Guestbook Entries #101-200

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[200] I am so glad you are home and that you are able to be outside to enjoy all the beautiful gifts God has bestowed upon this earth. I pray for your recovery. You are an inspiration and I am glad to have had the opportunity to meet you. I think of you often and I know in my heart that God is with you to help ease you through this unpleasant phase. Sue

[199] Hi Pam- I was introduced to your website by your friend "Kat" in Richmond, Va. Heard all about your trip to Texas and what a great time you had. Your website is great. Your enthusiasm is overwhelming. God Bless ! Teresa

[198] Hi Pam- I broke 100!! Played 9 holes yesterday in our Rally for a Cure tournament and got a 46 and today on the back 9 got a 49 for a combined score of 95! At last!! Can I do it again? I doubt it!! Glad to hear you are out there swinging again. Your journal entries sound very encouraging - keep it up. You too will break 100! Love, Aunt Janie

[197] Hi Pam! Glad your counts were great, and that you can eat good veggies! I'll grow you a special zucchini this week (VERY healthy). If you don't feel like lobster on Friday...I'll eat them for you, like any good sister would! Call me when you get to Mom's. Love Barb

P.S. Try setting your alarm for shorter "power" naps! Love B.

[196] Pam, thinkning of you ans wishing you all the best. Keep up the good fight! just found out about your web site from Mikah in the ER! wonderful idea.. Trevelyn Karr (11-7 supervisor at MJH)

[195] Pam,

Hi, got sent your link. Keep up the good fight!

Gus Geraci (former Carlisle ER Doc...)

[194] Dr. Pam,

Hope u r felling better each day. Been playing phase 10 (meld)! Dad won! Only kids played and I won! See u in August.


[193] Hi Pam! Wow, you're tough! Hang in there. I think of you often and I'm keeping you in my prayers. Hope you're feeling better soon. Tracey

[192] Well Pam, we see a small army of "prayer partners" on your guest book, and we are happy to join this army. Who wrote "more things are wrought by prayer than this world dreams of" ? Well, this spiritual support can only help you in your fight against cancer. We trust that the Lord will honor the requests of your prayer army. Love, Demi and Paul May

[191] Dear Pam, Pleased to hear that you have been out swinging the clubs again already. Your game will come back when you get stronger. I was in Gloucester for 4 days with the Sims gang. Great time. Only played 9 holes while there, but ate well and drank well! Have all the Sims playing Phase 10 now. Keep getting stronger and feeling better. Just took Emily to the airport for her return to DC after serving on race committee today with Paul. Love, Mernie

Love, Mernie

[190] Pam: I was so glad to see you at Grace & Glory this morning. I know you were very weary, but hope you felt buoyed up by the love and caring all around you, and by God's message and His love for you. I hope the week coming will be a better one for you. Love, Irma Forger

[189] Pam, A friend of your cousin Mark sent me your website link. What a babe! Now that I am single again, let's do lunch. Call me if you get to the west coast. Tom Cruise

[188] Hi Pammy!

Glad your feeling much better and back in the saddle so to speak on the golf course. Of course you didn't hit the ball very well because you were out of practice. Just got back from a Merrill Lynch party and wondered how you were doing that's why this entry is so late.

Were off to DC tomorrow for a farewell party for my niece who is off to Lima, Peru for her maiden assignment with the State Dept. Its also a welcome back party for my nephew who got married in London a few weeks ago. I won't know if I'm coming or going at a party like that.

My partner and I kicked butt in an old pals tournament today when he shot his personnal best at HCC. An 85. He didn't even need me as his partner as he could have done it alone.

Will have some direct conversations about you tomorrow at church so don't worry if you hear some strange noises. Its only me and God having a little discussion about you.

Marty S.

[187] Pam

Margaret & I want you to know that you are in our prayers, and hope that the treatments are helping. We think that your site is a great idea as it will keep people updated on you.

Margaret & Don Raab

[186] It was great to have you back on the golf course Friday, even if it was only for six holes. And I recall you making several good shots. I'm guessing that you just didn't want to embarass your golf partners, who were having plenty of their own problems. Keep up the positive atitude and sense of ARE going to lick this thing (and I'm still betting you won't need the wig). Love, Dick

[185] Hi Pam, Glad to hear you are feeling better. I have a steak ready when you want it. Eleanor

[184] Dear Pam: I've been away from the ED stories for a long time. Jack Murphy told me your news and then gave me your web site info. I've just spent the last hour reading everything. You are gutsy and spunky and I know it is in you to overcome this illness. Lance Armstrong is climbing the Pyrenees today. And all over the world cancer survivors are doing all kinds of stuff. You are in my thoughts and prayers. I'll be a regular hit to you web site. Love, Constance.

[183] Just want you to know that I am trying to keep up with you and still have you in my thoughts... Thank you for keeping your journal updated... Troxie

[182] Hey, Pam! I'm so glad to see that you're back in the swing of things! (Okay, groan!) We all knew you could do it. Take care, and have a great weekend- just don't over-do it! Marcia Gladfelter

[181] Hi Pam! I'm your "sitter" on Tues, what shall we do? I don't golf. Have to dream of something exciting. Glad to hear today went better by Tues you may not even need me.Keep fighting. Dick and I send our love and hugs.

[180] Hi Hon, It's Friday afternoon. I just tried to call you but got your answering machine. I played my Old Pal match today and lost it on the 15th hole - down 4 with three holes to go. That 84 year old Rosie is tough! It was fun anyhow, and I'm glad I don't have to try to schedule another match in August for the third round. My handicap is probably going to start climbing, cause for the past two rounds I have been pretty lousy. Oh, what the heck - it's only a stupid game. I guess I'll play again tomorrow and try to get home before the Sims clan arrives late afternoon. It'll be great seeing all 10 of them, on their way back from Gloucester, MA to Lexington, KY. Hope you are feeling as well today as you seemed yesterday. We love you. Mom

[179] Hi Pam,

I just got an e-mail from Barb telling me of your shocking news. I'm so sorry you have to face this, but know you will fight with everything you have. This web site is a great idea and it will be nice to see your progression back to health. I still have some contact with the old Carlisle Hospital ER crew and will pass your news on to them. I work in the same building as Gus Geraci, so I see him almost daily. Plus, Dawn Gutshall and I have our children in the same day care, so I also see her frequently. Yes, I'm now a mom to a nearly three year old little girl who I adopted from China in July '99. Her name is Jadelyn Dawn and she truly is the love of my life.

Take care and know that you will be in my thoughts and prayers.

Laura Morningstar

[178] Hi Pam! It is good to hear that you felt better today, both physically & mentally. Nothin' like a good antidepressant to make you feel a bit more positive. That and not puking your guts up. As good as it is to hear your good days, I'm glad you tell us how you are really feeling on your bad days, too. If you sugar-coat it for us, we will always wonder how you REALLY feel, and, knowing me, I would probably imagine you feeling even worse than you do. Now if I could only figure out how to get that darned baling hook out of your shoulder. My fingers are crossed that today was the start of a trend, and that you will feel even better tomorrow!

Love, Kat

[177] Hi Sis, Just wanted you to know that I enjoyed our chat earlier this evening, and the crabs weren't as yummy as I had hoped (too salty). Remember, the bad days help you to know that things can/will only get better! I'll call you this weekend. Love you, Barb

[176] Happy to hear you sounding you're old self again, if sounding is the right word for a diary entry. If you don't watch out, you might end up being one of the top internet sites.


[175] Hi Dear!

You sound much better today and I am glad to see it. Attitude is how you win anything!

Your buddy Marty

[174] Hi Pam. I just wanted you to know that you are in the thoughts and prayers of so many people. Including one from South Weymouth, MA (your mom's cousin - Janie Matthews).

[173] Hey Girl!!!! Well here I am doing another one of the alnighters, wish you were here! You hang in there and come see me, miss you badly. I was told you looked great the other day when you came by. This is my last night for a week or two then I'll be back, want to join me????? Yeah right!!! You hang tough and I'll see you soon. Love, Belinda

[172] Me again, just can't stay away. I read your journal and just want to chat. You really are ok, I know that because your wit is very much intact. I'm sure this is no fun, you are a tough cookie and will get through this. Have to much too say for a journal entry, I guess I ought to write you an email (Dave still hasn't quite fixed it so I can go right from here), If it doesn't make it you'll know why. Much love, Ronni

[171] Chins up, Girlfriend! This, too, will pass. A year from now you'll look back on all this and say "Yeah, it was worth it." Look, Nina told me about this thing she saw advertised on TV, a "potty putter". I'm thinking with as much time as you seem to be spending in the bathroom these days, this might be just the thing! I'll check into it for you! Hang in there. Love, Tammy

[170] Hey Pam - I forgot to to tell you to say Hi to Bernie for me.


[169] Hi Dear,

As I play golf with a number of people I find many of them make a simple mistake. I invented a thing to help correct the problem. Its not patented yet but if you sign a secrecy agreement I'll let you try it when you get come up for Lobster on the 26th. It'll bring your game under 100 or your money back. ( Of course thats only if you paid for it )

Also, I was thinking, which I try not to do very often. If you ate Lobster it would be a good way to get even for having Lobster skin over the past several days. Think about it!

Your back scratcher,

Marty S.

[168] Hi Honey, It was great talking to you yesterday on the phone. We miss you but the phone and website are letting us stay connected. I hope you will come up on the 26th for some golf and Lobster night on the 27th. Your white cells should be "doin' good" by then, and hopefully your appetite will have returned. As for your golf swing, I guess we can give you an extra 10 strokes. Love you lots. Mom

[167] Hey GIRL!!!How you doin'? I missed seeing you the other day, sorry about that they have me working the graveyard shift (remember those, and how much you loved them!!!!). Hope to see you on your next thru trip. Miss You,love Belinda

[166] Hey Dr. Pam, We are back from our short trip home to the mountains. I'm relieved to have the first round of chem over with and out of the way. Round two had better watch out, for we will knock its sock off. You can do this and stay positive throughout the treatment. We are all pulling for the good cells. If I knew a good druid from the old days I would ask for a hex on the bad cells. Anyway, I'm home now if you should need help with the injections or a good back scratching session I would be happy to help in any way. I won't phone you for I wouldn't want to interrupt a good healing nap. Hang in there Pam. Love Missy

[165] Pammy---Glad to know you are back home and surrounded by the people and things you love. Isn't it nice to know that while you're sleeping and itching, those bastard cancer cells are dying. Gosh-how we hate them for causing you to suffer this way. Hope you continue to feel better every day. We send you all our love, strength, and prayers. Annie, Richard, and Joseph

[164] Dr. Pam Hi! Hope your feeling better and not so itchy...I guess I don't need to pack the trick flea powder. I've been taking a break from playing cards, so you should be able to finally beat me. Does this mean you get some strokes if we play golf? I got a new club (3 wood) so look out! Rest up! We'll be down soon. Love Sean (and Jas and Matt, too) p.s. BAM BAM there goes two more!

[163] Hasta la vista, Pom. I hood you need zome canzer zells keeeled. You have done well, but I om heer to help.


There. I'll be back.


[162] Welcome home!! BAM! WHACK! SLAM! WHAM! CAH-BOOM ... Since their are five of us, we have just clobbered five of those nasty devils.. just let us know if we need to kill off any more! Love Ya! Ronni, Dave, Sean, Jason, and Matthew

[161] Dear Cousin Pam, Just want you to know that a bunch of college and high school kids in Indy are praying for "Cousin Pam" through our Bible study. When listening to their prayers, I am touched to think how God must smile and bless when He hears the sweet prayers of family, friends, and even strangers for His child Pam. Rest in His arms, Pam.

"But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint." Isaiah 40:31

Love, Sara Heywood Tolbert

[160] Pam,

Connie told me about you and I wanted to say hello. It seems as though you are truly an inspiration to those whose lives you have touched! I wish you success in your treatments and itch-free sleeping (my new puppy makes for restless nights, so I can only imagine how frustrating it is to be so tired from treatments, but not able to sleep well).

Sincerely, Jen Krueger

[159] Hi Pam!

Hope you will be feeling less itchy and more energetic very soon. Kate says hello and that she can't wait to see you in August. Love, Rosanne

[158] Hey! I am at the librray checking the web page. Looking good! I had to write a message so you will know who left this hit. I will see you on Saturday for I will be your personal slave that day. Love, Marianne

[157] Dear Pam, It has been years (?) since I saw you last, probably at once of your great Christmas exchange parties where I came home with a coffee storage container and mugs! My thoughts of you will always begin with the wonderful care you provided me when I had my asthma attack and landed in the MJH emergency room. I only hope the care you are receiving from Doctors and Nurses equals the extraordinary level you have provided to so many. I just wanted to let you know I am pulling for you and wish you strength, courage and love. Your friend, Linda Farina

[156] Hi Pam. It is currently 530 am. I am at work enjoying a wonderful night. I was reviewing your webpage. I enjoyed reading your journal. Some of my coworkers said that you were here at the ED and said Hi. They said you looked good even though you say you feel like yuk, I am sure it is no fun. Wishing you God's blessing and a speedy recovery. Steven

[155] OK many of the books have you read. I'm on the last chapter of the one I'm reading now, so I've got another to give to you. It's not a real "thumbs up" story, but it's not bad. The kind you can predict the outcome. Makes you feel like a detective. It was great seeing you. You're do look wonderful. I think it's because you keep a positive attitude in your mind and a smile on you face. Look forward to seeing you on your next trip through. Love, Connie

[154] Dear Pam, My name is Jodi. We have met before, I am a friend of Tracey's. I just wanted to let you know that you are in my thoughts and prayers. In November of 1997 my mother was diagnosed with small cell carcinoma of the lung. She was given 4 months to live- if that. My mom just passed away on the 28th of June, the day after her 63rd birthday. She beat this cancer for over 3 years. She always believed that she could beat the cancer and she NEVER gave up fighting. Her doctors had wanted to give up treatment on more than one occasion and she refused to give up. She always said the reason she survived so long was her will power. I believe that you too have that same will power and will overcome this battle. You have so many people praying for you. Hang in there and always believe in Miracles. Jodi Thompson

[153] Dear Pam,

I am impressed by this web site--what a great idea to keep us all updated without leaving a million messages on answering machines--just wanted you to know you are in my thoughts and prayers--I was so glad to hear that the gamma-knife treatments have gone well--hope to see you on a golf course, or at lunch, real soon--Marcia Moore(call me soon--961-2283)

[152] Dr. Pam,

Sorry we missed your call. We've been playing phase (meld) 10 lately, in case we don't find a new game. Hope you feel better. Looking forward to seeing you at grandma & grandpa's! Love Krista & Megan

[151] Hi Honey, I miss you! After spending the past week and a half with you, I miss seeing your sweet face, and rubbing your itchy back. I'm sorry you are still feeling yucky, but cheer up - you will be feeling a lot better soon. Next week you will be ready to play some golf. Hold off this week and rest up to gain back your strength. Dad is sorry he missed your call tonight. I gave him a BIG hug from you. He is going to call you tomorrow. We love you. Mom

[150] Pam... Depend on a couple of cold ones waiting for you next time you come down the hill on the 14th hole yelling, "Beer! Beer!" We're pulling for you. Keep fighting the good fight! Jennie & Steve Blickstein

[149] Hi Pam, my name is Dar I am a friend of your sister's. I just got on your sight for the first time. Wow, how impressive! Barb just gave me a verbal update and I just want to say hang in there! Your pictures are great. I especially like the one of you and your mom. Hope the itching soon goes away!

[148] Hi Pam! Great to hear that you're sprung. The beautiful weather this week in VA. will surely make you feel better. Keep plugging, talk to you soon. Barbara :& Dick

[147] Just learned about your web-site the other day from Helen Post. What an inspiration! Keep your spirits up and most of all that wonderful sense of humor. With all the prayers and support behind us, we can't fail. Hope your trip back to VA tomorrow goes well. Carol Benske, fellow Grace and Gloryite.

[146] Hey Everybody!

Just stopped to see Pam at her Mom and Dads and she looks great! Of course that's my professional opinion as a Salesman and not a Doctor but then a salesman would know better how a woman looks than a Doctor anyhow. However she still is a little itchy so when you give her a hug be sure to scratch her back. She might not want to let you stop hugging her if you keep scratching her back though.

Keep sending the notes cause she doesn't have much to read.

Take care Pam baby!

Marty S.

[145] Thought you'd enjoy a song---(Sing with gusto)---PAAAM-A-Lita!!!!PAAAM-A-Lita!!!!Pam-a-lita! Pam-a-lita! Pam-a-leeeeeta! PAM! PAM! PAM! PAM!PAM!PAM! PAM!PAM! PAM! PAM! PAM-A-LITA!!!! PAM-A-LITA!!!! PAM-A-LITA!!!! Hang in there girlfriend! We're keeping you in our nightly prays. We all send kisses and hugs. Ann,Rich, and Joseph

[144] Hi Pam, I met you just a week ago when I was visiting Jennie and Steve Blickstein at the Lake. You were leaving the golf course with your mom. I truly admire your spirit. Please know that you are in my prayers, and in the prayers of the congregation at Sojourners' United Church of Christ in Charlottesville. Enid Krieger

[143] Hooray! I'm glad you are feeling a bit better today, only 2.5 hours to go! -Kat

[142] Pam Just to let you know that at Grace & Glory Bible study, yesterday, you were in our prayers. Looking forward to your return. God bless you and give you a safe journey back home!

Pastor Bill

[141] This one's for you Pam. A little Flash movie to celebrate the end of Cycle 1.

-tom and bob

[140] Pam: so sorry for your pain - your spirit is incredible and will pull you through - we are praying for you - hang in there and God's blessings wrapped around you - Barbie Snuffin

[139] WOW 1065 ( but who's counting)... Know someone who got 3 new hairdos, blond redhead and brunette, that's got my vote... I can't believe how many entries there are! Forget the chemo... all these positive vibes are gonna knock those suckers right out of you. Stay strong and rest up.. numbers 1,2, and 4 (oops I mean 3) and families will be at the lake before you know it!!Ready and raring to play somes games (not me too much competition!) Love you, Ronni

[138] Dear Pam:  Saw you in the ED a couple weeks ago and was hoping to get a chance to talk with you and give you a big hug but I turned and you were gone. Please know that you have been in our prayers on this side of the mountain. I wish I had a word or two to lift you up or somehow could share some of your burden for you. Maybe I am in a way because it hurts me to know you are sick and that means you have touched me as a fellow child of God. Also know that when my knee hits the floor every night and every day you have and will be in my prayers. Bless you, Wil Snuffin

[137] Hey Pam!

Glad your over the hump today and sorry your not feeling so well but lets hope and pray it will be worth it. Knowing you, my guess is that it will be.The meter says 1039 so thats your first win. Now we need to keep the streak going.

Marty S

[136] Aunt Janie - mine shows 1032 hits (5 minutes after you left your message), so I think you need to refresh your screen! -- Karen (Oh, by the way, "Hi Pam!")

[135] Pam, my computer only shows 928 hits, so Dick doesn't get the prize yet! Think of you every day . Keep up the fight. Love you, Aunt Janie

[134] Pam, Lou has been keeping me informed on your progress and told me of the website. I have thought of you very often, and want you to know I admire your fight and will look forward to the next golf game with you. Sue Chapin

[133] get well soon. Love, Dean Floyd

[132] Hang in there Pam, you can do. Barbara Cobb

[131] Pam, I think and pray for your recovery daily. Hang in there..your on the down side of this week! Love, Nina

[130] Everyone here has been keeping up with your journal entries so we know how you're doing. We all send positive thoughts and prayers your way. With all your spunk those cancer cells don't stand a chance. Love ya! Lois, Susan W.,Susan G., Virginia, and Jim B.

[129] God loves you, Pam and so do all of the members and friends at Grace & Glory -- the new church at the lake.

All of your friends at G&G

[128] Hi!

I think I'm #1000, what an honor!

Here's a hug. Hope you're not too sick. Have them check vitals q shift , don't awaken to do so....

Say hey to your parents.


Dick Rhodes

[127] Hi Pam,

It's cousin, Susan, here. Saw the pictures Tom sent. Glad you two could visit. Sorry it's rough going for you . May God give you grace. Love, Susan and Family

[126] I was happy to see your evening Journal entry. I hope you & Mr. Bubble were able to get together :). It is now 10:02 p.m., and I know that you are getting that dreaded shot again. I picture your cancer cells steaming & boiling away, screaming as they die, as your body cooks them with its fevers tonight. The battle that is raging inside of you is that of good vs. evil, and the good cells have superior numbers, and lots of people cheering them on. Keep up the fight. I'll call you in the morning. Love, Kat

[125] Karen met with Pastor Hardy today at church. He counseled her and prayed with her. Before dinner tonight, we held hands and prayed for you. We hope the therapy is less painful tomorrow and the next day. Hopefully, you will feel well again on Saturday.


[124] Keep your spirits up, lake sis. Got your note today. Wish I was as promt as you are about those sorts of things.


[123] Mom and I now have your web site as our home page so that the first thing we do when we jump on the internet is to find out the latest. It will get those hits up high too !!! Keep up the fight. Love Cousin Laurie

[122] Hi Pam! I guess I'm 976 on your hit list,how wonderful to have so many friends and prayers. Our prayers and thoughts are with you continually. Dick's watering garden in 90 heat and I'm inside writing letters. Smart huh! Tomorrow is bible study here so guess I'd better straighten living room. We have another C victim at G & G. Carol Benske has breast cancer and started her chemo at MJH on Mon. Day 3 is almost over , now you're over the hump. The weight doesn't seem great, but water comes off easy. We'll pray for you tomorrow, keep your chin ( double !!! ) up. Love , Barbara and Dick

[121] Hi Pam,

As you check your guest book daily may it remind you how many people are thinking of and praying for you. Stay strong and fight!

With love, Jennifer Erb and Family

[120] dearest pam..thinking about you with yr lst bout of chemo and remembering mine. this too shall pass and believe it or not someday you will try to recall all of this, but god works infunny ways and after awhile you don't think its so bad. so keep the faith. everybody is rooting for you. see you on the golf corse real soon. we love you. evlynn and jack murphy

[119] Hi Pam, Just got back from vacation and got caught up and wanted you to know that I am constantly thinking about you and praying for your successful recovery. I believe in miracles, God Bless! Rhonda Napier

[118] Hi Pam, You don't know me but I know you from Sandy Colville in Allentown. Just want you to know that God hears our prayers and we are praying daily for you. Rose T.

[117] Pam,

Sounds like your doing great! I think of you all the time. Keep typeing. Its good for the hand eye coordination. Kinda like practice for golf.

Marty S.

[116] Hi, Pam. I was glad to read your last entry- not the speeding thing, but that you seem to be doing okay so far, and that Barb arrived- I'm hoping without a speeding ticket as well. We had some hard rain here in York this afternoon; I hope Barb didn't have to contend with that. Now, all you need to do is sit back (or lay back, if you want) and let everybody wait on you! Take care. Marcia G.

[115] The web site is really getting stormed! I'm number 922! Saw the latest pix - nice room! Yes, I could use some golf tips, so I'll probably be calling you. The hair you can replace (I'd vote for red, myself) but just keep your sense of humor. Hang in there. Love from both of us . . . . . . . . . .Dick and Claire

[114] Hey Pam-a-lita!!!!! We send you all our love and strength, and keep you in our nightly prayers. Joseph says " Where's Auntie Pammie??,Where's Auntie Pammie??" She's fighting a good fight, honey. We looooove you. Annie, Richard, and the little one.

[113] Pam, your web site is wonderful. It is really growing. I just spent an hour catching up. As you know we are having "happy hour" here on Friday and thunderstorms are forecast for the rest of the week. I am putting your web address on a poster so that everyone can get to you. (IF they get around to looking at signs and calendars...) I know you are miserable right now but I hope you feel like keeping up with your messages. You have SO many people praying and thinking of you. (How in the world did you have time to make so many friends when you worked all the time?) Love to you and thoughts with you. Troxie

[112] Pamela, having you feel like a thick-headed moron is probably better than having you barf all over the place. Hang in there. Pops says the Rodman hair color might be okay but forget the tattoos!

Love from Mom at the Lake.

[111] Hey Dr. Pam, Just sending a prayer for you today. Stay strong, premedicate and we hope to see you when we get back from vacation. Love Missy

[110] Thinking of you. Hang in there. Lots of love and prayers. Joan

[109] Pam,

We agree with Glenn and Rosanne - Dennis Rodman's styles and colors seem like a great idea. Suppose you could always dye your hair blue like our 13 year old nephew! Our thoughts are with you! Sandy and Brian

[108] Dr. Pam,

We love you! Looking for a new game to play at the lake in August. We'll be sure to practice so we maintain our winning streak! Love, Krista and Megan

[107] Pam, You have been on my mind and in my prayers. I believe in miracles! The first one is to get you WELL and the second is for you to break 100 on the golf course!!! I'm rooting for you to accomplish both of those. Stay positive. Love, Fran Glaze

[106] Doctor Pam, Hope we have gotten you off to a therapeutic start with biochemotherapy. I am glad you got a chance to talk with someone else on the unit who has had this's important to not feel like you're the only one who's going through this. We are here to help ease you through this experience. You have helped by being so open with how you are feeling. We're on your team! Ruth RN

[105] Hang in there, Pam. Good luck with the chemo. By the way, we took a vote here, and think you should go for something bold in the hair department -- think Michael Jordan or even Dennis Rodman.

Glenn & Rosanne

[104] Pam,

There must be some mistake... We are too young to have to deal with something like this! Sounds like you are doing everything possible and have strong support from family and friends. Best of luck and we will be thinking of you.

Mark Rhodes

[103] Hey Pam - Two updates a day would be good because I hate going in and not finding anything new. Tell your mom the meeting went well and were up to 13 resumes.

PS - they caught the artist!


[102] Pam. Sorry you didn't break 100 yet. I'd be happy with a 115 about now. Sailed 6 races in our Jet 14 regatta this weekend and have lots of bruises to show for it. We did very well (for us) 7th out of 16. Now that that is over with I can concentrate on my prayers for you. Keep up the sense of humor. It is the best medicine. Love you, Aunt Mernie

[101] Pam, How would you like a gourmet meal cooked for you? When you are back in VA and ready, call us and we will be there with everything needed to let you sit back, relax and eat well. I love volunteering my "husband". Knock them out in round 1 Doc. Miss you Love, Chris & Frank