and you don't sound to happy with your scores. Not playing much myself & am hitting ok. Take care of yourself.

Hi Pam, sorry that it has been so long since I have written. I've been sort of self absorbed. Glad to hear that you are looking too healthy as per your doc. Keep it up! Enjoy your game. Dar :)

Hi Pam, sorry that it has been so long since I have written. I've been sort of self absorbed. Glad to hear that you are looking too healthy as per your doc. Keep it up! Enjoy your game. Dar :)

Won't be around for about 1 1/2 weeks so just wanted to say Happy Driving on Saturday and be careful. You know driving that golf cart the other day (yikes) was a little different that the big ole car. I'm sure you will do just fine but do remember you are not in the NASCAR races. See ya in a couple of weeks, marilyn

Hmmm. Does Kat have an in with I just changed Margie's address to it, too. Pam: The golf must be improving daily! I played 5 days in a row last week (walking 9 at 4 different courses) and I could feel the difference in my game. Now, if I could just be a little more consistant! We were in VA Sunday visiting Emily & Paul. She takes the VA Bar next Tues & Wed in Roanoke. Fingers crossed that she does well. 2 1/2 more days. Clear the roads at Lake Monticello. :) Love, Mernie

Pam, P.S. I have a new e-mail address, and will get rid of my AOL account for good if it works out. It is Everyone else will be getting a notice soon. Cousin Tom...did you get my e-mail about Milwaukee? B.

Hi Pam. I am at work (it's 7:30 pm and I'm on call again) I will have 10 or 12 hours of overtime this pay, so I'm hoping to pay off my Harley WAY sooner than my loan is for, since the Dow is not cooperating! I do have a day off tomorrow, so I'm having the furnace cleaned. Wow. Happy Birthday to David on the 24th. Gotta go (more broken bones to fix!) Love Barb

Hi Pam, Scary to read your serious journal entry of yesterday, but something we all have nagging in the back of our minds as something we may have to face. Still praying for a complete cure! Nice phone call from your cousin Dick last night. He and the family are coming to visit on the way up to Massachusetts this week. They're bringing their clubs and plan to stay long enough for a round on Thursday. Then they are stopping in on their way back next Tuesday, when you will be here. Perhaps we can talk them into more golf then. Speaking of golf, I played yesterday and was very excited about my 55 on the front 9, only to be brought back to earth by a 65 on the back nine. Same old, same old, lousy scores. Love you. Looking forward to your visit. Mom

Pam - It's wonderful to hear that you're doing well and enjoying yourself. Sorry to read that you couldn't get your NASCAR tickets. It's a longshot but if you give me the details I might be able to use one of my contacts in the brokerage world to get you a couple. Though that crowd is more inclined to golf and tennis events they might have some connections in gasoline alley so let me know. Again, my work number is 617-457-2033. Love, Beantown Drew.

Pam, It's been a really long time since I've caught up with your daily life!! The slide show of your trips is wonderful! I hope you get the NASCAR tickets. Oh, it was great seeing you at food lion, and hearing your good news about the scans. Guess you'll be driving soon, huh? I know we're not in touch a lot, but I hope you know you can call for anything/anytime. I am close by you know!! Take care!!! Kathy T.

A day of golf, followed by an elegant meal prepared for you by men...........What a luxurious day. I hope you savored every moment! Tammy

Hi Pam! Once again I want to Thank you for your diligence on the unsuccessful NASCAR phone marathon. What a great sister you are for trying so hard! Don't worry, we WILL get tickets. Maybe someone reading your journal will have a friend of a friend (of a friend) who has 4 tickets they need to sell. I'm going to put a "wanted" notice up at work...or maybe Dale Jr. will come through. (If he does, I'LL wear all 8's and Budweiser stuff, but I want to watch the race from on top of his tool box, like I saw Pamela Anderson Lee doing one time) See you next week! Love, Barb

Alright, I'm here at midnight and looking for your journal entry. I'm worried that you are still out on the golf course finishing that tournament. Hope you are doing ok and that you had a good day today at golf (better than that heat we had on Tuesday!!). See you soon, marilyn

Here's to no more seizures so you can get back on the road!...Evie Miller

7/11/02 Hi Pam: We played a team match at Waynesboro today. We won but I did not play well.

Hope we can catch prime rib night next week.

Love and Prayers Joan G.

Pam, Good news on the 2 month, look again. Will you be home for your Mom's BD. Maybe we'll be able to see you them. Love, Lake Meade CS & MS

Lots of golf is a good plan, humbling though it is. I'm glad you've started exercising, too. Let me know about that run. I'm still willing to come drag you, oops, I mean join you for it. Tammy

7/10 Hey Pam - isn't bad golf better than no golf? Have a great day!! :) Chris

Hey don't feel too bad for your #3 brother - David. His birthday itself was ok (except I had Strep throat and a few other kid- medical stuff). BUT! His birthday BBQ on Saturday was quite successful and he fully enjoyed being King-for-a-day! Stay cool (it's brutally hot up here). Love ya, Ronni

"...the FLU is Influenza, and flu season is only November till February! Get it right, people!" Spoken like a true internist! You are a woman after my own heart, I have been fighting this battle for years. I guess if Tiger Woods said that, I haven't made any real headway. Love, Julia

We enjoyed your visit! The remainder of our stay was quiet.... a little fishing and a lot of loafing. We're back in Sumter now, alas. Tyler woke up from his sleep-deprived funk and found those Australian coins to be way cool. Did you know if you line them up by denomination they go from small to large to small again? I told him you had considered reclaiming them and he was quite taken aback! Thanks again for coming! See you soon! Love, the Pannells

Pam, You need to make it back to Lake Meade by 9:00 PM tomorrow July 6th) and you'll be able to catch the LM fireworks. Promised to contain lots of Ooh's and Aah's. When is you next trip in our direction??? Love, Connie & Marty

7/5/02 (a day late) - Happy Fourth of July, Pam. Enjoy the rest of your vacation! :) Chris

Happy 4th, everyone! And the stew sounds yummy! lolta Marcia G

Happy 4th from Dick and Claire. You seem to be having a great time. See you soon!

7/1 Hello Pam - Happy July! Enjoy the trip to the beach, and good luck with your flights. Have Fun - Chris

Hi, Pam. We're looking forward to your visit. Have a good flight. Love, Tammy

Well, pooh on the scan news. Have a wonderful week on the beach. I am headed to Key West for vacation with my sister. Sounds like I won't miss any news since you'll be out as well. Still praying for you in Texas. Evie Miller

Well, Pam, 2 small brain lesions... you'll have to get them squared away quick, because even though your July plans are unposted, I'm sure you have plenty of stuff in the works. I am disappointed though. If your dance card isn't totally filled, I'm looking forward to some visit time with you. Don't forget your local friends! We miss you too, you know. Love, Julia

Dear Pam, What a sweetheart! Dad and I were so happy to get your lovely flower arrangement to help us celebrate our 45th wedding anniversary. We both played golf today. He had a good score and lost; I had a poor score and won. What a silly game, but thanks to team members one can do well while doing poorly. Love you. Mom

Hi Pam, had a great time seeing you and your family last week. I took Matt to a kiddie pool and he didn't know what to do - no sand and no seagulls for reference points. I hope your recent results - while not the best scenario you outlined; not the worst either - are readily treatable. I look forward to making my way South later this year to see you again and play you in golf. Love always, Beantown Drew.

Pam, We miss you already. It was just pouring here, so we weren't sure if you'd get out! Glad it all worked out. Seems like first take on scans is encouraging. We'll keep "everything" crossed! Hang-in there! Love Ronni, Dave and the kids

6/27 Hi Pam, Too early for your scan results. Just got back from a quick trip to The Farm (Stoystown, PA) via East Longmeadow, MA (Wed.) where we pick up Paul's John Deere lawn tractor. Took the truck (with no air conditioning) and it was nearly 100 in there! Hit a spectacular thunderstorm at Port Jervis which cooled us down a couple of degrees for a few minutes. Home today. Not quite as hot. Tammy's father died this morning (or yesterday - not sure when). Great seeing you at reunion. We looked awesome again. Wonder what the bitch thought about our parade! Fingers crossed while waiting for your results. Love, Mernie

Hi Pam. I hope you made it home by now (10:30pm, Wednesday). I wanted to wish you luck on your scan tomorrow, but didn't want to pester you. So here goes: GOOD LUCK! Love, Kat

Hi Hon, Tuesday, 6:15 p.m. Sorry I didn't let you know the minute I got home, but I got here safely a little after 5:00. My car phone rang right while I was crossing the Susquehanna River in Harrisburg. It was Kat. She had vibes that I was getting close. I'm starting to agree with Tom about AOL. It took me forever to log on tonight to send this. Could be cause I have never upgraded beyond 4.0, but until I changed the access number, I never had a problem. Any suggestions, anyone? What server should I get? Can't use Kat's cause it would be a long distance call every time I tried it. Guess I have to do more research on this. Love you, Pam. See you sometime after you get back from your next trip. Mom

I missed you. I got all the Tolbert kids up by 8:00 to see you and your mom off. We didn't make it up the hill until 8:15 though. Have a good trip back to VA. Here's a hug and I'll be thinking of you this week. love, T in G through S, then in I, followed by D.

Hi, Pam. It was great to meet you in person Sunday at the Fuge reunion. Your pictures of New Zealand/Australia were wonderful. Thanks for sharing them with us. My sister and I represented the green tag group and I was one of the three people who was present at the last reunion! Will continue keeping you in our thoughts and prayers. God bless/Janie Matthews

6/24/02 With the heat index at l00 degrees I have decided not to play in the league tomorrow. If I feel differently in the morning I'll go down and maybe play nine.Will be at the airport Wednesday evening. Love and prayers. Joan G

You and I could take a golf tip from Trent and Max.... They are at golf camp this week! Perhaps we should look into that! Love, Tammy

Well you look awesome, girl! This reunion would not have been the same without the always stylish MMM outfit. Now think Texas - Winston Cup - April. With you there, I may not find myself rooting for... Jeff Gordon, is it? See ya... tomorrow. --Tom in G.

6/23/02 I just read your last few entries. What a wonderful time you are having but your golf still stinks!!! excuse or no excuse!! Will fill you in when I next see you on my wonderful trip to Lynchburg and seeing Paul and meeting his daughter and grandaughter. I got invited to play on Kluge's course today!! See you at the airport Wednesday night. Keep fighting!! Love and prayers Joan

Hi Pam. Hooray, I've got a computer so I can visit your web site which I haven't been ablt to do since I retired. Sounds like you are having a great trip with lots of golf practice. Have a wonderful time at your reunion and see ya when you get back to the Lake. Luv, marilyn

Sounds like a nice vacation, Pam. New England is best in the summer and fall. Evie Miller

Well, I'm glad Kat's there to keep up on you! Meanwhile, I'm in Indy finishing up laundry... and trapped on AOL. (Aaaaaach!). This trip is flying... didn't have a chance to see the local cousins (sorry gang. I'm sure they'll miss me). We're doing a drive-by at Logan on the way in to pick up Ann from FL. So we'll see you Saturday evening... unless you're too busy knockin' down birdies. Good luck. See ya soon. --Tom in D... er I.

Hi, Pam. Sounds like you're having a great time up north. Barb, I didn't get to say it before you left work- Have a great trip! lolta Marcia G

Well, our visit w Pam is winding down. She's been a great guest - she brought good weather with her and plays a mean backgammon. She's good company for running errands and never complains about the menu! We'll miss her terribly... oh right, she'll be back next week...more later. Love the Real #3's (Dave and Ronni and kids)

6/19/02 Pam: It wasn't the golf that wore you out. It was watching those sweaty legs of the men the day before!!!!Sounds like you are having a great time. Enjoy!!Love and prayers Joan G.

Hi Pam. We're staying with Lou and Al for a couple fo weks from Sept 22. Hope we see you! Molly and Tony A

6/18 -- Pam, I just checked in to see how you are doing, and was delighted to see that you seem to be doing so well! You're playing more golf and traveling more than anyone I know. I hope your brain scan goes well. I called Karen today to catch-up, but didn't get to speak with her. I'm sure she'll tell me all about your wonderful progress. Brenda Gacki

Dear Pam, We all miss your presence in the ER. I'm thinking of your and wish you well. Bill F

Hi Pam, (and Everyone) I am anxious for our trip up to Gloucester via motorcycle. I will spend the next 2 days studying maps so we don't get lost. Fest is worried that it is only 58 degrees in the Boston area (is that right?) See you soon, Love Barb

[1101]  6/17 I thought I checked in too early yesterday. No problem. You get to keep your Waldo shirt. I bought another one for Ellie. I'm off to Gloucester tomorrow after golf to play golf with Janie in the afteroon. Then I get to play with David and see Andy awake. He was sleeping the last two times I was at his house. See you soon. Love, Mernie